• Category:Physics and Astronomy/Labs
  • Wright State University Lake Campus
  • Notice: Efforts on this page shall be paused while the commercial book How Things Work (looseleaf) by Bloomfield is evaluated (ISBN 9781119013846 Wiley)

Newtonian Physics

Labs in progress

Classical Physics

Motion simple arithmetic quiz
Conceptual physics wikiquizzes
How things work college course/Waves (Physics Classroom)

Modern Physics

Quantum mechanics/Photoelectric effect
Quantum mechanics/Photoelectric effect/Quiz
Quantum mechanics timeline
Quantum mechanics timeline/Quiz

Physics in our lives

Industrial Revolution

quiz (based on the permalink to the Wikipedia article)

Nuclear power

Wikipedia:Nuclear_powerWikipedia Article
LEDE-HISTORY quiz           POWER PLANT - END quiz           (index)

Global warming

Wikipedia:Global_warming Wikipedia Article
Global warming quizzes (based on the permalink to the Wikipedia article)


Wikipedia:Computer (See also Wikipedia:Turing machine * Wikipedia:Busy beaver * Wikipedia:Halting problem * Wikipedia:Bombe) (Wikipedia articles)
Computer quiz
Turing machine quiz                     ...(index to these two computer quizzes)

The Antikythera mechanism

Antikythera mechanism/Quizzes
Wikipedia:Saros (astronomy)
Orbital mechanics/Saros/Quiz 1
Wikipedia:Ecliptic and Ecliptic/Quizzes/Gallery
Ecliptic/Quizzes/Quiz 1
Ecliptic/Quizzes/Quiz 2 Will not be on How Things Work (may move to Astronomy)


Units under construction

Electricity and Field theory
Hunting the Elements (PBS NOVA)
Python journal
How_things_work_college_course/Conceptual_physics_wikiquizzes/Uniform_circular_motion Needs major rewrite.

Units that will not be used (move to Astronomy)

Why is the Sky Dark at Night/quiz

Free online resources

This article is issued from Wikiversity. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.