- Category:Physics and Astronomy/Labs
- Wright State University Lake Campus
- Notice: Efforts on this page shall be paused while the commercial book How Things Work (looseleaf) by Bloomfield is evaluated (ISBN 9781119013846 Wiley)
Newtonian Physics
Labs in progress
Classical Physics
- Wikibooks:FHSST_Physics/Rectilinear_Motion/Graphs
Motion simple arithmetic quiz Conceptual physics wikiquizzes How things work college course/Waves (Physics Classroom)
- Also: This quiz should be converted to Quizbank form: How_things_work_college_course/Conceptual_physics_wikiquizzes/Uniform_circular_motion
Modern Physics
Physics in our lives
Industrial Revolution
- Wikipedia:Industrial_Revolution
quiz (based on the permalink to the Wikipedia article)
Nuclear power
- Wikipedia:Nuclear_powerWikipedia Article
LEDE-HISTORY quiz POWER PLANT - END quiz (index)
Global warming
- Wikipedia:Global_warming Wikipedia Article
Global warming quizzes (based on the permalink to the Wikipedia article)
- Lab: Go to internet and find the rate at which Ohio warms as you travel south (degrees C per mile). Take .1 C per decade as nominal rate of global warming. How far south each year do you have to travel to achieve that rate? Note: One mile per year is within a factor of 2 of what we obtained.
- Berkeley Earth is affiliated by the highly trusted and respected Richard Muller.
- Muller's take on Climategate
- Muller on whether the pause is temporary or a new trend
- https://www2.ucar.edu/climate/faq/how-much-has-global-temperature-risen-last-100-years
- Wikipedia:Global_warming_controversy
- Wikipedia:List of scientists opposing the mainstream scientific assessment of global warming
- Wikipedia:Computer (See also Wikipedia:Turing machine * Wikipedia:Busy beaver * Wikipedia:Halting problem * Wikipedia:Bombe) (Wikipedia articles)
Computer quiz Turing machine quiz ...(index to these two computer quizzes)
The Antikythera mechanism
- Wikipedia:Antikythera_mechanism
Antikythera mechanism/Quizzes - Wikipedia:Saros (astronomy)
Orbital mechanics/Saros/Quiz 1 - Wikipedia:Ecliptic and Ecliptic/Quizzes/Gallery
Ecliptic/Quizzes/Quiz 1
Ecliptic/Quizzes/Quiz 2 Will not be on How Things Work (may move to Astronomy)
Units under construction
Units that will not be used (move to Astronomy)
- Why_is_the_Sky_Dark_at_Night
Why is the Sky Dark at Night/quiz
Quizzes converted to quizbank form |
Free online resources
- coursera.org/course/howthingswork1? (Free and of good quality. Some students found that he went too slowly.)
- http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/science/aqa/ (Looks excellent)
- Physics of Music (Michigan Tech)
- Physics Classroom
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