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Driving Force VS. Restraining Force
As you have seen in the Harry Potter video, there were two different forces helping and hindering Harry at the same time. Here lists these “forces” shown in the video. Could you identify which ones helped Harry and which ones hindered Harry?
From the forces you have identified, we can say:
Those forces helping Harry escape Voldemort can be viewed as driving forces which led him to achieve his goal. On the other hand, those forces hindering Harry can be viewed as restraining forces.
The same concept can be applied to force field analysis which has two parts - driving force and restraining force.
- Driving force: the force favoring the proposed change or keeping it going
- Restraining force: the force resisting change or keeping the status quo
How is FFA Presented?
This graphic is one of the representations of force field analysis. Let’s relate the graphic to the Harry Potter video.
- Harry is currently at ‘a’ - captured by Voldemort. He wants to move to the situation of ‘b’ - escaped from Voldemort
- The arrows pointing right represent driving forces.
- The arrows pointing left represent restraining forces.
The other quality the diagram indicates is the strength of each force.
- Longer arrow = greater strength to drive or restrain change
- Shorter arrow = lower strength to drive or restrain change
If we see this figure from the viewpoint of organization change, according to Lewin’s point, organizations are systems in which the current situation is not static but dynamic with forces working in opposite directions. There are always both driving forces that push for change and restraining forces that act against change in any situation. When one does an analysis, these two forces are shown in balance, like Harry and Voldemort, in a visual depiction that looks above.
Now, you have known what driving forces and restraining forces are and how they are presented in a graphic. Before moving forward, let’s review a case study for practice and see how force field analysis is applied in a bicycle manufacturer.
Click the Next button to practice and review the case.
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