< Fundamental Physics < Formulas



Temperature is the measurement of heat's intensity . Temperature is denoted as T measured in degree o

Temperature measurements

There are 3 temperature measuring system

  1. Degree Celcius,
  2. Degree Kevin ,
  3. Degree Fahenheight ,

Conversion between systems of temperature can be done as shown below

Convert from to ' Formulas
Degree FahrenheitCelsius°C = (°F 32) / 1.8
Degree CelsiusFahrenheit°F = °C × 1.8 + 32
Degree KevinKelvinK = (°F 32) / 1.8 + 273.15

Standard temperatures

Standard temperature Value
Room temperature
Boiling temperature
Frozen temperature

Heat and matter

Heat and matter interact to create Heat transfer of three phases Heat conduction, Heat convection and Heat radiation

Heat absortion of matter

  • Matter of dark color absorbs more heat energy than matter of bright color
  • Matter of thin dimension absorbs more heat energy than matter of thich dimension

For example

Dark and thin clothes dry faster than bright and thick clothes

Heat Transfer

A process of heat interaction with matter through 3 phases of

Heat conduction

Matter change its temperature when it in contact with heat energy

Heat convection

Matter absorbs heat energy to its maximum level and gives off visible light

Heat radiation

Matter is at its saturation . Matter is no longer absorbs heat energy and use the excess energy to release electron of its atom

Heat flow

Heat flows between 2 objects of different mass follows heat flow rule that heat flows from high temperature to low temperature

Heat energy absorb by mass 1

Heat energy absorb by mass 2

Direction of heat flow

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