Electricity And Matter
Matter that interacts with electricity are divided into three types Conductor, Semi Conductor, and Non Conductor
- Conductor . All matter allow current to flow easily like Metal Ferrite, Copper
- Semi Conductor . All matter does not allow current to flow easily like Semi Conductor Silicon, Germanium
- Non Conductor . All matter does not allow current to flow like Rubber
Electric Conductor
Resistor is a electric component thats exhibit resistance to the current flow . Resistance has a symbol R measured in ohm unit Ω .
Resistor is made from straight wire line conductor
DC Circuit Response From ohm's law
From Watt's law
AC Response Circuit Impedance , Resistance to the AC current flow
Current , Current flows through resistor
Voltage, Voltage of the resistor
Power, Power of the resistor
Capacitor in DC Circuit Capacitance has a symbol C measured in Farat unit F
- Capacitance .
- Charge .
- Current .
- Voltage .
- Power .
Capacitor in AC Circuit
- Voltage .
- Current .
- Reactance . Resistance to the AC current flow
- In time domain
- In frequency domain
- In phasor domain
- Impedance . Resistance to the AC current flow
- In time domain .
- In frequency domain
- In phasor domain
- Time Constant
- Power . Power of the capacitor
Inductor in DC Circuit Inductance . Inductance has a symbol L measured in Henry unit H
Magnetic Intensity . Measurement of magnetic strength
Inductor in AC Circuit
Voltage .
Current .
Reactance . Resistance to the AC current flow
- In frequency domain
- In phasor domain
Impedance . Resistance to the AC current flow
- In frequency domain
- In phasor domain
Time Constant
Power . Power of the capacitor
Electric Semi Conductor
Semi conductors like Si, Ge normally very low in conducting electricity . But if they are doped with impurity, they become doped negative or positive semi conductor which are easy to conduct electricity
- Semi conductor + impurity --> [N] typed Semi conductor] or [P] typed Semi conductor]
A device made from joining one negative typed semi conductor with one positive typed semi conductor
- - o--[N|P]--o +
Diode's circuit sysmbol
The IV chracteristic of diode is specified in IV Graph
As seen in the graph above the diode actually works in both the forward region and the backward region. In the forward region the value of I and V are positive and in the backward region I and V are negative.
- Diode does not conduct current or turned OFF at of
- Diode starts to conduct current or turned ON at of
- Diode conducts current at at
Transistor Symbol Construction NPN transistor o-- [N P N] --o PNP transistor o-- [P N P] --o
Manufacturer's IV Graph specification tell transistor operation
- . Transistor is OFF
- . Transistor is ON
- . Transistor is saturated
With the right connection, by connecting transistor with resistor(s) Transistor can acts as
An electronics amplifier
Provided that, transistor should be turned ON with biased voltage at the base must be greater than diode's break over voltage
- .
An electronics switch
- Transistor is switch On when
- Transistor is switch Off when