Fixed Point Iteration
What is Fixed Point Iteration?
To find a solution to p = g(p) given an initial approximation p0.
INPUT: Initial approximation p0; tolerance TOL; maximum number of iterations N0. OUTPUT: approximate solution p or message of failure.
Step 1: Set i =1
Step 2: While Steps 3 - 6
Step 3: Set p = g(p0)
Step 4: If then OUTPUT (p); (The procedure was successful). STOP.
Step 5: Set i = i + 1
Step 6: Set p0 = p. (Update p0)
Step 7: OUTPUT ('The method failed after N0 iterations'). STOP.
1. Find square root of 2 accurate till third decimal (10-3). The initial point is 2 .
- We know that,
- x0 = 2
- xn+1 = 0.5 * ( x0 + (2/ x0))
- x1 = 0.5 * (2 + (2/2)) = 1.5
- x2 = 0.5 * (1.5 + (2/1.5)) = 1.416
- x3 = 0.5 * (1.416 + (2/1.416)) = 1.4142
- We found out the square root of 2 accurate till 4th decimal in 3 steps.
2. Consider the iteration pn+1 = g(p0) when the function g(x) = 1 + x - x2/4 is used. The fixed points can be found by solving equations x = g(x). The two solutions (fixed points of g) are x = -2 and x = 2. The derivative of the function is g'(x) = 1 - x/2, and there are only two cases to consider
- Case 1 (P = -2):
- Start with P0 = -2.05
- We get
- P1 = -2.100625
- P2 = -2.20378135
- .....
- Therefore, if |g'(x)| > 1 then sequence will not converge to P = -2
- Case 2 (P = 2):
- Start with P0 = 1.6
- We get
- P1 = 1.96
- P2 = 1.9996
- ..... 2
- Therefore, if |g'(x)| < 1 then sequence will converge to P = 2
Two methods in which Fixed point technique is used:
1. Newton Raphson Method
- Formula
- where,
- xn - initial point
- f(xn) is the value of the function at that point
- f'(xn) is the value of the differentiated function at that point.
- Plug all these values into the above equation to get xn+1. It becomes the next initial point. Repeat until you get a point within an acceptable degree of error
2. Secant Method
- Used to avoid differentiated form in Newton Raphson's method. Only problem is you need two initial points for this method (xn and xn-1)
- Formula
- Similar to Newton Raphson's method plug in all values to generate next approximation.
If 'f' is continuous and 'x' is a fixed point on 'f' then what is 'f(x)'?
f(x) = x
Find the square root of 0.5 using fixed point iteration? Initial point 0.1 and tolerance 10-3
Calculating x1 i.e. 1st Iteration
x1 = 2.55
Calculating x2 i.e. 2nd Iteration
x2 = 1.373
Calculating x3 i.e. 3rd Iteration
x3 = 0.8685
Calculating x4 i.e. 4th Iteration
x4 = 0.722
Calculating x5 i.e. 5th Iteration
x5 = 0.707
In above problem, how many iterations or steps are needed to achieve an accuracy of 10-8
Iteration: 6
<quiz display=simple> {Is there any possibility that the fixed point isn't unique |type="()"} -Yes +No
{ Assuming g ε C[a,b], If the range of the mapping y = g(x) satisfies y ε [a,b], then} +g has a fixed point in [a,b] -g has no fixed point in [a,b] -Depends on some other condition
{ If |g'(x)| > 1, then the iteration xn+1 = g (x) produces a sequence } +that diverges away from P -that converges towards P -Depends
{The fixed point iteration will diverge unless x0 = 0. |type="()"} +True -False
{Consider the following fixed point iteration; . Rate (order) of convergence of this iteration is |type="()"} +Quadratic -Linear -Cubic