Mathematics is the all encompassing language that describes the logical concepts of counting, measurement (space, weight, time ect.), geometry, arithmetic & further branches of formal math. We begin with counting single digits, working up from 0 to 9 and then go on to two digit numbers, progressing slowly. To develop these concepts with little children it is the easiest to incorporate counting into your every day life. Slowly they will develop number sense, usually well after rote memorization of number order. A third important concept children need before advancing is one-to-one correspondence, which means that they count exactly one object for each number stated aloud.
Use the basic words that make up the language of mathematics so that they can become part of the vocabulary of your toddler. Identify shapes, colors and other attributes as well as counting objects, steps, seconds, and any other thing that can be made fun for your toddler. And then expand these into actual concepts by using them in context and asking questions. This is most effective when done during the normal day to day living around the home. In addition model the use of more advanced mathematics by narrating your use of measurements in cooking, calculating distance and adding or subtracting objects. It is best for the child to experience math in the most concrete forms possible until they are ready to move on to more abstract forms.
Basic Vocabulary
It is best if you count actual items when you count to establish a concept of what this little rhyme means from an early age. - WHOLE, HALF, QUARTER
These concepts are easy to refer to when baking in the kitchen, of halving an apple etc
MrDBrand 13:41, 25 July 2008 (UTC)