Educational level: this is a tertiary (university) resource.
Subject classification: this is an information technology resource.
Subject classification: this is a technology resource.

Collaborative Research: Curriculum Development: Digital Libraries

The project was originally funded for 1/1/2006 - 12/31/2008. This was extended until 12/31/2009.

  • Project Team at VT:
    • PI: Edward A. Fox (
    • GRA: Seungwon Yang (
    • REU: John Ewers (
  • Project Team at UNC-CH:
    • PI: Barbara M. Wildemuth (
    • Co-PI: Jeffrey Pomerantz (
    • GRA: Sanghee Oh (

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Nos. IIS-0535057 (VT) and IIS-0535060 (UNC-CH).

Module Development

Note: Click here for a list of modules signed up for developments

Core TopicsSub Topics
1. Overview

1-a (10-c):Digital Libraries/Conceptual frameworks, models, theories, definitions

1-b: Digital Libraries/History of digital libraries and library automation

2. Digital Objects

2-a: Text resources

2-b: Multimedia

2-b(1): Images

2-c (8-d): Digital Libraries/File formats, transformation, migration

3. Collection Development

3-a: Collection development/selection policies

3-b: Digital Libraries/Digitization

3-c: Harvesting

3-d: Document and e-publishing/presentation markup

3-e (7-e): Digital Libraries/Web Publishing

3-f (7-f): Digital Libraries/Crawling

4. Info/Knowledge Organization

4-a: Information architecture (e.g., hypertext, hypermedia)

4-b: Digital Libraries/Metadata

4-c: Ontologies, Classification, Categorization

4-d: Subject description, vocabulary control, thesauri, terminologies

4-e: Object description and organization for a specific domain

5. Architecture

5-a: Digital Libraries/Architecture overview

5-b: Digital Libraries/Application software

5-c: Identifiers, handles, DOI, PURL (signed up: Sai Tulasi, Virginia Tech)

5-d: Digital Libraries/Protocols

5-e: Interoperability

5-f: Security

6. User Behavior/Interactions

6-a: Digital Libraries/Info needs, relevance

6-b: Digital Libraries/Online info seeking behavior and search strategy

6-c: Sharing, networking, interchange (e.g., social)

6-d: Digital Libraries/Interaction design, usability assessment

6-e: Info summarization and visualization (signed up: Sai Tulasi, Virginia Tech)

7. Services

7-a: Indexing and searching

7-a(1): Digital Libraries/Image Retrieval

7-b: Digital Libraries/Reference services

7-c: Digital Libraries/Recommender systems

7-d: Digital_Libraries/Routing

7-e (3-e): Digital Libraries/Web Publishing

7-f (3-f): Digital Libraries/Crawling

7-g: Digital Libraries/Personalization

7-h: Digital Libraries/IR Software (sub-modules are in Table 2)

7-i: Digital Libraries/LucidWorks Big Data Software (sub-modules are in Table 3)

7-j:Digital Libraries/Multimedia Software (sub-modules are in Table 4)

8: Preservation

8-a: Digital Libraries/Preservation

8-b: Digital Libraries/Web archiving

8-c: Sustainability

8-d (2-c): Digital Libraries/File formats, transformation, migration

9: Management and Evaluation

9-a: Project management

9-b: DL case studies

9-c: Digital Libraries/Evaluation and user studies

9-c(1): IR system evaluation

9-d: Bibliometrics, Webometrics

9-e: Intellectual property

9-f: Cost/economic issues

9-g: Social issues

10: DL Education and Research

10-a: Future of DLs

10-b: Education for digital librarians

10-c (1-a):Digital Libraries/Conceptual frameworks, models, theories, definitions

10-d: DL research initiatives

Table 2. Modules for Information Retrieval Software Packages

Note: These modules can be used along with IR-related DL curriculum modules. Especially, these modules might be useful to add more technical aspect in DL classes and to provide students with realistic exercises using IR tools.

Module NameDescriptionDownload
Module 7-h(1): IR Software: Apache Solr

Open source enterprise search platform


Module 7-h(2): IR Software: CLUTO

Software for clustering high-dimensional datasets


Module 7-h(3): IR Software: Hadoop Map-Reduce

Processing large amount of data in parallel


Module 7-h(4): IR Software: Lemur

A toolkit for language modeling and information retrieval


Module 7-h(5): IR Software: NLTK

Open source Python modules for natural language processing and text analysis


Module 7-h(6): IR Software: R

Using R language for statistical analysis of information retrieval techniques


Module 7-h(7): IR Software: SEDNA XML Database

Software for efficient XML retrieval


Module 7-h(8): IR Software: TREK Eval

Evaluation for information retrieval systems


Module 7-h(9): IR Software: Weka

Data mining software in Java


Module 7-h(10): IR Software: WordNet

A lexical database for English


Table 3. Modules for LucidWorks Big Data Software

Note: These modules have been developed for the LucidWorks software, which is an integrated tool for processing Big Data.

Module NameDownload
Module 7-i(1): LucidWorks: Overview


Module 7-i(2): LucidWorks: Search


Module 7-i(3): LucidWorks: Advanced Search


Module 7-i(4): LucidWorks: Classification


Module 7-i(5): LucidWorks: Clustering


Module 7-i(6): LucidWorks: Relevance Feedback and Query Expansion


Note: These modules have been developed for software tools, which are related to sound and image manipulations as well as biometric image software.

Module NameDescriptionDownload
Module 7-j(1): Multimedia Software: PureData

Sound manipulation software

PDF Efloss Manual Book

Module 7-j(2): Multimedia Software: Media Computation

Image manipulation with Jython and JES


Module 7-j(3): Multimedia Software: Fingerprint

NIST Biometric Image Software (NBIS)


Module 7-j(4): Multimedia Software: Audacity

Open source software for recording and editing sounds

Module PDF Report

Versions of the Curriculum Framework Developed by VT/UNC Project

Module Template

DL Syllabi Analyses



  • Pomerantz, J., Abbas, J., & Mostafa, J. (2009). Teaching Digital Library Concepts Using Digital Library Applications. International Journal on Digital Libraries, 10(1), 1-13.

Conference Papers / Posters

  • Wildemuth, B.M, Pomerantz, J., Oh, S., Yang, S., Fox, E.A. (2009). I-School as a Natural Home for Digital Libraries Education. Poster presented at iConference, February 8-11, 2009.Poster
  • Wildemuth, B.M., Pomerantz, J., Oh, S., Yang, S., Fox, E.A. (2009). The Variety of Ways in Which Instructors Implement a Modular Digital Library Curriculum. Poster presented at the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, Austin, TX, June 15-19, 2009. Poster
  • Yang, S., Levy, J., Miller, K., Pomerantz, J.P., Oh, S., Wildemuth, B.M., Fox, E.A. (2008). Two approaches to enhance the education for ETDs: Developing educational modules and migrating the ETD Guide into a community wiki. Paper presented at ETD 2008: The 11th International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations, Aberdeen Scotland, June 4-7, 2008.Paper
  • Yang, S., Wildemuth, B. Kim, S., Murthy, U., Pomerantz, J., Oh, S. & Fox, E. A. (2007). Further Development of a Digital Library Curriculum: Evaluation Approaches and New Tools. The 10th International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries, Hanoi, Vietnam, Dec. 10-13, 2007. Paper, Presentation Slides
  • Pomerantz, J., Oh, S., Wildemuth, B., Yang, S. & Fox, E. A. (2007). Digital Library Education in Computer Science Programs. The 7th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, June 18-23.Paper
  • Yang, S., Oh, S., Pomerantz, J., Wildemuth, B., & Fox, E. A. (2007). Improving Education and Understanding of NDLTD. The 10th International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations, Uppsala, Sweden, June 13-16, 2007. Paper, Presentation Slides
  • Abbas, j., Kim, K.-S., Wildemuth, B. M., Choi, Y., Mostafa, J., Brancolini, K., Pomerantz, J., Clobridge, A. (2006). Education for Digital Librarianship: Employer's Needs and How They Can Be Addressed. Panel presented at the 69th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Austin, TX. Abstract
  • Yang, S., Fox, E. A., Wildemuth, B., Pomerantz, J., & Oh, S. (2006)Interdisciplinary Curriculum Development for Digital Library Education. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries (pp. 61-70). Paper published by Springer Berlin, Slides are attached under 'Presentation slides', ICADL 2006 Conference site

Book Chapters

  • Yang, S., Fox, E., Wildemuth, B., Pomerantz, J., & Oh, S. (2009). Core Topics in Digital Library Education . In Theng, Foo, Goh, and Na (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Digital Libraries: Design, Development and Impact (pp.493-505). IGI Global.
  • Yang, S., Fox, E., Wildemuth, B., Pomerantz, J., & Oh, S. (2006). Digital library education, curricula, modules, and resources. In Encyclopedia of Digital Libraries. Proposal accepted in 2006.


  • Pomerantz, J. (2008). Designing, Developing, and Evaluating an Interdisciplinary Digital Library Curriculum. In J. Selthofer, T. Aparac-Jelušić & M. Krtalić (Eds.), Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA) 2008 (pp. 143-148). Dubrovnik and Mljet, Croatia: Faculty of Philosophy, University J. J. Strossmayer and Rutgers University.Presentation Slides
  • Wildemuth, B., & Fox, E. A. (2008). Preliminary Results from Field Testing of DL Curriculum Modules. JCDL Workshop: Education for Digital Stewardship: Librarians, Archivists or Curators? Pittsburge, PA, June 16-20. Presentation Slides
  • Wildemuth, B.M. (2007). Bringing your library into view. Presented at Jinonice Monday's, Institute of Information Studies and Librarianship, Charles University, October 1, 2007. Presentation Slides

Project Reports

Project Evaluation Resource

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