< Creativity

Ray Calvin Baker (talk) 19:16, 19 September 2012 (UTC) Fixing typo on Dr. William Glasser. Incomplete references for borrowed [PL] = Public Library books will have to wait a while longer.
Let me see if this "Reading groups" template is appropriate.
Ray Calvin Baker (talk) 02:37, 4 October 2012 (UTC)

This is my "E:WikiversityStuff/ReadingList.txt" file, which was 
created SAT 2012 SEP 01 06:40 PM,
revised WED 2012 SEP 19 03:12 PM.



Please put your comments and suggestions on the "Discuss" page.

When I was attending a summer session at Case Western Reserve 
University prior to receiving My Bachelor of Science degree, I had 
opportunity to browse the University's libraries. I found rows of 
shelves of mathematics books, but, alas, most of them were 
incomprehensible to me. I thought to myself that it would be 
wonderful to have a collection of my own books, and to be able to 
understand them.

These are the books I consider so essential that I consider myself 
fortunate to have found them; I bought them, and preserved them 
through several relocations. 

Many lesser works were regarded as "incomprehensible" or "irrelevant" 
by hostile critics; these perished forever into a dumpster.

WARNING: unless you are ready and willing to read LOTS of books like 
these, you may as well give up on the idea of getting an education 
right now. "Drink Deep, or Don't Taste!" (Readiness is optional. 
I consider it my job to arrange as much of the relevant material as 
possible, so that you can BECOME ready, if you are persistant enough. 
Persistant enough: It took me 14 years to get my Bachelor of Science 
degree.) I do not claim that I understand everything in these books -- 
I DO NOT! -- but, these have kept me going until I was old enough to 
retire; I hope I am still going! ;-)

(actually, the only ESSENTIAL thing this listing provides, is the 
indication that you NEED to do a LOT of EXTREMELY VARIED reading.) 
Your interests do not need to mirror mine (if they do, one of us is 
redundant). You are you, and I am me. Vive la difference! Find (or 
make) your own reading list -- and write your own book reviews!

Many of these essential works are available from a variety of 
sources --  
I am using these codes to identify MY sources: 
[B$] from Book $tores (possibly EXPENSIVE!), 
[PL] from Public Libraries, 
[OL] On-Line, and 
[RCB] from my personal library. 
Some works are text-books; many are reference works. My favorites 
[RCB+] have lots of pictures, computer reference material, and/or 

You will probably NEVER get an education without it!

Not included in this listing are many of my books on Origami, Music, 
Woodworking, Scroll Saw Work, and Shop Practice. My favorite works of 
fiction, and many of my technical reference books, not of general 
interest, are also excluded from this list.

were acquisitions of opportunity, from such events as clearance sales, 
surplus disposal, and used textbooks. (some of my books were gifts 
from friends or relatives.) BUT I HAVE THESE RESOURCES, or can 
borrow them from my local public library.
[Editor's comment: some publishers seem to be trying to drive me nuts, 
with multiple names for the Company, and interlocking directorates 
which would keep a staff of lawyers busy, if they weren't prosecuting 
cases of copyright infringement. Also, some large Companies have 
offices in every major city. Which Company name, and which city, 
should I use? I fear that I have been hopelessly inconsistent! 
However, I think that it may be helpful in describing what a book is 
about by including sub-titles. Indications of which edition I'm 
using have not been consistently entered. Also, many books have gone 
through multiple printings, with dates which do not necessarily 
agree with Copyright date (and there can be several of these, too! 
Which date should I use? A few enties are missing ISBN numbers or 
location (city) of the Publisher. Where available, I have attempted 
to include an ISBN. Yes, I could benefit greatly from a good editorial 
staff (and proofreaders!)! Rather than attempting to underline book 
names (this could be confused with a hypertext URL link), I just use 
the underscore character around words in the title. Having 
programmed computers for years, where it is important to quote 
punctuation marks EXACTLY, and where various protocols for using 
escape characters have been developed, I tend to include extra 
punctuation marks within quotations -- a practice deprecated by my 
high school English teacher. If my parenthetical remarks offend you, 
please try reading my long sentences again, omitting the parentheses 
and their comments. Yes, I am opinionated, weird, and eccentric. 
-- RCB]

I got tired moving heavy (and fragile) books around, so I ended up 
with two partial lists -- an "A" list and a "B" list. (This is 
entirely arbitrary, based only on the way my books were shelved 
before I attempted to create this Bibliography.) These two separate 
lists need to be combined into the "C" (for "Complete") list. 

I hope I can find these first few books again in my local public 
library (so that I can complete the citations):

C-2[PL] ?????, _Making_Ideas_Happen_, {{citation needed}}

C-1[PL] ?????, _Re-inventing_the_Corporation_ {{citation needed}}

C0[PL] ?????, _The_Tipping_Point_, {{citation needed}}

C1[RCB+] Arbib, Michael A., A. J. Kfoury, and Robert N. Moll, 
	_A_Basis_for_Theoretical_Computer_Science_, New York, 
	Springer-Verlag, 1981, ISBN 0-387-90573-1 

C2[RCB+] Ball, W. W. Rouse and H. S. M. Coxeter, Mathematical_
	_Recreations_and_Essays_ (Thirteenth Edition), Toronto, 
	University of Toronto Press, 1987 ISBN 0-486-25357-0 

C3[RCB+] Barden, Robert, and Michael Hacker, _Communication_
	_Technology_, Delmar Publishers, Inc., 1990, 
	ISBN 0-8273-3225-4 

C4[RCB+] Barnett, Michael P., and Graham K. Barnett, _Personal_
	_Computer_, Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1983, 
	ISBN 0-316-08164-7

C5[RCB+] Bolles, Richard Nelson, _The_1992_What_Color_Is_Your_
	_Changers_, Berkeley, CA, Ten Speed Press, 1992, 
	ISBN 0-89815-459-1 

C6[RCB+] Brown, Stephen, and Zvonko Vranesic, _Fundamentals_of_
	_Digital_Logic_with_VHDL_Design_, Boston, McGraw-Hill, 
	2000, ISBN 0-07-235596-4 

C7[RCB+] Carter, David A., and James Diaz, _The_Elements_of_
	New York, Little Simon, Simon & Schuster, 1999, 
	ISBN 0-689-82224-3 	

C8[PL] Christian, Brian, _The_Most_Human_Human_, {{needs citation}}

C9[OL] Coffin, Stewart, _The_Puzzling_World_of_Polyhedral_
	_Dissections_, {{needs link}}

C10[OL] Coffin, Stewart, _Puzzle_Craft_, {{needs DATE and link}}

C11[OL] Coffin, Stewart, _Puzzle_Craft_, {{needs DATE and link}}

C12[OL] Coffin, Stewart, _Ap-Art:_the_Sculptural_Art_That_Comes_Apart_,
	{{needs link}}

C13[RCB+] Davis, Martin, _Engines_of_Logic_, New York, 
	W. W. Norton & Company, 2000, ISBN 0-393-32229-7 

C14[RCB+] Dispezio, Michael A., _Giant_Book_of_Challenging_Thinking_
	_Puzzles_, New York, The Main Street Press, Sterling 
	Publishing Company, Inc., 1999, ISBN 1-4027-0048-2 

C15[RCB+] Edwards, Betty, _Drawing_on_the_Right_Side_of_the_Brain:_
	Los Angeles, J. P. Tarcher, 1979, ISBN 0-87477-088-2 

C16[RCB+] Engel, Peter, _Folding_the_Universe:_Origami_from_
	_Angelfish_to_Zen_, New York, Vintage Books, 
	Random House, Inc., 1989, ISBN 0-394-75751-3 

C17[RCB] Freund, John E., _A_Modern_Introduction_to_Mathematics_, 
	Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1956

C18[RCB+] Fuse, Tomoko, _Unit_Origami:_Multidimensional_
	_Transformations_, Tokyo, Japan Publications, Inc., 1990, 
	ISBN 0-87040-852-6 

C19[RCB+] Gardner, Martin, _Mathematical_Carnival_, New York, Vintage 
	Books, Random House, 1977

C20[PL] Glasser, William, {{several titles -- all need citations}} 

C21[RCB+] Gleick, James, _Chaos:_Making_a_New_Science_, New York, 
	Viking Penguin, Inc., 1987, ISBN 

C22[RCB+] Goldschlager, Les, and Andrew Lister, _Computer_Science:_
	_A_Modern_Introduction_, London, Prentice-Hall International, 
	Inc., 1982, ISBN 0-13-165704-6 

C23[PL] Grandin, Temple, PhD., _Thinking_in_Pictures_, 
	{{needs citation}} 

C24[RCB+] Greene, Brian, _THe_Elegant_Universe:_Superstrings,_Hidden_
	New York, W. W. Norton & Company, 1999

C25[RCB] Grudem, Wayne, _Systematic_Theology:_An_Introduction_to_Biblical_
	_Doctrine_, Grand Rapids, Michigan, Zondervan, 1994, 
	ISBN 0-310-28670-0 

C26[RCB+] Hartnell, Tim, _Creating_Adventure_Games_on_Your_Computer_, 
	New York, Ballantine Books, 1984, ISBN 0-345-31883-8 

C27[RCB+] Hartnell, Tim, _Giant_Book_of_Computer_Games_, New York, 
	Ballantine Books, 1984, ISBN 0-345-31609-6 

C28[RCB+] Hofstadter, Douglas R., _Godel,_Escher,_Back:_ an_Eternal_
	_Golden_Braid, New York, Vintage Books, Basic Books, Inc., 

C29[RCB+] Hofstadter, Douglas R., _Metamagical_Themas:_Questing_for_
	_the_Essence_of_Mind_and_Pattern_, New York, Bantam Books, 
	by arrangement with Basic Books, Inc., 1986

C30[RCB+] Hollingsworth, Amy, _The_Simple_Faith_of_Mister_Rogers_, 
	Brentwood, TN, 2005, ISBN 1-59145-229-5  
C31[RCB+] Jackson, Albert, David Day, and Simon Jennings, 
	_The_Complete_Manual_of_Woodworking_, New York, 
	Alfred A. Knopf, 1997, ISBN 0-679-76611-1 

C32[PL] Jaynes, Julian, _The_Origin_of_Consciousness_in_the_Breakdown_
	_of_the_Bicameral_Mind_, {{citation needed}}

C33[RCB+] Knuth, Donald E., _The_Art_of_Computer_Programming_(Volume_
	_1/_Fundamental_Algorithms_)_, Reading, Massachusewtts, 
	Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1973

C34[RCB+] Kruse, Robert L., _Data_Structures_&_Program_Design_
	Englewood cliffs, NJ, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1984

C35[PL+] Kurzweil, Raymond, _The_Age_of_Spiritual_Machines_ 
	{{citation needed}}

C36[RCB+] LaMothe, Andre, Black_Art_of_3D_Game_Programming_, 
	Corte Madera, CA, Waite Group Press, 1995, ISBN 1-57169-004-2 

C37[RCB+] LaMothe, Andre, John Ratcliff, Mark Seminatore, and 
	Denise Tyler, _Tricks_of_the_Game_Programming_Gurus_, 
	Indianapolis, IN, Sams Publishing, Macmillan Computer 
	Publishing, 1994, ISBN 0-672-30507-0 

C38[RCB+] Lancaster, Don, _CMOS_Cookbook_, Indianapolis, IN, Howard W. 
	Sams & Co., Inc., 1977

C39[RCB+] Lancaster, Don, _TTL_Cookbook_, Indianapolis, IN, Howard W. 
	Sams & Co., Inc., 1974

C40[RCB+] Levy, David H., and Dr. John O'Byrne, _The_Nature_
	_Companions_Practical_Skywatching_, San Francisco, CA, 
	2002, ISBN 1 876778 91-1 

C41[RCB+] Levy, Raymond, _Making_Mechanical_Marvels_in_Wood_, 
	New York, Sterling Publishing Company, Inc., 1991, 
	ISBN 0-8069-7358-7 

C42[RCB+] Lukas, C., and E. Tarjan, _Mathematical_Games_, 
	New York, Barnes & Noble Books, 1963, ISBN 0-7607-0095-8

C43[RCB+] Marshall, Norman, _The_Great_All-American_Wooden_Toy_
	_Book_, Emmaus, Pennsylvania, Rodale Press, 
	St. Martin's Press, 1986, ISBN 0-87857-628-2 

C44[RCB+] Minsky, Marvin Lee, _The_Society_of_Mind_, New York, 
	Simon & Schuster, Inc., 1988

C45[RCB+] Misner, Charles W., Kip S. Thorne, and John Archibald 
	Wheeler, _Gravitation_, San Francisco, W. H. Freeman and 
	Company, 1973, ISBN 0-7167-0344-0 

C46[RCB+] Montroll, John, _Animal_Origami_for_the_Enthusiast_, 
	New York, Dover Publications, Inc., 1985, 
	ISBN 0-486-24792-9 

C47[RCB+] Moore, John H., Christopher C. Davis, and Michael A. 
	Coplan, _Building_Scientific_Apparatus_, Redwood City, 
	California, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., 
	1989, ISBN 0-201-13189-7 

C48[RCB+] Moscovich, Ivan, _The_Hinged_Square_&_Other_Puzzles_, 
	New York, Sterling Publishing Co., Inc., 2004

C49[RCB] National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, the, 
	_and_Canada_, Washington, D.C., National Council of 
	Teachers of Mathematics, 1970, ISBN 0-87353-535-9 

C50[RCB+] Nelson, John A., and Joyce Nelson, _Scroll_Saw_Workbook_, 
	East Petersburg, PA, Fox Chapel Publishing Company, Inc., 
	2003, ISBN # 1-56523-207-0 

C51[RCB+] North America Affinity Clubs, _The_Complete_Book_of_
	_Woodworking_, Urbandale, IA, Landaur Publishing, LLC, 
	2001, ISBN 0-9800688-7-0 

C52[RCB] Norton, Peter and John Socha, _Peter_Norton's_Assembler_
	_Language_Book_for_the_IBM_PC_, New York, A Brady Book, 
	Prentice-Hall, Inc., Simon & Schuster, Inc., 1986

C53[RCB+] Peek, Chet, _The_Taylorcraft_Story_, Norman, OK, 
	Three Peaks Publishing, 1992, ISBN 0-943691-08-7 

C54[RCB+] Penrose, Roger, _The_Emperor's_New_Mind:_Concerning_
	_Computers,_Minds,_and_the_Laws_of_Physics_, New York, 
	oxford University Press, 1989 

C55[PL] Perry, Steve, _Push_Has_Come_to_Shove_, 
	{{citation needed}}

C56[RCB+] Poniachik, Jaime & Lea Poniachik, Tim Sole, Rod Marshall, 
	and J. J. Mendoza Fernandez, _MENSA_Mind_Challenges_, 
	New York, The Main Street Press, Sterling Publishing 
	Company, Inc., 1999, ISBN 1-4027-0048-2 

C57[RCB+] Poundstone, William, _The_Recursive_Universe:_Cosmic_
	Chicago, Contemporary Books, Inc., 1985

C58[RCB] Royden, H. L., _Real_Analysis_, New York, The Macmillan 
	Company, 1963 

C59[RCB+] Sclater, Neil and Nicholas P. Chironis, _Mechanisms_and_
	_Mechanical_Devices_Sourcebook_, (Third Edition), New York, 
	McGraw-Hill, 2001, ISBN 0-07-136169-3 

C60[RCB] Smith, F. LaGard, commentator and arranger, _The_Daily_
	_Bible_(New_International_Version)_. Eugene, OR, Harvest 
	House Publishers, 1984 

C61[RCB+] Soltzman, Marc, ed., _Game_Design:_Secrets_of_the_Sages_, 
	(Second Edition), Indianapolis, IN, Brady Publishing, 
	Macmillan Publishing, 2000, ISBN 1-57595-422-2 

C62[RCB+] Sommer, Carl, and Steve Sommer, M. E., _Wire_EDM_Handbook_, 
	Houston, TX, Technical Advance Publishing Company, 1992, 
	ISBN 0-9610810-2-3 

C63[RCB+] Spielman, Patrick, _Fun_&_Easy_Scroll_Saw_Projects_, 
	New York, Sterling Publishing Co., Inc., 
	ISBN 0-8069-9399-5 

C64[RCB+] Springett, David, _Woodturning_Wizardry_, 
	Lewes, East Sussex, England, Guild of Master 
	Craftsman Publications, Ltd., 1998, ISBN 0-946819-38-6 

C65[RCB+] Stewart, Ian, _Professor_Stewart's_Cabinet_of_Mathematical_
	_Curiosities_, New York, Basic Books, 2009

C66[RCB+] Swade, Doron, _The_Difference_Engine:_Charles_Babbage_
	and_the_Quest_to_Build_the_First_Computer_, New York, 
	The Penguin Group, 2000, ISBN 0-670-91020-1 

C67[RCB+] Sybex staff, _HTML_Complete_ (Second Edition), 
	San Francisco, Sybex, Inc., 2000, ISBN 0-7821-2801-7 

C68[RCB+] Sybex staff, _Perl,_CGI,_and_JavaScript_Complete_, 
	San Francisco, Sybex, Inc., 2000, ISBN 0-7821-2780-0 

C69[RCB+] Tatro Anderson, _Shop_Theory_ (Sixth Edition), New York, 
	McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1974, ISBN 0-07-001612-7 

C70[RCB+] Waite, Mitchell, and Stephen Prata, _C:_Step-by-Step_, 
	Carmel, Indiana, Sams, The Waite Group, Prentice Hall 
	Computer Publishing, 1992, ISBN 0-672-22651-0 

C71[RCB+] Watson, James D., _Molecular_Biology_of_the_Gene_ 
	(Second Edition), Menlo Park, California, 
	W. A. Benjamin, Inc, 1970, ISBN 0-8053-9603-9 

C72[RCB+] Wells, David, _The_Penguin_Dictionary_of_Curioous_and_
	_Interesting_Geometry_, London, the Penguin group, 1991

C73[RCB+] Whitney John, _Digital_Harmony:_On_the_Complementary_
	_of_Music_and_Visual_Art_, Peterborough, New Hampshire, 
	Byte Books, A McGraw-Hill Publication, 1980, 
	ISBN 0-07-070015-X

C74[RCB+] Winston, Patrick Henry, and Berthold Klaus Paul Horn, 
	_LISP_, Reading, Massachusetts, Addison-Wesley Publishing 
	Company, 1981, ISBN 0-201-08329-9 

The end.

Ray Calvin Baker (talk) 02:53, 5 September 2012 (UTC)

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