Statement of the balance of angular momentum
The balance of angular momentum in an inertial frame can be expressed as:
We assume that there are no surface couples on or body couples in . Recall the general balance equation
In this case, the physical quantity to be conserved the angular momentum density, i.e., . The angular momentum source at the surface is then and the angular momentum source inside the body is . The angular momentum and moments are calculated with respect to a fixed origin. Hence we have
Assuming that is a control volume, we have
Using the definition of a tensor product we can write
Also, . Therefore we have
Using the divergence theorem, we get
To convert the surface integral in the above equation into a volume integral, it is convenient to use index notation. Thus,
where represents the -th component of the vector. Using the divergence theorem
Expressed in direct tensor notation,
where is the third-order permutation tensor. Therefore,
The balance of angular momentum can then be written as
Since is an arbitrary volume, we have
Using the identity,
we get
The second term on the right can be further simplified using index notation as follows.
Therefore we can write
The balance of angular momentum then takes the form
The material time derivative of is defined as
Also, from the conservation of linear momentum
The material time derivative of is defined as
From the balance of mass
In index notation,
Expanding out, we get