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Instructional Design ID Learning Objectives < Back Page 4 of 4 Next >

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In an objective, the condition can best be defined as?

Condition tells the learner how they will be measured.
Condition tells the learner what they will perform.
Condition tells the learner what they will or will not be allowed to use.


What are the four primary categories of resources used in conditions?

Tools, references, aids, and context
Tools, books, aids, and context
Tools, checklists, references, and instructors


A good question to ask yourself before writing a condition is______.

Is the performance a main intent of the instruction?
What tools, resources, and job aids will the learner be allowed to use?
How will we know if the objective has been achieved?


Which one is not a good example of a condition statement?

With reference to the Experience Economy textbook,
After conclusion of the Goal-Based Scenario lecture,
Given the recall roster and emergency procedures checklist,


In the following objective, Given a list of twenty-five states, be able to recall (write) the state capitals of at least twenty states. which is the condition?

Given a list of twenty-five states,
be able to recall (write) the state capitals
of at least twenty states.

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