< Computer Architecture Lab < Winter2007 < SHWH

Version 0.05

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Tante Emma - Processor Description


  • Single core 16-bit RISC processor
  • Harvard architecture
  • 36 instructions
  • 4 pipeline stages
  • 14 16-bit GPRs
  • reg0 --> zero register
  • reg15 --> return address register
  • 16-bit internal and 16-bit external bus
  • 4 bit(for branch and LDIs) and 8 bit(for others) opcode width
  • Little Endian number format

Instruction Set

Arithmetic and Logic Instructions

Instruction Operation Opcode Flags Format Type Description
ADD rA, rB rA rA + rB 0b00100001 C,Z 4 Adds both registers without Carry and stores the value in rA. If the result is 0x0000 then the Z flag is set otherwise reseted. If there was a Carry from the MSB of the result the C flag is set, otherwise cleared.
ADC rA, rB rA rA + rB + C 0b00000001 C,Z 4 Adds both registers with Carry and stores the value in rA. If the result is 0x0000 then the Z flag is set, otherwise cleared. If there was a Carry from the MSB of the result the C flag is set, otherwise cleared.
SUB rA, rB Ra rA - rB 0b00000010 C,Z 4 Subtracts rB from rA and stores the result in rA. If the result is 0x0000 then the Z flag is set, otherwise cleared. If the absolute value of rA was smaller than the absolute value of rB then the C flag is set, otherwise cleared.
SBC rA, rB Ra rA - rB - C 0b00000011 C,Z 4 Subtracts rB plus Carry from rA and stores the result in rA. If the result is 0x0000 then the Z flag is set, otherwise cleared. If the absolute value of rA was smaller than the absolute value of rB plus Carry then the C flag is set, otherwise cleared.
AND rA, rB rA rA rB 0b00000100 Z 4 Logical AND between rA and rB and the result is stored in rA. If the result is 0x00 then the Z flag is set.
OR rA, rB rA rA rB 0b00000101 Z 4 Logical OR between rA and rB and the result is stored in rA. If the result is 0x0000 then the Z flag is set.
XOR rA, rB rA rA rB 0b00000110 Z 4 Exclusive OR between rA and rB and the result is stored in rA. If the result is 0x0000 then the Z flag is set.
NEG rA rA 0x0000 - rA 0b00000111 Z,C 3 Two's Complement of rA is stored in rA. If the result is 0x0000 then the Z flag is set. The C flag is always set except the result is 0x0000, then the C flag is cleared.
INC rA rA rA + 1 0b00001000 Z 3 Increments rA and stores the result in rA. If the result is 0x0000 then the Z flag is set. The C flag is never set by this operations, therefore this operation can be used in loops.
DEC rA rA rA - 1 0b00001001 Z 3 Decrements rA and stores the result in rA. If the result is 0x0000 then the Z flag is set. The C flag is never set by this operations, therefore this operation can be used in loops.
CLR rA rA rA rA 0b00001010 Z 3 Clears register rA and Z flag is set.
SET rA rA 0xFFFF 0b00001011 Z 3 Sets register rA to 0xFFFF and clears the Zero flag.

Branch Instructions

Instruction Operation Opcode Flags Format Type Description
CALL rA Stack PC + 1, PC rA 0b00001110 None 3 Call subroutine. In Register A there is the absolute value of the Jumpaddress. CALL pushes the current PC +1 onto the Stack and decrement the Stack.
JUMP rA PC rA 0b00001111 None 3 Jump. In Register A there is the absolute value of the Jumpaddress.
RET PC Stack 0b00010000 None 5 Return from subroutine
CMP rA, rB rA - rB 0b00010001 Z,L,G 4 Compare
CMPSKIP rA, rB if (rA == rB) then PC PC + 2 0b00010010 None 4 Compare, skip if equal
BRZ label if (Z == 1) then PC PC + label 0b1010 None 2 Branch, if zero
BRNZ label if (Z == 0) then PC PC + label 0b1011 None 2 Branch, if not zero
BRL label if (L == 1) then PC PC + label 0b1100 None 2 Branch, if lower
BRNL label if (L == 0) then PC PC + label 0b1101 None 2 Branch, if not lower
BRG label if (G == 1) then PC PC + label 0b1110 None 2 Branch, if greater
BRNG label if (G == 0) then PC PC + label 0b1111 None 2 Branch, if G = 0

Data Transfer Instructions

Instruction Operation Opcode Flags Format Type Description
MOV rA, rB rA rB 0b00010011 None 4 Copy Register rB into rA
LDIH rA, Immediate High rA Immediate High 0b1000 None 1 Load high Byte of Immediate into rA. The low Byte of rA is unchanged.
LDIL rA, Immediate Low rA Immediate Low 0b1001 None 1 Load low Byte of Immediate into rA. The LDIL instruction performs sign extention. This means that the Bit 8 of Immediate is transfered into Bit 16 to 9 of Regiser A. So it is possible to load a signed value -127 with only one instruction.

When we want to laod for example the unsigned value 0xFF, we have to perform the LDIH with 0x00 to override the leaden Fs caused by the sign extention.

LD rA, rB rA (rB) 0b00010100 None 4 Load
ST rA, rB (rA) rB 0b00010101 None 4 Store
IN rA, PIN_NR(rB) rA PIN_NR(rB) 0b00010110 None 4 In from I/O location, whereas the pinnumber is saved in rB.
OUT rA, PIN_NR(rB) PIN_NR(rB) rA 0b00010111 None 4 Out from I/O location, whereas the pinnumber is saved in rB.
POP rA SP SP + 1, rA Stack 0b00011000 None 3 Pop register from Stack; The Stack Pointer is pre-incremented by 1 before POP.
PUSH rA Stack rA, SP SP - 1, 0b00011001 None 3 Push register on stack; The Stack Pointer is post-decremented by one after PUSH.
SPL rA SP rA 0b00011010 None 3 Stack pointer load. The value for the Stack pointer is saved in Register A

Bit and Bit-test Instructions

Instruction Operation Opcode Flags Format Type Description
SHL rA rA(n+1) rA(n), rA(0) 0, C rA(7) 0b00011011 Z,C 3 Logical shift left
SHR rA rA(n) rA(n+1), rA(7 0, C rA(0) 0b00011100 Z,C 3 Logical shift right
ASR rA rA(n) rA(n+1), n = 0,...,6 0b00011101 Z,C 3 Arithmetic shift right
ROL rA rA(0) C, rA(n+1) rA(n), C rA(7) 0b00011110 Z,C 3 Rotate left through Carry
ROR rA rA(7) C, rA(n) rA(n+1), C rA(0) 0b00011111 Z,C 3 Rotate right through Carry

MCU Control Instruction

Instruction Operation Opcode Flags Format Type Description
NOP 0b00100000 None 5 No Operation

Status Register

Flag Abbreviation Default Description
Zero Z 0 This flag is set if the result of the operation is 0 and cleared otherwise.
Lesser L 0 This flag is set if rA is smaller than rB and cleared otherwise.
Greater G 0 This flag is set if rA is greater than rB and cleared otherwise.
Carry C 0 This flag is set in case of a Carry otherwise cleared.

Instruction Format

Formattype: 1 (Immediate Load Type)

Bits 15-12 11-8 7-4 3-0
Content Opcode Immediate High Register A Immediate Low

Formattype: 2 (Relative Branch Type)

Bits 15-12 11-0
Content Opcode 12 bit relative Jump Immediate

Formattype: 3 (Unary Operation Type)

Bits 15-8 7-4 3-0
Content Opcode Register A unused

Formattype: 4 (Binary Operation Type)

Bits 15-8 7-4 3-0
Content Opcode Register A Register B

Formattype: 5 (Zero Operation Type)

Bits 15-8 7-0
Content Opcode unused


Our processor "Tante Emma" has 4 pipeline stages:

  • Instruction fetch - Load command to the command buffer; increment PC
  • Instruction decode - Initialize operands from registers; generate processor internal control signals
  • Execute - ALU makes operation, calculation of a address in load/store commands
  • Writeback - load/store, write result in register


Register Content
r0 0 - never changes
r1 - r14 arbitrary
r15 Stack Pointer

Pin Numbers

For the OUT and IN operation we have to define a pinnumber. Use these pin numbers for the following pysical device.

Physical Device Pin Number
Led 0xA6
Button 0xAA
UART RX Register 0x99
UART TX Register 0xB2
RestetBtn 41
anderer Btn 42


In this section we want to describe how to handle the UART within an assembler program.

UART Receive

When we want to receive a byte from UART, we do a in operation. Then the processor is stalled until the byte is received.

UART Transmit

When we are writing a byte to the UART TX register the prozessor will be halted until the byte was sent.

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