< Computer Architecture Lab

This page is the starting point for the Lab documentation.

Please add your group, members, and then when you know your project title.

Group 1

Christos Gkiokas s182348

Triple Core Lockstep for Patmos

GitHub: https://github.com/cgkiokas/patmos

Group 2

SDRAM controller for the DE2-115 in chisel.

David Pedersen s164872

Group 3

Floating point unit for Patmos, including add, sub, mul and div instructions.

Magnus Høegh Jensen s144052

Mathias Braagaard s144050

Thomas Møller Elbo s144825

GitHub: https://github.com/thommelutten/FPU

Group 4

Project description

VGA Controller/Connector

The project will try to create a "terminal" for PATMOS. This means that the implementation has to be written in Chisel 2. The "terminal" will show text, that is coming from either the PATMOS processor or the UART interface.

Github page:


Group Members:

Anders Møller Struck s143217

Mads Kring Jakobsen s190187

Group 5

DSP Accelerator Including implementation of Biquad filters as well as an at-the-time unknown additional effect.

Rasmus Tinndahn s144002

Jacob Hebsgaard Jessen s153427

Nicolai Wejs Hansen s154662

GIT: https://github.com/Rastinn235/DSP_accelerator

Group 6

Applications of LFSRs: Random Number generator in a Magic 8 Ball and A5/1 Stream Cipher in Patmos

Lauren Kosub s186193
Matthew Kaminow s186223

Github: https://github.com/laurenkosub/advanced-computer-architecture
Presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1eZHY1t4jMYg6aGul7EqLAKeHAA_MIqj8G4WbVnTUbac/edit?usp=sharing

Group 7

SD card connector, including same software to read and write files

SD Host Controller

Enrico Tolotto S190057

Rui Huang s181405

Anton Mølbjerg Eskildsen s190096

Group 8

The Importance of Physical Interaction in Computer Science

Ghennadie Mazin s160074

Group 9

Advanced Encryption Standard in Patmos

Peter Fischer s140436

Mathias Mortensen s144450

The source code is currently located in a fork of the patmos repo on github. Therein a branch has been created "feat/aes".

Main link: https://github.com/tympanix/patmos/tree/feat/aes

Hardware: https://github.com/tympanix/patmos/tree/feat/aes/hardware/src/main/scala/io/aes

C Program: https://github.com/tympanix/patmos/tree/feat/aes/c/apps/aes

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