32-bit architecture, based on MIPS
- 32 x 32-bit GPR name R0-R31, R0 always contains ‘0’, even if other value is stored in it.
- PC – Program Counter, inaccessible directly from assembler
- IF/ID, ID/EX, EX/MEM, MEM/WB – for pipeline, inaccessible from assembler (IF - instruction fetch, ID - instruction decode, EX - execute, MEM - memory access, WB - write back)
- AOL, AOH - registers that store 64-bit result of ALU operation (for 64-bit operands and 32- bit operands multiplication/division). AOL (states for Alu-Out-Low) contains lower 32 bits of result, AOH (Alu - Out - High) - higher 32 bits. (equivalent of LO and HI in MIPS!)
General structure of instructions
32-bit (ALU operands)
- Rd = Rs (fuction) Rt
Opcode (6) |
Rs (5) |
Rt (5) |
Rd (5) |
shift (5) |
Function (6) |
64-bit (ALU operands)
- AOH AOL = (([Rs+1]<<32)+Rs) (function) (([Rt+1]<<32)+Rt)
Or, more formally:
- AOL = ((([Rs+1]<<32)+Rs) (function) (([Rt+1]<<32)+Rt)) AND (232 -1)
- AOH = ((([Rs+1]<<32)+Rs) (function) (([Rt+1]<<32)+Rt)) >> 32
Note: (Rs or Rt = 31 will be coupled with R0! It gives us simple way to add 64- and 32-bit numbers by putting 32-bit one in R31)
(It is some kind of Little Endian that simplifies implementation)
Opcode(6) |
Rs (5) |
Rt (5) |
Shift (10) |
Function(6) |
- Rd = Rs (function) Value
Opcode (6) |
Rs (5) |
Rd (5) |
Value (16) |
Opcode (6) |
Rs (5) |
Rd (5) |
Offset (16) |
Opcode (6) |
Address (26) |
Jump to address stored in register
Opcode (6) |
Rs (5) |
Empty(21) |
Opcode (6) |
Rs (5) |
Rt (5) |
Value (16) |
Value is signed
Opcode (6) |
Empty(5) |
Rd(5) |
Empty(16) |
Instruction Set
Category |
Name |
Syntax |
Meaning |
Encoding |
ALU, 32-bit, Arithmetic |
Add |
add Rs,Rt,Rd |
Rd = Rs + Rt |
000001ssssstttttddddd-----000000 |
Add Unsigned |
addu Rs,Rt,Rd |
Rd = Rs + Rt |
000001ssssstttttddddd-----000001 | |
Subtract |
sub Rs,Rt,Rd |
Rd = Rs - Rt |
000001ssssstttttddddd-----000010 | |
Subtract Unsigned |
subu Rs,Rt,Rd |
Rd = Rs - Rt |
000001ssssstttttddddd-----000011 | |
Multiply |
mul Rs,Rt,Rd |
Rd = Rs * Rt |
000001ssssstttttddddd-----000100 | |
Multiply Unsigned |
mulu Rs,Rt,Rd |
Rd = Rs * Rt |
000001ssssstttttddddd-----000101 | |
Divide |
div Rs,Rt,Rd |
Rd = Rs / Rt |
000001ssssstttttddddd-----000110 | |
Divide Unsigned |
divu Rs,Rt,Rd |
Rd = Rs / Rt |
000001ssssstttttddddd-----000111 | |
Add Immediate |
addi Rs,Rd,C |
Rd = Rs + C |
000011sssssdddddcccccccccccccccc | |
Add Immediate Unsigned |
addiu Rs,Rd,C |
Rd = Rs + C |
000101sssssdddddcccccccccccccccc | |
Multiply to Long |
mull Rs,Rt |
AOL = ((Rs * Rt) << 32) >> 32 AOH = (Rs * Rt) >> 32 |
000001sssssttttt----------010000 | |
Multiply to Long Unsigned |
mullu Rs,Rt |
AOL = ((Rs * Rt) << 32) >> 32 AOH = (Rs * Rt) >> 32 |
000001sssssttttt----------010001 | |
Divide to Long |
divl Rs,Rt |
AOL = Rs / Rt AOH = Rs % Rt |
000001sssssttttt----------010010 | |
Divide to Long Unsigned |
divlu Rs,Rt |
AOL = Rs / Rt AOH = Rs % Rt |
000001sssssttttt----------010011 | |
ALU, 32-bit, Logic |
And |
and Rs,Rt,Rd |
Rd = Rs & Rt |
000001ssssstttttddddd-----001000 |
And Immediate |
andi Rs,Rd,C |
Rd = Rs & C |
000111sssssdddddcccccccccccccccc | |
Or |
or Rs,Rt,Rd |
Rd = Rs | Rt |
000001ssssstttttddddd-----001001 | |
Or Immediate |
ori Rs,Rd,C |
Rd = Rs | C |
001001sssssdddddcccccccccccccccc | |
Nand |
nand Rs,Rt,Rd |
Rd = ~( Rs & Rt ) |
000001ssssstttttddddd-----001010 | |
Nand Immediate |
nandi Rs,Rd,C |
Rd = ~( Rs & C ) |
001011sssssdddddcccccccccccccccc | |
Nor |
nor Rs,Rt,Rd |
Rd = ~( Rs & Rt ) |
000001ssssstttttddddd-----001011 | |
Nor Immediate |
nori Rs,Rd,C |
Rd = ~( Rs & C ) |
001101sssssdddddcccccccccccccccc | |
Xor |
xor Rs,Rt,Rd |
Rd = Rs ^ Rt |
000001ssssstttttddddd-----001100 | |
Xor Immediate |
xori Rs,Rd,C |
Rd = Rs ^ C |
001111sssssdddddcccccccccccccccc | |
Xnor |
Xnor Rs,Rd,C |
Rd = ~( Rs ^ Rt ) |
000001ssssstttttddddd-----001101 | |
Xnor Immediate |
Xnori Rs, Rt,Rd |
Rd = ~( Rs ^ C ) |
010001sssssdddddcccccccccccccccc | |
ALU, 32-bit, Bitwise Shift |
Shift left logical |
sll Rs, Rd, shift |
Rd = Rs << shift |
000001sssssddddd-----shift011000 |
Shift right logical |
srl Rs, Rd, shift |
Rd = Rs >> shift |
000001sssssddddd-----shift011001 | |
Shift right arithmetic |
sra Rs, Rd, shift |
Rd = Rs >> shift (arithmetic – difficult formula) |
000001sssssddddd-----shift011010 | |
ALU, 64-bit, Arithmetic |
Add |
ladd Rs,Rt |
AOL = ((((Rs+1)<<32)+Rs)+ (((Rt+1)<<32)+Rt)) AND (232 -1) AOH =((((Rs+1)<<32)+Rs)+ (((Rt+1)<<32)+Rt)) >>32 |
000010sssssttttt----------000000 |
Add Unsigned |
laddu Rs,Rt |
AOL = ((((Rs+1)<<32)+Rs)+ (((Rt+1)<<32)+Rt)) AND (232 -1) AOH =((((Rs+1)<<32)+Rs)+ (((Rt+1)<<32)+Rt)) >>32 |
000010sssssttttt----------000001 | |
Subtract |
lsub Rs,Rt |
AOL = ((((Rs+1)<<32)+Rs)- (((Rt+1)<<32)+Rt)) AND (232 -1) AOH =((((Rs+1)<<32)+Rs)-(((Rt+1)<<32)+Rt)) >>32 |
000010sssssttttt----------000010 | |
Subtract Unsigned |
lsubu Rs,Rt |
AOL = ((((Rs+1)<<32)+Rs)- (((Rt+1)<<32)+Rt)) AND (232 -1) AOH =((((Rs+1)<<32)+Rs)- (((Rt+1)<<32)+Rt)) >>32 |
000010sssssttttt----------000011 | |
Multiply |
lmul Rs,Rt |
AOL = ((((Rs+1)<<32)+Rs)* (((Rt+1)<<32)+Rt)) AND (232 -1) AOH =((((Rs+1)<<32)+Rs)* (((Rt+1)<<32)+Rt)) >>32 |
000010sssssttttt----------000100 | |
Multiply Unsigned |
lmulu Rs,Rt |
AOL = ((((Rs+1)<<32)+Rs)* (((Rt+1)<<32)+Rt)) AND (232 -1) AOH =((((Rs+1)<<32)+Rs)* (((Rt+1)<<32)+Rt)) >>32 |
000010sssssttttt----------000101 | |
Divide |
ldiv Rs,Rt |
AOL = ((((Rs+1)<<32)+Rs)/ (((Rt+1)<<32)+Rt)) AND (232 -1) AOH =((((Rs+1)<<32)+Rs)/ (((Rt+1)<<32)+Rt)) >>32 |
000010sssssttttt----------000110 | |
Divide Unsigned |
ldivu Rs,Rt |
AOL = ((((Rs+1)<<32)+Rs)/ (((Rt+1)<<32)+Rt)) AND (232 -1) AOH =((((Rs+1)<<32)+Rs)/ (((Rt+1)<<32)+Rt)) >>32 |
000010sssssttttt----------000111 | |
ALU, 64-bit, Logic |
And |
land Rs,Rt |
AOL = ((((Rs+1)<<32)+Rs)& (((Rt+1)<<32)+Rt)) AND (232 -1) AOH =((((Rs+1)<<32)+Rs)& (((Rt+1)<<32)+Rt)) >>32 |
000010sssssttttt----------001000 |
Or |
lor Rs,Rt |
AOL = ((((Rs+1)<<32)+Rs)| (((Rt+1)<<32)+Rt)) AND (232 -1) AOH =((((Rs+1)<<32)+Rs)| (((Rt+1)<<32)+Rt)) >>32 |
000010sssssttttt----------001001 | |
Nand |
lnand Rs,Rt |
AOL =~(((((Rs+1)<<32)+Rs)& (((Rt+1)<<32)+Rt))) AND (232 -1) AOH =~(((((Rs+1)<<32)+Rs)& (((Rt+1)<<32)+Rt))) >>32 |
000010sssssttttt----------001010 | |
Nor |
lnor Rs,Rt |
AOL =~(((((Rs+1)<<32)+Rs)| (((Rt+1)<<32)+Rt))) AND (232 -1) AOH =~(((((Rs+1)<<32)+Rs)|(((Rt+1)<<32)+Rt))) >>32 |
000010sssssttttt----------001011 | |
Xor |
lxor Rs,Rt |
AOL = ((((Rs+1)<<32)+Rs)^ (((Rt+1)<<32)+Rt)) AND (232 -1) AOH =((((Rs+1)<<32)+Rs)^ (((Rt+1)<<32)+Rt)) >>32 |
000010sssssttttt----------001100 | |
Xnor |
lxnor Rs,Rt |
AOL =~(((((Rs+1)<<32)+Rs)^ (((Rt+1)<<32)+Rt))) AND (232 -1) AOH =~(((((Rs+1)<<32)+Rs)^ (((Rt+1)<<32)+Rt))) >>32 |
000010sssssttttt----------001101 | |
ALU, 64-bit, Bitwise Shift |
Shift left logical |
lsll Rs, shift |
AOL = ((((Rs+1)<<32)+Rs) << shift) AND (232 -1) AOH= ((((Rs+1)<<32)+Rs) << shift) >> 32 |
000010sssss-----shiftshift011000 |
Shift right logical |
lsrl Rs, shift |
AOL = ((((Rs+1)<<32)+Rs) >> shift) AND (232 -1) AOH= ((((Rs+1)<<32)+Rs) >> shift) >> 32 |
000010sssss-----shiftshift011001 | |
Shift right arithmetic |
lsra Rs, shift |
AOL = ((((Rs+1)<<32)+Rs) >> shift) AND (232 -1) AOH= ((((Rs+1)<<32)+Rs) >> shift) >> 32 (arithmetic shift!! – difficult formula) |
000010sssss-----shiftshift011010 | |
Load word |
lw Rd,Rs(C) |
Rd = MEMORY[Rs + C] |
000100sssssdddddcccccccccccccccc |
Load half |
lh Rd,Rs(C) |
Rd = MEMORY[Rs + C] (signed) |
000110sssssdddddcccccccccccccccc | |
Load half unsigned |
lhu Rd,Rs(C) |
Rd = MEMORY[Rs + C] (unsigned - without sign ext.) |
001000sssssdddddcccccccccccccccc | |
Load byte |
lb Rd,Rs(C) |
Rd = MEMORY[Rs + C] (signed) |
001010sssssdddddcccccccccccccccc | |
Load byte unsigned |
lbu Rd,Rs(C) |
Rd = MEMORY[Rs + C] (unsigned - without sign ext.)) |
001100sssssdddddcccccccccccccccc | |
Store word |
sw Rd,Rs(C) |
MEMORY[Rs + C] = Rd |
001110sssssdddddcccccccccccccccc | |
Store half |
sh Rd,Rs(C) |
MEMORY[Rs + C] = Rd |
010000sssssdddddcccccccccccccccc | |
Store byte |
sb Rd,Rs(C) |
MEMORY[Rs + C] = Rd |
010010sssssdddddcccccccccccccccc | |
Move From AOL |
maol Rd |
Rd = AOL |
010100-----ddddd-------------------- |
Move From AOH |
maoh Rd |
Rd = AOH |
010110-----ddddd-------------------- | |
CONTROL 32-bit |
Jump |
j A |
PC = (PC+4)[31:28] . A*4 |
010011aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa |
Jump register |
jr Rs |
PC = Rs |
010101sssss------------------------- | |
Branch if equal |
beq Rs,Rt,C |
If (Rs == Rt) PC = PC+4+4*C |
010111ssssstttttcccccccccccccccc | |
Branch if not equal |
bne Rs,Rt,C |
If (Rs != Rt) PC = PC+4+4*C |
011001ssssstttttcccccccccccccccc | |
Branch if greater than |
bgt Rs,Rt,C |
If (Rs > Rt) PC = PC+4+4*C |
011011ssssstttttcccccccccccccccc | |
Unsigned branch if greater than |
bgtu Rs,Rt,C |
If (Rs > Rt) PC = PC+4+4*C |
011101ssssstttttcccccccccccccccc | |
Branch if greater or equal to |
bge Rs,Rt,C |
If (Rs >= Rt) PC = PC+4+4*C |
011111ssssstttttcccccccccccccccc | |
Unsigned branch if greater or equal to |
bgeu Rs,Rt,C |
If (Rs >= Rt) PC = PC+4+4*C |
100001ssssstttttcccccccccccccccc | |
Branch if less than |
blt Rs,Rt,C |
If (Rs < Rt) PC = PC+4+4*C |
100011ssssstttttcccccccccccccccc | |
Unsigned branch if less than |
bltu Rs,Rt,C |
If (Rs < Rt) PC = PC+4+4*C |
100101ssssstttttcccccccccccccccc | |
Branch if less or equal to |
ble Rs,Rt,C |
If (Rs <= Rt) PC = PC+4+4*C |
100111ssssstttttcccccccccccccccc | |
Unsigned branch if less or equal to |
bleu Rs,Rt,C |
If (Rs <= Rt) PC = PC+4+4*C |
101001ssssstttttcccccccccccccccc | |
CONTROL 64-bit |
Branch if equal |
lbeq Rs,Rt,C |
If (((Rs+1)<<32+Rs) ==((Rt+1)<<32+Rt)) PC = PC+4+4*C |
101000ssssstttttcccccccccccccccc |
Branch if not equal |
lbne Rs,Rt,C |
If (((Rs+1)<<32+Rs) !=((Rt+1)<<32+Rt)) PC = PC+4+4*C |
101010ssssstttttcccccccccccccccc | |
Branch if greater than |
lbgt Rs,Rt,C |
If (((Rs+1)<<32+Rs) >((Rt+1)<<32+Rt)) PC = PC+4+4*C |
101100ssssstttttcccccccccccccccc | |
Unsigned branch if greater than |
lbgtu Rs,Rt,C |
If (((Rs+1)<<32+Rs) >((Rt+1)<<32+Rt)) PC = PC+4+4*C |
101110ssssstttttcccccccccccccccc | |
Branch if greater or equal to |
lbge Rs,Rt,C |
If (((Rs+1)<<32+Rs) >=((Rt+1)<<32+Rt)) PC = PC+4+4*C |
110000ssssstttttcccccccccccccccc | |
Unsigned branch if greater or equal to |
lbgeu Rs,Rt,C |
If (((Rs+1)<<32+Rs) >=((Rt+1)<<32+Rt)) PC = PC+4+4*C |
110010ssssstttttcccccccccccccccc | |
Branch if less than |
lblt Rs,Rt,C |
If (((Rs+1)<<32+Rs) <((Rt+1)<<32+Rt)) PC = PC+4+4*C |
110100ssssstttttcccccccccccccccc | |
Unsigned branch if less than |
lbltu Rs,Rt,C |
If (((Rs+1)<<32+Rs) <((Rt+1)<<32+Rt)) PC = PC+4+4*C |
110110ssssstttttcccccccccccccccc | |
Branch if less or equal to |
lble Rs,Rt,C |
If (((Rs+1)<<32+Rs) <=((Rt+1)<<32+Rt)) PC = PC+4+4*C |
111000ssssstttttcccccccccccccccc | |
Unsigned branch if less or equal to |
lbleu Rs,Rt,C |
If (((Rs+1)<<32+Rs) <=((Rt+1)<<32+Rt)) PC = PC+4+4*C |
111010ssssstttttcccccccccccccccc |
Note 1: Constant in all branches is signed!
Note 2: In MIPS only branches ‘equal’ and ‘not equal’ are implemented, but we can implement other using multiple ALU flags to determine if statement is true or not (e.g. A is greater than B if A-B results in flags Negative and Zero both equal to 0).
List of changes in comparison with word doc (too much to put in the summary):
- 64-bit ALU operations use only 2 registers instead of 4 (Rs+1 and Rt+1 replace Ru and Rv)
- 64-bit CONTROL instructions were added (thanks previous change).
There is some free opcodes that can be used to implement functions like 'multiply immediate' or '64-bit something immediate', but they are not neccesery and I would prefer to have some free opcodes ;).