< Computational Linguistics
List of journals accepting papers in AI, Semantic Web, ontology, Linguistics, Computational Linguistics, Natural Language Processing, and related topics; organized by their quartiles and ordered by h-index, as computed by SJR
Q1 Journals
- EEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE H148
- Expert Systems with Applications, Elsevier (H112) Speed(7D)
- Artificial Intelligence Research, AAAI Press H103
- International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Elsevier (H90) Speed(120D) IT
- [Cognitive Science] (H80) AI+Linguistics
- Information Processing & Management, Elsevier Speed(25D) IT + IS
- IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (H76)
- Information Systems, Elsevier H76 Speed(60D)
- ACM Transactions on Information Systems (H67) IT + IS
- Computational Linguistics, MIT (H64), Open Access
- Knowledge-Based Systems, Elsevier (H63) Speed(60D) AI
- Applied Linguistics by Oxford, Linguistics
- Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Elsevier (H63) AI+Medicine
- Web Semantics, Elsevier (H60) Speed(100D) R*** AI
- [Advanced Engineering Informatics] (H53) IT
- Semantic Web, IOS Press(H52) Speed(60D)
- Methods of Information in Medicine(H49)
- [Artificial Intelligence Review] (H48) AI + Linguistics
- Journal of Information Science, SAGE (H47)
- Language Learning and Technology (H47) IT+Learning+Linguistics, Open Access
- Lingua, Elsevier (H43) Speed(40D) Linguistics
- Knowledge and Information Systems, Springer (H42) Speed(70D) AI+IT
- Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, ISO PressQ3 (H35)
- Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, Springer (35) Speed(58D), Linguistics
- [Linguistics and Philosophy] (H34) Philosophy + Linguistics
- Language Resource and Evaluation Journal, Springer(H31) Speed(123D) IT+ Linguistics, R***
- [Linguistics] (30), Linguistics
- Natural Language Semantics, Springer (H28) Philosophy + Linguistics
- Natural Language Semantics, Springer (28) Speed(95D), Linguistic+Philosophy
- Semantic Web and Information Systems, IGI (H26) R****
- Journal of Logic, Language and Information, Springer (H25) Speed(122D), Logic
- Computer Assisted Language Learning, Taylor (H25) Learning and Teaching
- Cognitive Linguistics (H24) Linguistics
- International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, Cambridge (H23) Linguistics
- Journal of Linguistics, Cambridge (H22) Linguistics
- Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, Cambridge (H22) Linguistics
- Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Springer (H20), Speed(32) IT+Multi
- Journal of Quantitative Linguistics, Taylor & Francis (H21)
- [Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory] (H20) Linguistics
- International Journal of Applied Linguistics, wiley (H19) Linguistics
- International Journal of Lexicography (H18) Linguistics R*** (another community)
- Journal of Biomedical Semantics (H18)
- Journal of Semantics (H17) Linguistics Speed(70days) R** (Community!)
- The Mental Lexicon (H10) Linguistics R***(Less IT)
- Applied Ontology (H10) R****
- Journal of Literary Semantics (H8) Linguistics
Q2 Journals
- Applied Intelligence, Springer (H54) Speed(18D) AI R*
- Intelligent Information Systems, Springer (H43) Speed(95D), DB+AI
- Natural Language Engineering, Cambridge (H51) NLP R****
- King Saud University - Computer, Elsevier H19 Speed(30D)
- Terminology (H15) Linguistics+IT* R***
- Data Semantics, Springer (H12) Speed(70D) R**
Q3 Journals
- Review of Cognitive Linguistics (18) Linguistics
- [Word and Text] (H2) Linguistics
- Communication and Linguistic Studies (H2) Linguistics
Q4 Journals
- Journal of Computer Science, Elsevier (H23) Open Access, AI+IT
- Journal of Advances in Soft Computing and its Applications, Jordan (H15)
- [Journal of Intelligent Systems] (H12) AI+IT, Q4
- [Langages] (H9) Linguistics, Q4
- [Journal of Artificial Intelligence] (H8) (in Pakistan) AI, Q4
- Language and Computers (H2)
- Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics (H1) Q4
- Topics in Linguistics (H0) Q4
Q? Journals
- Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, ACL (h5=21) Open Access
- Corpora, Open Access
- Natural Language Computing, AIRCC Publishing
- Computer Processing of Languages, World Scientific Publishing
- Studies in Arabic Linguistics
- International Journal of Computational Linguistics Research, DLINE Journals
- International Journal of Information Technology and Language Studies
Other Resources and Lists
NLP Conferences
Ontology and Semantic Web Confernces
Other Confernces
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