< Commercial diving
Relevance: Scuba diving (full-specific), Surface supplied diving (full-specific), Surface oriented wet bell diving (full-specific).
Required outcomes:
- Demonstrate understanding of the dive profile and the equipment required for the planned dive
- Participate in HIRA process for the dive plan
- Participate in the dive plan briefing and accept the dive plan (continuous)
Understand the planned dive profile
- Demonstrate understanding of the proposed dive profile, by explaining it in own words if asked.(used as assessment).
- Indicate understanding of the proposed dive profile by confirming that it is understood
Understand the equipment required for the planned dive
- Demonstrate understanding of the required equipment by explaining it in own words if asked.(used as assessment).
- Indicate understanding of the required equipment by confirming that it is understood
Participate in HIRA
- Identify hazards on request
- Associate likely mechanism of injury with a given hazard
- Express a plausible opinion of probability of occurrence for a given mechanism of injury, given the circumstances.
- Express level of confidence that a given HIRA is realistic and acceptably complete
- Indicate acceptance or non-acceptance of the HIRA
Participate in dive briefing and accept dive plan
- Attend dive briefing/toolbox talk
- Ensure understanding of the proposed activities and assessed risks by discussing and querying any points of confusion, doubt or disagreement.
- Accept dive plan and HIRA before taking part in actual diving part of the operation. (Use principle of informed consent)
Participate in drawing up Job Safety Analyses
(apparently omitted from standard?)(This may not be the right place for this)
- Describe a task
- Identify steps of the task
- Identify workplace hazards associated with the task
- Identify mechanisms of injury associated with the hazards
- Identify consequences associated with the mechanisms of injury
- Identify controls applicable to prevent the injury
- Estimate the risk of an incident occurring resulting in the consequence with and without the control in place
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