< CisLunarFreighter


http://www.jamendo.com/en/artist/mityx/ MITYX (B-Sides Vol. B) - Songs for drama! Slight meloncholly.... building up... a bit of suspense... maybe fighting... and losing... maybe flyinhg through the galaxy.... first song ...

maybe death
Sounds like Radiohead a bit. Some songs it's hard to visualize them in a game. Maybe if your character was a space cowboy who smoked cigarettes and drank a lot, while on the job. Or was at a desrt planet, where Russians had taken over and it was like 1984.

RemiThis is just creative conjecture folks, as it relates to CISRemi


1st track - Primavera - instrumental - deep - beautiful. subtle - a bit funky
For flying around.... for walking in a space port.. .for fighting..... for flying around... beautiful! deep! intense!
Music is subjcetive, so what do you think?

Other songs could be adapted.. and gameply could be adapted by songs. Licensing should be pretty good. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/ - currently broken links....

I agree. I have been listening to some of the music. Very excellent for specific animation clips and for specific background or play phases. Site now at cc-by-3. Checking into what this means for integration with animation clips and video games. Mirwin 02:26, 23 December 2007 (UTC)
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