< CisLunarFreighter
http://www.jamendo.com/en/artist/mityx/ MITYX (B-Sides Vol. B) - Songs for drama! Slight meloncholly.... building up... a bit of suspense... maybe fighting... and losing... maybe flyinhg through the galaxy.... first song ...
- maybe death
- Sounds like Radiohead a bit. Some songs it's hard to visualize them in a game. Maybe if your character was a space cowboy who smoked cigarettes and drank a lot, while on the job. Or was at a desrt planet, where Russians had taken over and it was like 1984.
RemiThis is just creative conjecture folks, as it relates to CISRemi
- http://www.jamendo.com/en/artist/brunoxe/
- 1st track - Primavera - instrumental - deep - beautiful. subtle - a bit funky
- For flying around.... for walking in a space port.. .for fighting..... for flying around... beautiful! deep! intense!
- Music is subjcetive, so what do you think?
Other songs could be adapted.. and gameply could be adapted by songs. Licensing should be pretty good. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/ - currently broken links....
- I agree. I have been listening to some of the music. Very excellent for specific animation clips and for specific background or play phases. Site now at cc-by-3. Checking into what this means for integration with animation clips and video games. Mirwin 02:26, 23 December 2007 (UTC)
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