< COVID-19
Workflow Transformation to flaten the curve of new infections

This submodule of the COVID-19 learning resource focuses on the consequences of the epidemiological requirements and constraints in all social, economical, cultural, ... domains (e.g. by a lockdown). The workflow transformations required

  • Analysis previous workflow before COVID-19 pandemics.
  • Identification of those parts in the workflow, that may include epidemiological risks.
  • Transformed the workflow in a way that it mitigates the epidemiological risks.
  • What are potential benefits and drawbacks of the workflow transformation (long-term, short-term)?
  • Identify benefits of the workflow transformation, that could be kept for Post-COVID-19 time?
  • What are the lessons learnt of epidemiological risk literacy that improve preparedness in different areas of society and economy, that improve preparedness and sustainability?

Learning Tasks

  • (Domains of Transformation) Analyze the Summary of All COVID-19 activities and select the domains of your expertise to discuss the existing and required workflow transformations during the COVID-19.
  • (IT Infrastructure) Analyze the contribution IT infrastructure during COVID-19 outbreak and derive the requirements and constraints for the workflow transformation.
  • Look into your environment you are living and working in. What are the workflow transformation that are required, planned, implemtented in your environment?
    • Supply Chain Management
    • Schools, Colleges, Universities, ... for learning, assessment and administration of educational infrastructure
    • consider also Small and Medium Business enterprises that do not have a financial buffer to transform their busíness model as rapidly as required.
    • People that go to shops that are closed now. Can the shop owner create a business model in which they deliver locally or regionally on demand and avoid.
    • Look in COVID-19/IT-Infrastructure for the digital transformation. Do also see non-digital transformations that do not require a digital transformation and uses already existing IT infrastructure for implementation of those local and regional support infrastructure.
  • (Trust) Explain the role of Trust in local and regional support infrastucture. I know and trust my neighbour. He/she was always supportive. How can we build up local and regional support infrastructure to meet the requirements and constraints for our community!
  • (Commercial Data Harvesting) The concept of Commercial Data Harvesting is a business model. Is it possible to use that concept to support the local and regional infrastructure that provide also for the local and regional workflows in way that the SMEs can identify the demands of the community around them and provide tailored support in a specific region.
  • (Developing Countries) A virus does not respect borders and access to health care systems and the prepared to a crisis has a different status in countries. Ethically is survival of the community dependent on mutual support. Discuss this option in the context of Swarm Intelligence and a collective global response to COVID-19.
  • (Culture and Music) Cultural activities are affected from large concerts to the local rehearsal of a band or choir that is not able to practice anymore. What are possible activities that can still be performed under the epidemiological constraints? See also online music jam for tutoring and joint practicing with singing and instruments.
  • (Virtual Gastronomy) Analyze the concept of a virtual gastronomy, where the functions of the gastronomic offer have to be partly logistically different or partly digitally mapped via video conferencing in order to be able to consider epidemiological aspects to minimize the risk of COVID-19 spreading. Which options do you see to integrate digital components into the gastronomic offer even after COVID-19? If you deny this, explain what consequences you draw from this, if this idea is rather positive, then explain why guests would continue to use this offer even without epidemioligical restrictions (e.g. you could also invite friends who otherwise would not be able to attend the joint meal at all). What is a design for the table of the table in a restaurant, in which also a remote guest via video conferencing feels part of group?
  • (Oral Exam per Video Conferencing) Analyze how you can conduct a oral exam with 2 examiners and one examinee if one of the examiners is a risk patient?
  • (Generic Principles) Epidemics/pandemics like COVID-19 have a hugh impact on almost all areas of society and economy. What are generic principles, we can derive from the COVID-19 pandemics for other epidemics. How can we integrate Workflow Transformations in our daily life to improve risk mitigation just like Risk Literacy in traffic. We cannot prevent epidemics in the future, but we can improve awareness and preparedness for pandemics to mitigate the negative impact on health system, society and economy! Was are your lessons learnt and what would you change in future for better preparedness? Who supported you for better preparedness in your community or region to make your infrastructure more sustainable?

Adaptation of transformation processes

Oral exam

As an example we use a oral exam (e.g. at a university). The examination should be performed with a risk patient (examiner) who cannot be physically in the room. For epidemiological reasons, an examiner is in an adjoining room during the exam and is connected to the video conference with the second examiner and the examinee.

Culture and Music

Epidemiological restrictions have an impact in the cultural events, due to the fact that the community experience of a musical or cultural event is part of such an event. From an epidemiological point of view, however, events are not possible in a way before COVID-19. The learning resource focus on local and regional event, to support event managers in supporting the events under epidemiological constraints. In comparison to large events small events do not have large organisational teams and therefore the transformation process is difficult to handle. Please consider also to share your use-cases to support others to keep alive also local and regional cultural events.

Primary Schools

Waiting on a Flower - Supporting children with markers on a school yard

Young children might not be so experienced in keeping spatial distance between eachother in Primary Schools. The learning resource provides an example how children can be support with markers on the schoolyard and in the school building to support movements in the building and organisational support outside for keeping distance.

See also

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