Biophysics (also biological physics) is an interdisciplinary science that applies the theories and methods of physics, to questions of biology.
Biophysics research today comprises a lot of specific biological studies, which don't share a unique identifying factor, nor subject themselves to clear and concise definitions. The studies included under the umbrella of biophysics range from sequence analysis to neural networks. In the past, biophysics included creating mechanical limbs and nanomachines to regulate biological functions. Today, these are more commonly referred to as belonging to the fields of bioengineering and nanotechnology respectively.
It is somewhat difficult for physicists to get involved in biophysics, since the material studied is foreign to those who have had the standard physics course. Additionally, many institutions do not offer any courses in biophysics. It is important that Wikiversity be able to fill this significant gap in physical knowledge.
Research areas
- Membrane biophysics
- Neural networks
- Photosynthesis
- Quantum Biophysics and Quantum Biochemistry
- Protein crystallography
- Nucleic Acid - structure and dynamics
- Theoretical biophysics (including simulations)
- Mathematical biophysics (including computer modelling)