Ichidan Verbs
一段 ichidan verbs are most verbs that end with -いる -iru or -える -eru. Ichidan is so named due to the fact that it has only one phase. Not many letters are changed, the ending is simply dropped and a suffix is tacked on. We will use the verb 食べる taberu (to eat) to illustrate the different forms of conjugation for an 一段 ichidan verb.
To make an 一段 ichidan verb negative, change the last -る -ru to -ない -nai. The negative form of 食べる taberu is 食べない tabenai (to not eat).
To make an 一段 ichidan verb infinitive, change the last -る -ru to -ます -masu. The infinitive form of 食べる taberu' is 食べます tabemasu (eat). This verb form may be modified just like in Godan form to 食べません tabemasen and 食べましょう tabemashou.
Keep the verb the same.
To make an 一段 ichidan verb imperative, change the last -る -ru to -ろ -ro. The imperative form of 食べる taberu is 食べろ tabero (eat!).
To make an 一段 ichidan verb conditional, change the last -る -ru to -れば -reba. The conditional form of 食べる taberu is 食べれば tabereba (what if (you) ate?).
To make an 一段 ichidan verb volitional, change the last -る -ru to -よう -you. The volitional form of 食べる taberu is 食べよう tabeyou (let's eat).