The linksprite diamondback files are hard to find. Here they are:
None of these manuals exactly deals with the situation you are probably encountering. But reading them will help create a list of things to try to get the diamondback working.
There is a youku video that is hard to understand in english, and hard to play.

The software is found on github. Github is a tool of the open source software development community. Now is not the time to download it. Click on the Github zip icon or click here and download the zip file starting with the words "linksprite".

The next step is to locate the arduino library. This depends upon where the arduino software was installed. In the screen shot example, the arduino-1.0 ide is installed on the windows 7 c: drive, in the engsoft directory.
There are multiple library folders in the arduino ide. There is only one you can unpack the files in. Make sure the folder contents say EEPROM, Encode, Ethernet, etc. AccelStepper has been added to this folder and is not part of the default install.

Click on the zip file downloaded from GIT hub and then click on extract all files. A window will pop up asking where to put the extracted files.

This is the hard part. The files have to be extracted in the right spot with in the Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Browse to the path where the library folder was located.

The problem now is that the folder name is too long for the arduino IDE to display it. So rename the folder. It can renamed anything. Perhaps name it LinkSprite.