An Introduction to Arabic
مقدمة للغة العربية
Goal(s) of this Course
- To orient the student with a basic overview of the Arabic language, its place in the world (i.e. various dialects), its alphabet and numbering system.
Materials Required
- Arabic Textbook from Wikibooks كتاب اللغة العربية من ويكي الكتب
كِتَابُ وِيْكِيْ لِتَعْلِيمِ اللُّغَةِ العَرَبِيَّة
"Out of class" Work
- Tests in the future, at the end of each unit.
"Out of class" Help
I have found several free online courses that can aid the student and complement their studies with this course.
- Madinah Arabic Very well put together online course for free (And you know how wiki's love free things)
Instructor's Notes
- I will work on this if possible daily to ensure it will be finished promptly, and I will have tests provided at the end of each unit that allow the student to gauge their progress, and through these the student can complete/continue the units if the instructor(s) are not available, as these tests self-correct and allow the students to see what they answered incorrectly. This course is still in its stages of infancy, but I hope this will be a help to those who have an interest in Arabic and wish to build a base to start their studies from.
General Class Units
- History of the Arabic Language, أصول اللغة العربية
- Arabic in a Modern Context, العربية في سياق الحديث
- The Arabic Alphabet, حروف اللغة العربية
- Numbers in Arabic, الأرقام باللغة العربية
- Basic Arabic Phrases, جمل عربية أساسية
- Conjugating Basic Arabic Verbs, تصريف أفعال عربية أساسية
- Gender in the Arabic Language, النوع في اللغة العربية
- Sentences, جمل
Class Lessons
See also
- Arabic For Everyone
- Dominant group/Language مهيمن مجموعة / اللغة
- Topic: Arabic
External links
This article is issued from Wikiversity. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.