Function's Graphs
Linear function Parabolic function
Mathematical Operation on Functions
Transformations Laplace transform Fourier transform
Partial Differentiation
Vector Scalar Unit vector
Laplace notation
Scalar operation Vector operation
Solving equations
Polynomial equations
Equation Equation equation's root 1st ordered polynomial 2nd ordered polynomial
Differential equations
Electric circuit Equation Function s ω Decay equation of series RL and RC circuit Gives decay function Oscillation Wave of seires LC circuit
Gives wave function
Simultaneous equations
Equation Equation equation's root Linear equation of 2 variables Linear equation of n variables
Real Number Coordination
A point in XY co ordinate can be presented as () and () in R θ co ordinate
- A , () , ()
Scalar maths Vector Maths
Complex Number Coordination
A point in XY co ordinate can be presented as (X,Y) and (Z,θ) in Z θ co ordinate
Real coordination
For any vector in real coordination The horizontal component vector The vertical component vector
Complex coordination
Vector in complex coordination Horizontal Vector Component Vertical Vector Component For any vector in complex coordination For any conjugate vector in complex coordination
Motion Formulas
Types of motion Uniform Horizontal Linear Motion Uniform Vertical Linear Motion Non Uniform Linear Motion Non Linear Motion Complete Circle's Motion Circle's Arc Wave Momentum
Oscillation Formulas
Oscillation Wave Equation Wave function Angular speed Time constant Spring's Up and Down Motion Spring's Side to Side Motion Series RLC at equilibrium Series RLC at resonsnce Series LC at equilibrium Series LC at resonsnce Electromagnetic oscillation
Momentum Formulas
Momentum Mass Speed Moment Work Mometum of a mass in motion Mometum of a relativistic mass in motion Mometum of a massless quanta in motion
Electricity Formulas
Electriciy can be generated from the following sources
Electrolysis DC Electrochemical Cell DC Photon Electricity DC Electromagnetic Induction AC
Electric Conductor
Matter that interacts with electricity are divided into three types Conductor, Semi Conductor, and Non Conductor
- Conductor . All matter allow current to flow easily like Metal Ferrite, Copper
- Semi Conductor . All matter does not allow current to flow easily like Semi Conductor Silicon, Germanium
- Non Conductor . All matter does not allow current to flow like Rubber
Resistor is a electric component thats exhibit resistance to the current flow . Resistance has a symbol R measured in ohm unit Ω .
Resistor is made from straight wire line conductor
DC Response AC Response
DC response' AC response
DC Reponse
Inductance . Inductance has a symbol L measured in Henry unit H
Magnetic Intensity . Measurement of magnetic strength
AC Response
Voltage .
Current .
Reactance . Resistance to the AC current flow
- In frequency domain
- In phasor domain
Impedance . Resistance to the AC current flow
- In frequency domain
- In phasor domain
Time Constant
Power . Power of the capacitor
Straight line conductor
Entities Symbol Mathematical Formula Unit Voltage Volt . v Current Ampere . a Resistance Ohom . Ω Conductance 1/Ω Power provided Watt . W Power loss as Heat dissipated W Power transmitted W Magnetic field
Electromagneticism Formulas
Entities Symbol Mathematical Formula Unit North pole N
+South pole S
-Magnetic field direction -->
N --> SMagnetic field Potential difference Volt . v Induced magnetic field Volt . v Induced potential difference Volt . v Magnetic force Newton . N Magnetization field Magnetization equations
Magnetic oscillation equation
Magnetic wave equation Magnetic wave function Magnetic wave radiation
Photon Formulas
Photon, Massless Quanta's energy of electromagnetic radiation
Photons are found in 2 states
- Radiant photon at threshold frequency
- Non - Radiant photon at frequency greater than threshold frequency
Photon can only be found in 1 out of 2 states at a time . Hence, Heiseinberg's uncertainty principle
Quanta . Massless quantity
Process Wave Particle Duality
- Wave like .
- Particle like .