< Anatomy
Most of the bibliography described here is in Spanish, however there should be the corresponding edition in English.
- Gray for Students . Ed. Elsevier. 2006.
- Human AnatomyLatarjet Ruiz.L.4ª. Ed. México Editorial Médica Panamericana 2005
- Moore L.K. Anatomy with clinic orientation 4ª. Ed. Editorial Médica Panamericana 2002
- Snell Richard Clinic Anatomy 6. ed. México Interamericana 2002.46.
- García Porrero Human Anatomy.México MacGraw-Hill Interamericana Editores.2005
English: (Editions are constantly updated)
- Moore K.L. Clinically Oriented Anatomy
- Chung K.W. BRS Gross Anatomy (Board Review Series)
- Netter F.H. Atlas of Human Anatomy
- Kiernan Barr.The human nervous system with anatomical view.MacGraw-Hill 2004
- Snell R. Clinical Neuroanatomy 5ª. Ed. Editorial Médica Panamericana 2005
- Carpenter M. Text of Neuroanatomy Baltimore & London William & Wilkins 1994.
- López Antunez Fuctional Anatomy of the Nervous systemreimpresión México Limusa 1996
- Nava Segura Clinical Neurology4ª. Ed. México Unión Gráfica 1981.
- Atlas Rohen Yocoshi Photographic atlas of human anatomy 3ª. Ed. Barcelona. Doyma 2002
- Sobota Boucher, Fernar Staubesand Atlas of human anatomy 20a. Ed. México Ed. Médica
Panamericana 1999,
- Netter Atlas de Anatomía Humana Elsevierre 2006
- Fuentes De Lara Corpus General Human anatomy Ed. Trillas 1997
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