Author’s Note

C. F. G.

Mon cher ami:

En souvenir de maints beaux jours dont tu as partagé l’allégresse: en attendant d’autres à venir: de ceux-là encore dont tu as adouci la souffrance et l’ennui: par reconnaissance de conseils qu’on n’oublie jamais et de prévoyances dont on se souvient toujours: je te dédie les contes suivants. Tu y retrouveras beaucoup d’amis et peut-être autant d’inconnus: tu les acceuilleras assurément, les uns et les autres, avec cette belle hospitalité qui ne s’est jamais d’ementie, et qui m’a rendu et me rendra encore — espérons-le! — ton obligé et reconnaissant

G. W. C.

Rough translation of author’s note (from Google Language Tools):

My dear friend:

In memory of many happy days in which you shared the joy: Pending more to come: those of you that still sweetened the pain and boredom: Recognition of advice and never forgotten provident we remember always: I will dedicate the following story. You will find many friends and perhaps as many unknowns: you certainly welcome them, and each other, with that generous hospitality which was never in no way, and that made me and make me again — hopefully! — your obliged and grateful

G. W. C.


This work was published before January 1, 1927, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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