< Zoonomia
- A.
- Absorption, iv. 2. 1.
- —— cutaneous, mucous, cellular, iv. 2. 2.
- —— of the veins, iv. 2. 4.
- —— of inflamed vessels, iv. 2. 4. 3.
- —— of intestines and liver, iv. 2. 5.
- —— of venereal ulcers, iv. 2. 7.
- —— not increased by cold, iv. 2. 1.
- —— increased by opium after evacuation, ii. 2. 1.
- Acacia, iv. 3. 5. 2.
- Acids austere, iv. 2. 1. 2. iv. 3. 1.
- —— vegetable, sweet, vii. 3. 4. iv. 2. 1. 2.
- —— mineral, vii. 3. 6.
- Acrid plants, iv. 2. 4.
- Agriculture, i. 2. 3. 7.
- Agues, three kinds, iv. 2. 3. 2. iv. 2. 5. iv. 2. 6. 8.
- Air nourishes, i. 2. 5.
- —— warm bath of, iv. 2. 3. 8.
- Alcali vol. iii. 3. 8.
- Alcohol, ii. 2. 1. v. 2. 4.
- Almond, bitter, ii. 3. 1.
- Althæa, iii. 3. 3. 3.
- Allium, iii. 3. 3.
- Aloe, iii. 2. 5. iii. 2. 7. iii. 3. 5. 5. vi. 2. 5.
- Alum, iii. 2. 1. iv. 2. 2. iv. 2. 5. 2. iv. 2. 5. 3.
- Amalgama in worms, vii. 1. 2.
- Amomum zinziber, iii. 3. 1.
- Amber, oil of, vi. 3. 1. 4.
- Ammoniac gum, vi. 3. 1. iii. 3. 3.
- —— salt or spirit, iii. 3. 1. 3.
- Anasarca, warm bath in, ii. 2. 2.
- Anchovy, iii. 2. 1. iii. 3. 1. 4.
- Animal food, i. 2. 1. 1.
- Antimony prepared, iii. 3. 1. 5. iii. 2. 1. iv. 1. 10.
- Anthemis nobilis, iv. 3. 3.
- —— pyrethum, iii. 3. 2.
- Anxiety, v. 2. 4.
- Apium, petroselinum, iii. 3. 4. 4.
- Apoplexy, iv. 2. 11.
- Aristolochia serpentaria, iii. 3. 1.
- Armenian bole, vi. 2. 3. iv. 3. 5. 3.
- Arsenic in ague, iv. 2. 6. 8. iv. 3. 6.
- —— saturated solution of, iv. 2. 6. 8.
- —— in itch, iv. 2. 9.
- —— how it acts, iv. 2. 6. 9.
- —— how to detect it, iv. 2. 6. 10.
- Artemisia maritima, iv. 3. 3.
- —— absynthium, iv. 3. 3.
- —— santonicum, iv. 3. 3.
- Artichoke-leaves, iv. 3. 3.
- Asa fœtida, iii. 3. vi. 3. 1.
- Asarum Europeum v. 3. 3.
- Ascarides, vii. 1. 2. iii. 2. 7.
- Asparagus, iii. 3. 4. 4.
- Astragalus tragacanth, iii. 3. 3. 3.
- Atropa belladona, ii. 3. 1.
- Azote, i. 2. 5.
- B.
- Balsams diuretic, iii. 2. 4.
- Bandages promote absorption, iv. 2. 10.
- Bark, Peruvian, iv. 2. 2.
- —— long used noxious, iv. 2. 11.
- Barley, iii. 3. 3. 3.
- Bath, warm, ii. 2. 2. 1. iii. 3. 1. 6. iii. 3. 3. 4. iii. 2. 3. 3.
- —— of warm air, iv. 2. 3. 8.
- —— of steam, iv. 2. 3. 8.
- —— cold, vii. 2. 3.
- —— nutritive, i. 2. 6. 1.
- Benzoin, iii. 3. 3.
- Bile of animals, iii. 3. 5. 2.
- —— dilute state of, iv. 2. 6.
- Blisters, how they act, iii. 2. 1. 10.
- —— cure heart-burn, iii. 2. 1. 10.
- —— stop vomiting, vi. 2. 2.
- —— produce expectoration, iii. 2. 3. 2.
- —— increase perspiration, iii. 2. 1. 10.
- Blood, transfusion of, i. 2. 6. 3.
- Bog-bean, iv. 3. 3.
- Bole armeniæ, iv. 2. 5. 3.
- Bone-ashes, iv. 2. 5. 3.
- Bowels, inflammation of, v. 2. 2. 2.
- Bryony, white, iii. 3. 8.
- —— as a blister, iii. 2. 8.
- Butter, i. 2. 3. 2.
- Butter-milk, i. 2. 2. 2.
- C.
- Cabbage-leaves, vii. 1. 2.
- Calcareous earth, i. 2. 4. 3.
- Calomel, iii. 2. 5. vi. 2. 5.
- —— in enteritis, v. 2. 2. 2.
- Camphor, iii. 3. 1.
- Canella alba, iii. 3. 1.
- Cantharides, iii. 2. 6. iii. 2. 8. v. 2. 4. vi. 2. 4.
- Capillary action increased by tobacco, iv. 2. 3. 7.
- Capsicum, iii. 3. 1.
- Carbonic acid gas, vii. 2. 6.
- Cardamomum, iii. 3. 1.
- Caryophyllus aromat. iii. 3. 1.
- Cardamine, iv. 3. 4.
- Cassia sistul, iii. 3. 5. 1.
- —— senna, iii. 3. 5. 5.
- Castor, vi. 2. 1. vi. 3. 1.
- Cathartics, mild, iii. 2. 5.
- —— violent, v. 2. 2.
- Cerussa in ulcers, iv. 2. 9. iv. 2. 7.
- Chalk, iv. 2. 5. 3.
- Chalybeates, iv. 3. 4. 2.
- Cheese, i. 2. 2. 3.
- Cherries, black, ii. 2. 1. 8.
- Chlorosis, iv. 2. 6. 5.
- Cicuta, ii. 3. 1.
- Cinchona, iv. 2. 2.
- Cinnamon, iii. 3. 1. 2.
- Clay, iv. 2. 5. 3.
- Cloves, iii. 3. 1. iii. 3. 2.
- Cnicus acarna, v. 3. 1.
- Cocculus indicus, ii. 3. 1.
- Cochlearia armoracia, iii. 3. 8. iv. 3. 4.
- —— hortensis, iv. 3. 4.
- Cold, continued application of, vii. 2. 3.
- —— interrupted, vii. 2. 3. iii. 3. 1. 7.
- —— excessive, vii. 2. 3.
- —— first affects lymphatics, vii. 2. 3.
- —— produces rheum from the nose, vii. 2. 3.
- —— quick anhelation, vii. 2. 3.
- —— increases digestion, vii. 2. 3.
- Cold-fit easier prevented than removed, ii. 2. 1.
- Colic from lead, v. 2. 2. 2.
- Condiments, i. 2. 7.
- Convolvulus scammonium, v. 3. 2.
- Convulsions, iv. 2. 8.
- Cookery, i. 2. 3. 5.
- Copaiva balsam, iii. 3. 4. 3.
- Cowhage, iii. 3. 2.
- Crab-juice, iv. 2. 2.
- Cream, i. 2. 3. 2. i. 2. 2. 2.
- Cucumis colocynthis, v. 3. 2.
- Cynara scolymus, iv. 3. 3.
- Cynoglossum, ii. 3. 1.
- D.
- Dandelion, iv. 3. 4.
- Datura stramonium, ii. 3. 1.
- Daucus sylvestris, iii. 3. 4. 4.
- Delphinium stavisagria, ii. 3. 1.
- Diabetes, iv. 2. 5.
- —— warm bath in, vi. 2. 4.
- Diaphoretics, iii. 3. 1. iii. 2. 1. 2.
- —— best in a morning, iii. 2. 1. 5.
- Diarrhœa, vi. 2. 3.
- Digestion injured by cold, iii. 2. 1.
- —— increased by cold, vii. 2. 3.
- Digitalis, iv. 2. 3. 7. v. 2. 1. 2.
- —— tincture of, iv. 2. 3. 7.
- Dragon's blood, iv. 3. 5. 2.
- Dropsy, iv. 2. 3. 4. iv. 2. 6. 7.
- E.
- Ears, eruption behind, iv. 2. 9. 2.
- Earth of bones, iv. 2. 5.
- —— of alum, vi. 2. 4.
- —— calcareous, iv. 2. 5. 3. vi. 2. 4. i. 2. 4. 3.
- Eggs, i. 2. 1. 4.
- Egg-shells diuretic, iii. 2. 4.
- Electricity, ii. 2. 2. 2. iv. 2. 9.
- Emetics, how they act, v. 2. 1.
- Errhines mild, iii. 2. 9.
- —— in hydrocephalus, v. 2. 3. 1.
- —— violent, v. 2. 3.
- —— in head-ach, v. 2. 3. 1.
- Erysipelas, iv. 2. 9.
- Essential oils, ii. 2. 3.
- Ether, vitriolic, ii. 2. 3. iii. 3. 1. vi. 3. 1. 3.
- —— in ascarides, vii. 1. 2.
- Etiolation, i. 2. 3. 4.
- Euphorbium, v. 3. 3.
- Exercise, iii. 3. 1. 6. ii. 2. 6.
- Eyes inflamed, ii. 2. 2. 2. iv. 2. 4. 3.
- F.
- Famine, times of, i. 2. 3. 5. and 6.
- Fear, v. 2. 4.
- Feathers, smoke of, vi. 3. 1. 6.
- Fennel, iii. 3. 4. 4.
- Ferula asafœtida, iii. 3. 3.
- Fish, i. 2. 1. 2. i. 2. 1. 5.
- Flannel shirt, ii. 2. 2. 1.
- Flesh of animals, i. 2. 1.
- Fluke-worm, iv. 2. 6.
- Foxglove, iv. 2. 3. 7. v. 2. 1. v. 2. 4.
- —— tincture of, iv. 2. 3. 7.
- Friction, ii. 2. 6. iii. 3. 1. 6.
- G.
- Galanthus nivalis, vii. 3. 3.
- Galbanum, vi. 3. 1.
- Gall-stones, iv. 2. 6.
- Galls of oak, iv. 3. 5.
- Garlic, iii. 3. 3.
- Gentiana centaurium, iv. 3. 3.
- —— lutea, iv. 3. 3.
- Ginger, iii. 3. 1. iii. 3. 4.
- Gonorrhœa, iv. 2. 2. iii. 2. 4.
- Gout, iv. 2. 11. 2.
- Guaiacum, iii. 3. 1.
- Gum arabic, iii. 3. 3. 3.
- —— tragacanth, iii. 3. 3. 3.
- Glycyrrhiza glabra, iii. 3. 3. 3.
- Gravel, v. 2. 4. 4.
- H.
- Hartshorn, spirit and salt of, iii. 3. 3. iii. 3. 1. vi. 3. 1. 4.
- —— calcined, iv. 2. 5. vi. 2. 3.
- Hæmorrhages, iv. 2. 4. 4. iv. 2. 6. 2.
- Hæmatoxylon campechianum, iv. 3. 5. 2.
- Hay, infusion of, i. 2. 3. 6.
- Head-ach, snuff in, v. 2. 3. 1.
- Heat, ii. 2. 2. 1. See Bath.
- —— an universal solvent, vii. 2. 2.
- Helenium, iii. 3. 3. 2.
- Herpes, iv. 2. 1. iv. 2. 9.
- Herrings, red, iii. 3. 1. 4.
- Honey, iii. 3. 3. 3. iii. 3. 5. 1.
- Hop in beer, why noxious, iv. 2. 3. 6. iv. 2. 11. 2.
- Hordeum distichon, iii. 3. 3. 3.
- Humulus lupulus, iv. 2. 3. iv. 2. 11.
- Hydrargyrus vitriolatus, v. 2. 3.
- Hysteric disease, vi. 2. 1.
- —— pains, vi. 2. 1.
- —— convulsions, vi. 2. 1.
- I.
- Jalapium, iii. 3. 5. 5.
- Japan earth, iv. 3. 5. 2.
- Jaundice, iv. 2. 6. 3.
- Ileus, vi. 2. 5.
- Incitantia, ii.
- Intermittents. See Agues.
- Inverted motions, vi. 2. 1.
- —— in hysteric disease, vi. 2. 1.
- —— of the stomach, vi. 2. 2.
- —— intestinal canal, vi. 2. 5.
- —— of lymphatics, vi. 2. 3.
- Inula helenium, iii. 3. 3. 2.
- Ipecacuanha, v. 2. 1.
- Iron, rust of, iv. 3. 6.
- Irritability prevented, iv. 2. 3. 3.
- Itch, iv. 2. 1. 3.
- L.
- Laurus camphora, iii. 3. 1.
- —— cinnamomum, iii. 3. 1.
- —— sassafras, iii. 3. 1.
- Lead, iv. 3. 6.
- —— colic from, v. 2. 2. 2.
- —— sugar of, iv. 2. 9.
- Leeks, iii. 3. 3. 1.
- Legs, ulcers of, iv. 2. 10.
- Lemon-juice, iv. 2. 1. iv. 2. 2.
- Leontodon taraxacum, iv. 3. 4.
- Life shortened by great stimulus, i. 1.
- Lime, i. 2. 4. 3.
- Liquorice, iii. 3. 3. 3.
- Liver inflamed, iv. 2. 6.
- Logwood, iv. 3. 5. 2.
- Lymphatics, inverted motions of, v. 2. 1.
- M.
- Magnesia alba, iii. 3. 5. 3.
- Malt, i. 2. 3. 5.
- Manna, iii. 3. 5.
- Marsh-mallows, iii. 3. 3. 3.
- Marjoram, iii. 3. 9.
- Marum, iii. 3. 9.
- Mastich, iii. 3. 2. iii. 3. 3.
- Menianthes trifoliata, iv. 3. 3.
- Menispermum cocculus, ii. 3. 1.
- Menstruation promoted, iv. 2. 6. 6.
- —— repressed, iv. 2. 6. 6.
- Mercury, iii. 3. 2. vi. 2. 2.
- —— preparations of, iv. 3. 7. iv. 2. 7. iv. 2. 9.
- —— injected as a clyster, vi. 3. 5.
- Metallic salts, iv. 2. 6.
- Milk, i. 2. 2.
- Mimosa nilotica, iii. 3. 3. 3.
- —— catechu, iv. 3. 5. 2.
- Mint, vi. 3. 1. 3.
- Mortification, iv. 2. 9.
- Mucilage, vegetable, vii. 3. 3.
- Mucus, animal, vii. 3. 5.
- Mushrooms, i. 2. 1. 2.
- Musk, vi. 2. 1. vi. 3. 1.
- Mustard, iv. 3. 4. See Sinapism.
- N.
- Nausea in fevers, vii. 2. 5.
- Neutral salts diuretic, why, iii. 2. 4.
- —— increase some coughs, iii. 2. 4.
- —— increase heat of urine, iii. 2. 4.
- Nicotiana tabacum, iii. 3. 9. ii. 3. 1.
- Nitre, iii. 3. 4. v. 2. 4.
- Nutmeg, iii. 2. 1.
- Nutrientia, i.
- O.
- Oil of almonds, iii. 3. 5. 4.
- —— in cream, i. 2. 3. 2.
- —— of amber, vi. 2. 1.
- —— expressed externally, iii. 2. 3.
- —— essential, ii. 2. 3. iii. 3. 1. 2.
- Oiled silk, vii. 3. 13.
- Oleum, animale, vi. 2. 1. vi. 3. 4.
- —— ricini, iii. 3. 5. 4.
- Onions, iii. 3. 3.
- Opium, ii. 2. 1. 2. iv. 1. 2.
- —— in nervous pains, ii. 2. 1. 5.
- —— in inflammatory pains, ii. 2. 1. 6.
- —— increases all secretions and absorptions, ii. 2. 1. 1.
- —— absorption after evacuation, iv. 2. 8. 2. ii. 2. 1. 3.
- —— stops sweats, iv. 2. 1. 2.
- —— intoxicates, ii. 2. 1. 1.
- Oranges, their peel, iv. 3. 3.
- Orchis, vii. 3. 3.
- Oxygen gas, ii. 2. 4. i. 2. 5. iii. 2. 11. iv. 1. 4.
- —— produces and heals ulcers, iv. 2. 7.
- P.
- Papin's digester, i. 2. 3. 5.
- Papaver somniferum, ii. 3. 1. iv. 3. 2. See Opium.
- Pains, periodic, cured by opium, ii. 2. 1.
- Pareira brava, iii. 3. 4. 4.
- Parsley, iii. 3. 4.
- Passions, ii. 2. 5.
- Pasturage, i. 2. 3. 7.
- Pepper, iii. 3. 1.
- Peripneumony, iv. 2. 8. 2.
- Perspiration in a morning, iii. 2. 1.
- —— not an excrement, iii. 2. 1.
- Peru, balsam of, iii. 3. 5. 4.
- Petechiæ, iv. 2. 4. 2.
- Pimento, iii. 3. 1.
- Piper indicum, iii. 3. 1.
- Pistacia lentiscus, iii. 3. 2.
- Pix liquida, iii. 3. 3.
- Plaster-bandage, iv. 2. 10.
- Pleurisy, iv. 2. 8. 2.
- Polygala seneka, iii. 3. 3. 2.
- Poppy. See Papaver.
- Portland's powder noxious, why, iv. 2. 11. 2.
- Potatoe-bread, i. 2. 3. 4.
- Potentilla, iv. 3. 5.
- Prunes, iii. 3. 5. 1.
- Prunus domestica, iii. 3. 5. 1.
- —— spinosa, iv. 3. 1.
- —— lauro-cerasus, ii. 3. 1.
- Pulegium, vi. 3. 1. 3.
- Pulse, intermittent, relieved by arsenic, iv. 2. 6.
- Pyrethrum, iii. 3. 2.
- Pyrus malus, vii.
- —— cydonia, iv. 3. 1.
- Q.
- R.
- Ratafie, why destructive, ii. 2. 1.
- Resin diuretic, iii. 2. 4. vi. 2. 4.
- Rhamnus catharticus, v. 3. 2.
- Rheumatism, iv. 2. 4. 5. iv. 2. 10. 2.
- Rheum palmatum. See Rhubarb.
- Rhubarb, iii. 2. 1. iv. 2. 5. 1. iii. 3. 5. 5.
- —— causes constipation, why, iii. 2. 1. 1.
- Rice, vii.
- Roses, iv. 3. 5.
- Rot in sheep, iv. 2. 6.
- S.
- Sago, vii. 3.
- Sagopænum, vi. 3. 1.
- Salivation not necessary, iv. 2. 7.
- —— hysteric, v. 2. 3.
- Salt, common, unwholesome, iii. 1. 12.
- —— muriatic, iii. 3. 1.
- —— in clysters, iii. 2. 7.
- Salts, why diuretic, iii. 2. 4.
- —— neutral, iii. 3. 5. 3. iii. 2. 4.
- —— improper in coughs and gonorrhœa, iii. 2. 4.
- Salt fish and salt meat increase perspiration, iii. 2. 1.
- Sassafras, iii. 3. 1.
- Scammony, v. 2. 2.
- Scarcity, times of, i. 2. 3. 5. and 6.
- Scilla maritima, v. 2. 2. iv. 2. 3. iii. 3. 3. v. 2. 3.
- Scorbutic legs, iv. 2. 10.
- Scrophulous tumours, ii. 2. 4. iv. 2. 9.
- Sea-water, iii. 3. 5. 3.
- Secernentia, iii.
- Secretion of the bladder, iii. 2. 6.
- —— of the rectum, iii. 2. 7.
- —— of the skin, iii. 2. 8.
- Seneka, iii. 3. 3. 2.
- Senna, iii. 3. 5. 5.
- Serpentaria virginiana, iii. 3. 1.
- Sialagogues, iii. 2. 2. v. 2. 3.
- Simarouba, iv. 3. 5.
- Sinapi, iv. 3. 4.
- Sinapisms, vi. 2. 2. iii. 2. 8. vi. 2. 2.
- Sisymbrium nasturtium, iv. 3. 4.
- Sloes, iv. 2. 2.
- Snuffs of candles, vi. 3. 1. 4.
- Society, i. 2. 3. 7.
- Soot, vi. 3. 1. 4.
- Sorbentia, various kinds, iv. 2. 1.
- Spasmodic doctrine exploded, vii. 2. 3.
- Spermaceti, iii. 3. 3. 3.
- Spice noxious, iii. 1. 12.
- Spirit of wine noxious, ii. 2. 1.
- Sponge, burnt, vi. 3. 1. 4.
- Squill. See Scilla.
- Starch, i. 2. 3. 1.
- —— from poisonous roots, i. 2. 3. 4.
- Steam, bath of, iv. 2. 3. 8.
- Steel, iv. 2. 6.
- —— forwards and represses menstruation, iv. 2. 6.
- Stizolobium siliqua hirsuta, iii. 3. 2. vii. 3. 11.
- Strychnos nux vomica, ii. 3. 1.
- Sublimate of mercury, iv. 2. 7. iv. 2. 9.
- Sugar nourishing, i. 2. 3. 1. and 5. iii. 3. 3. 3.
- —— formed after the death of the plant, i. 2. 3. 5.
- —— aperient, iii. 3. 5. 1.
- Sulphur, iii. 3. 5. 4.
- Sweats in a morning, iii. 2. 1. 5.
- —— on waking, iii. 2. 1. 5.
- —— cold, v. 2. 5.
- —— stopped by opium, iv. 2. 1. 2.
- T.
- Tænia, vermes. See Worms.
- Tamarinds, iii. 3. 5. 1.
- Tansey, tanacetum, iv. 3. 3.
- Tar, iii. 3. 3.
- Tartar, crystals of, iii. 3. 5. 1. Class i. 2. 3. 13.
- —— vitriolate, iii. 3. 5. 3.
- —— emetic, v. 2. 1. v. 2. 2.
- Tea, vii. 2. 1.
- Tears, iii. 2. 10.
- Testaceous powders, iv. 2. 1.
- Tetradynamia, plants of, iv. 2. 4.
- Tincture of digitalis, iv. 2.
- Tinea, herpes, iv. 2. 1. 4.
- Tobacco, ii. 3. 1. iii. 3. 9. iv. 2. 3. 7.
- —— injures digestion, iii. 2. 2. 3.
- Tolu balsam, iii. 3. 3.
- Tormentilla erecta, iv. 3. 5.
- Torpentia, vii.
- Tragacanth gum, iii. 3. 3. 3.
- Turpentine, vi. 2. 4.
- —— spirit of, iii. 2. 6.
- Turpeth mineral, v. 2. 3.
- Tussilago farfara, iii. 3. 3. 3.
- U.
- Ulcers, scrophulous, iv. 2. 9.
- —— of the mouth, iv. 2. 2.
- —— cured by absorption, ii. 2. 1. 4. iv. 2. 3. 5.
- Uva ursi, iv. 3. 5.
- V.
- Valerian, vi. 3. 1.
- Vegetable acids, iv. 2. 1.
- —— food, i. 2. 1. 2.
- Venereal ulcers, iv. 2. 7.
- Venesection, vii. 2. 4. iv. 2. 8.
- —— diminishes secretions, vii. 2. 4.
- —— increases absorptions, vii. 2. 4.
- Veratrum, v. 3. 2.
- Vibices, iv. 2. 4. 3.
- Vinegar, iv. 2. 1. 2. iv. 2. 4. 3. ii. 2. 1. 9.
- Vitriol blue in agues, iv. 2. 6. iv. 2. 2.
- —— in ulcers, iv. 2. 9.
- —— white, iv. 3. 6. v. 2. 1.
- —— acid of, iv. 2. 1.
- —— in sweats, iv. 1. 1.
- —— in small-pox, iv. 1. 1.
- Volatile salt, vi. 3. 1. 6.
- Vomiting, v. 2. 2.
- Vomiting stopped by mercury, vi. 2. 2.
- Vomits, iv. 2. 3. 7.
- W.
- Warm bath, ii. 2. 2. 1.
- —— in diabetes vi. 2. 4.
- Water, i. 2. 4.
- —— dilutes and lubricates, vii. 2. 2.
- —— cold, produces sweats, iii. 2. 1.
- —— iced, in ileus, vi. 2. 5.
- —— cresses, iv. 3. 4.
- Whey of milk, iii. 3. 5. 2. i. 2. 2. 2.
- Wine, ii. 3. 1.
- Worms, vii. 1. 2. iii. 2. 7. iv. 2. 6. 4.
- —— in sheep, iv. 2. 6. 4.
- Z.
- Zinc, vitriol of, v. 3. 1.
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