< Zoonomia
- A.
- Abortion from fear, xxxix. 6. 5.
- Absorbent vessels, xxiii. 3. xxix. 1.
- —— regurgitate their fluids, xxix. 2.
- —— their valves, xxix. 2.
- —— communicate with vena portarum, xxvii. 2.
- Absorption of solids, xxxiii. 3. 1. xxxvii.
- —— of fluids in anasarca, xxxv. 1. 3.
- Accumulation of sensorial power, iv. 2. xii. 5. 2.
- Activity of system too great, cure of, xii. 6.
- —— too small, cure of, xii. 7.
- Age, old, xii. 3. 1. xxxvii. 4.
- Ague-fit, xii. 7. 1. xxxii. 3. 4. xxxii. 9.
- —— how cured by bark, xii. 3. 4.
- —— periods, how occasioned, xii. 2. 3. xxxii. 3. 4.
- Ague cakes, xxxii. 7. xxxii. 9.
- Air, sense of fresh, xiv. 8.
- —— injures ulcers, xxviii. 2.
- —— injected into veins, xxxii. 5.
- Alcohol deleterious, xxx. 3.
- Alliterations, why agreeable, xxii. 2.
- Aloes in lessened doses, xii. 3. 1.
- American natives indolent, xxxi. 2.
- —— narrow shouldered, xxxi. 1.
- Analogy intuitive, xvii. 3. 7.
- Animals less liable to madness, xxxiii. 1.
- —— less liable to contagion, xxxiii. 1.
- —— how to teach, xxii. 3. 2.
- —— their similarity to each other, xxxix. 4. 8.
- —— their changes after nativity, xxxix. 4. 8.
- —— their changes before nativity, xxxix. 4. 8.
- —— less liable to contagious diseases, why, xxxiii. 1. 5.
- —— less liable to delirium and insanity, why, xxxiii. 1. 5.
- —— easier to preserve than to reproduce, xxxvii.
- —— food, distaste of, xxviii. 1.
- —— appetency, xxxix. 4. 7.
- Antipathy, x. 2. 2.
- Aphthæ, xxviii.
- Apoplexy, xxxiv. 1. 7.
- —— not from deficient irritation, xxxii. 2. 1.
- Appetites, xi. 2. 2. xiv. 8.
- Architecture, xxii. 2. xvi. 10.
- Arts, fine, xxii. 2.
- Asparagus, its smell in urine, xxix.
- Association defined, ii. 2. 11. iv. 7. v. 2.
- —— associate motions, x.
- —— stronger than irritative ones, xxiv. 2. 8.
- —— formed before nativity, xi. 3.
- —— with irritative ones, xxiv. 2. 8.
- —— with retrograde ones, xxv. 7. xxv. 10. xxv. 15.
- —— diseases from, xxxv.
- Asthma, xviii. 15.
- Attention, language of, xvi. 8. 6.
- Atrophy, xxviii.
- Aversion, origin of, xi. 2. 3.
- B.
- Balance ourselves by vision, xx. 1.
- Bandage increases absorption, xxxiii. 3. 2.
- Barrenness, xxxvi. 2. 3.
- Battement of sounds, xx. 7.
- Bath, cold. See Cold Bath.
- Beauty, sense of, xvi. 6. xxii. 2.
- Bile-ducts, xxx.
- —— stones, xxx. 1. 3.
- —— regurgitates into the blood, xxiv. 2. 7.
- —— vomiting of, xxx. 1. 3.
- Birds of passage, xvi. 12.
- —— nests of, xvi. 13.
- —— colour of their eggs, xxxix. 5.
- Biting in pain, xxxiv. 1. 3.
- —— of mad animals, xxxiv. 1. 3.
- Black spots on dice appear red, xl. 3.
- Bladder, communication of with the intestines, xxix. 3.
- —— of fish, xxiv. 1. 4.
- Blood, transfusion of in nervous fevers, xxxii. 4.
- —— deficiency of, xxxii. 2. and 4.
- —— from the vena portarum into the intestines, xxvii. 2.
- —— its momentum, xxxii. 5. 2.
- —— momentum increased by venesection, xxxii. 5. 4.
- —— drawn in nervous pains, xxxii. 5. 4.
- —— its oxygenation, xxxviii.
- Breasts of men, xiv. 8.
- Breathing, how learnt, xvi. 4.
- Brutes differ from men, xi. 2. 3. xvi. 17.
- Brutes. See Animals.
- Buxton bath, why it feels warm, xii. 2. 1. xxxii. 3. 3.
- C.
- Capillary vessels are glands, xxvi. 1.
- Catalepsy, xxxiv. 1. 5.
- Catarrh from cold skin, xxxv. 1. 3. xxxv. 2. 3.
- —— from thin caps in sleep, xviii. 15.
- Catenation of motions defined, ii. 2. 11. iv. 7.
- —— cause of them, xvii. 1. 3.
- —— described, xvii.
- —— continue some time after their production, xvii. 1. 3.
- —— voluntary ones dissevered in sleep, xvii. 1. 12. xvii. 3. 7.
- Cathartics, external, their operation, xxix. 7. 6.
- Causation, animal, defined, ii. 2. 11. iv. 7.
- Cause of causes, xxxix. 4. 8.
- Causes inert and efficient, xxxix. 8. 2.
- —— active and passive, xxxix. 8. 3.
- —— proximate and remote, xxxix. 8. 4.
- Chick in the egg, oxygenation of, xxxviii. 2.
- Child riding on a stick, xxxiv. 2. 6.
- Chilness after meals, xxi. 3. xxxv. 1. 1.
- Cholera, case of, xxv. 13.
- Circulation in the eye visible, xl. 10. 4.
- Cold in the head, xii. 6. 5.
- —— perceived by the teeth, xxxii. 3. 1. xiv. 6.
- —— air, uses of in fevers, xxxii. 3. 3.
- —— feet, produces coryza, xxxv. 2. 3. xxxv. 1. 3.
- —— bath, why it strengthens, xxxii. 3. 2.
- —— short and cold breathing in it, xxxii. 3. 2.
- —— produces a fever-fit, xxxii. 3. 2.
- —— fit of fever the consequence of hot fit, xxxii. 9. 3.
- —— bathing in pulmonary hæmorrhage, xxvii. 1.
- —— fits of fever, xxxii. 4. xxxii. 9. xvii. 3. 3.
- Colours of animals, efficient cause of, xxxix. 5. 1.
- —— of eggs from female imagination, xxxix. 5. 1.
- —— of the choroid coat of the eye, xxxix. 5. 1.
- —— of birds nests, xvi. 13.
- Comparing ideas, xv. 3.
- Consciousness, xv. 3. 4.
- —— in dreams, xviii. 13.
- Consent of parts. See Sympathy.
- Consumption, its temperament, xxxi. 1. and 2.
- —— of dark-eyed patients, xxvii. 2.
- —— of light-eyed patients, xxviii. 2.
- —— is contagious, xxxiii. 2. 7.
- Contagion, xii. 3. 6. xix. 9. xxxiii. 2. 6. and 8. xxii. 3. 3.
- —— does not enter the blood, xxxiii. 2. 10. xxii. 3. 3.
- Contraction and attraction, iv. 1.
- —— of fibres produces sensation, iv. 5. xii. 1. 6.
- —— continues some time, xii. 1. 5.
- —— alternates with relaxation, xii. 1. 3.
- Convulsion, xvii. 1. 8. xxxiv. 1. 1. and 4. iii. 5. 8.
- —— of particular muscles, xvii. 1. 8.
- —— periods of, xxxvi. 3. 9.
- Coryza. See Catarrh.
- Cough, nervous, periods of, xxxvi. 3. 9.
- Cramp, xviii. 15. xxxiv. 1. 7.
- Critical days from lunations, xxxvi. 4.
- D.
- Darkish room, why we see well in it, xii. 2. 1.
- Debility sensorial and stimulatory, xii. 2. 1.
- —— direct and indirect of Dr. Brown, xii. 2. 1. xxxii. 3. 2.
- —— See Weakness.
- —— from drinking spirits, cure of, xii. 7. 8.
- —— in fevers, cure of, xii. 7. 8.
- Deliberation, what, xxxiv. 1.
- Delirium, two kinds of, xxxiii. 1. 4. xxxiv. 2. 2.
- —— cases of, iii. 5. 8.
- —— prevented by dreams, xviii. 2.
- Desire, origin of, xi. 2. 3.
- Diabetes explained, xxix. 4.
- —— with bloody urine, xxvii. 2.
- —— in the night, xviii. 15.
- Diarrhœa, xxix. 4.
- Digestion, xxxiii. 1. xxxvii.
- —— strengthened by emetics, xxxv. 1. 3.
- —— strengthened by regular hours, why, xxxvi. 2. 1.
- Digitalis, use of in dropsy, xxix. 5. 2.
- Distention acts as a stimulus, xxxii. 4.
- —— See Extension.
- Distinguishing, xv. 3.
- Diurnal circle of actions, xxv. 4.
- Doubting, xv. 3.
- Dreams, viii. 1. 2. xiv. 2. 5.
- —— their inconsistency, xviii. 17.
- —— no surprise in them, xviii. 17.
- —— much novelty of combination, xviii. 9.
- Dropsies explained, xxix. 5. 1.
- Dropsy cured by insanity, xxxiv. 2. 7.
- —— cure of, xxix. 5. 2.
- Drunkards weak till next day, xvii. 1. 7.
- —— stammer, and stagger, and weep, xii. 4. 1. xxi. 4.
- —— see objects double, why, xxi. 7.
- —— become delirious, sleepy, stupid, xxi. 5.
- Drunkenness. See Intoxication, xxi.
- —— diminished by attention, xxi. 8.
- Dyspnœa in cold bath, xxxii. 3. 2.
- E.
- Ear, a good one, xvi. 10.
- —— noise in, xx. 7.
- Eggs of frogs, fish, fowl, xxxix. 2.
- —— of birds, why spotted, xxxix. 5.
- —— with double yolk, xxxix. 4. 4.
- Electricity, xii. 1. xiv. 9.
- —— jaundice cured by it, xxx. 1. 2.
- Embryon produced by the male, xxxix. 2.
- —— consists of a living fibre, xxxix. 4.
- —— absorbs nutriment, receives oxygen, xxxix. 1.
- —— its actions and sensations, xvi. 2.
- Emetic. See Vomiting.
- Emotions, xi. 2. 2.
- Ennui, or tædium vitæ, xxxiv. 2. 3. xxxiii. 1. 1. xxxix. 6.
- Epileptic fits explained, xxxiv. 1. 4. xxvii. 2.
- —— in sleep, why, xviii. 14. & 15.
- Equinoxial lunations, xxxii. 6.
- Excitability perpetually varies, xii. 1. 7.
- —— synonymous to quantity of sensorial power, xii. 1. 7.
- Exercise, its use, xxxii. 5. 3.
- Exertion of sensorial power defined, xii. 2. 1.
- Existence in space, xiv. 2. 5.
- Extension, sense of, xiv. 7.
- Eyes become black in some epilepsies, xxvii. 2.
- F.
- Face, flushing of after dinner, xxxv. 1. 1.
- —— why first affected in small-pox, xxxv. 1. 1.
- —— red from inflamed liver, xxxv. 2. 2.
- Fainting fits, xii. 7. 1. xiv. 7.
- Fear, language of, xvi. 8. 1.
- —— a cause of fever, xxxii. 8.
- —— cause of, xvii. 3. 7.
- Fetus. See Embryon, xvi. 2. xxxix. 1.
- Fevers, irritative, xxxii. 1.
- —— intermittent, xxxii. 1. xxxii. 3.
- —— sensitive, xxxiii. 1.
- —— not an effort of nature for relief, xxxii. 10.
- —— paroxysms of, xii. 7. 1. xii. 2. 3. xii. 3. 5.
- —— why some intermit and not others, xxxvi. 1.
- —— cold fits of, xxxii. 4. xxxii. 9. xvii. 3. 3.
- —— periods of, xxxvi. 3.
- —— have solar or lunar periods, xxxii. 6.
- —— source of the symptoms of, xxxii. 1.
- —— prostration of strength in, xii. 4. 1. xxxii. 3. 2.
- —— cure of, xii. 6. 1.
- —— how cured by the bark, xii. 3. 4.
- —— cured by increased volition, xii. 2. 4. xxxiv. 2. 8.
- —— best quantity of stimulus in, xii. 7. 8.
- Fibres. See Muscles.
- Fibres, their mobility, xii. 1. 7. xii. 1. 1.
- —— contractions of, vi. xii. 1. 1.
- —— four classes of their motions, vi.
- —— their motions distinguished from sensorial ones, v. 3.
- Figure, xiv. 2. 2. iii. 1.
- Fish, their knowledge, xvi. 14.
- Foxglove, its use in dropsies, xxix. 5. 2.
- —— overdose of, xxv. 17.
- Free-will, xv. 3. 7.
- G.
- Gall-stone, xxv. 17.
- —— See Bile-stones.
- Generation, xxxiii. 1. xxxix.
- Gills of fish, xxxviii. 2.
- Glands, xxiii. 2.
- —— conglobate glands, xxiii. 3.
- —— have their peculiar stimulus, xi. 1.
- —— their senses, xiv. 9. xxxix. 6.
- —— invert their motions, xxv. 7.
- —— increase their motions, xxv. 7.
- Golden rule for exhibiting wine, xii. 7. 8.
- —— for leaving off wine, xii. 7. 8.
- Gout from inflamed liver, xxxv. 2. 2. xviii. 16. xxiv. 2. 8.
- —— in the stomach, xxiv. 2. 8. xxv. 17.
- —— why it returns after evacuations, xxxii. 4.
- —— owing to vinous spirit only, xxi. 10.
- —— periods of, xxxvi. 3. 6.
- Grinning in pain, xxxiv. 1. 3.
- Gyration on one foot, xx. 5. and 6.
- H.
- Habit defined, ii. 2. 11. iv. 7.
- Hæmorrhages, periods of, xxxvi. 3. 11.
- —— from paralysis of veins, xxvii. 1. and 2.
- Hair and nails, xxxix. 3. 2.
- —— colour of, xxxix. 5. 1.
- Harmony, xxii. 2.
- Head-achs, xxxv. 2. 1.
- Hearing, xiv. 4.
- Heat, sense of, xiv. 6. xxxii. 3. 1.
- —— produced by the glands, xxxii. 3.
- —— external and internal, xxxii. 3. 1.
- —— atmosphere of heat, xxxii. 3. 1.
- —— increases during sleep, xviii. 15.
- Hemicrania, xxxv. 2. 1.
- —— from decaying teeth, xxxv. 2. 1.
- Hepatitis, cause of, xxxv. 2. 3.
- Hereditary diseases, xxxix. 7. 6.
- Hermaphrodite insects, xxxix. 5.
- Herpes, xxviii. 2.
- —— from inflamed kidney, xxxv. 2. 2.
- Hilarity from diurnal fever, xxxvi. 3. 1.
- Hunger, sense of, xiv. 8.
- Hydrophobia, xxii. 3. 3.
- Hypochondriacism, xxxiii. 1. 1. xxxiv. 2. 3.
- I.
- Ideas defined, ii. 2. 7.
- —— are motions of the organs of sense, iii. 4. xviii. 5. xviii. 10. xviii. 6.
- —— analogous to muscular motions, iii. 5.
- —— continue some time, xx. 6.
- —— new ones cannot be invented, iii. 6. 1.
- —— abstracted ones, iii. 6. 4.
- —— inconsistent trains of, xviii. 17.
- —— perish with the organ of sense, iii. 4. 4.
- —— painful from inflammation of the organ, iii. 5. 5.
- —— irritative ones, vii. 1. 4. vii. 3. 2. xv. 2. xx. 7.
- —— of resemblance, contiguity, causation, viii. 3. 2. x. 3. 3.
- —— resemble the figure and other properties of bodies, xiv. 2. 2.
- —— received in tribes, xv. 1.
- —— of the same sense easier combined, xv. 1. 1.
- —— of reflection, xv. 1. 6. ii. 2. 12.
- Ideal presence, xv. 1. 7.
- Identity, xv. 3. 5. xviii. 13.
- Iliac passion, xxv. 15.
- Imagination, viii. 1. 2. xv. 1. 7. xv. 2. 2.
- —— of the male forms the sex, xxxix. 6.
- Imitation, origin of, xii. 3. 3. xxxix. 5. xxii. 3. xvi. 7.
- Immaterial beings, xiv. 1. xiv. 2. 4.
- Impediment of speech, xvii. 1. 10. xvii. 2. 10.
- Infection. See Contagion.
- Inflammation, xii. 2. 3. xxxiii. 2. 2.
- —— great vascular exertion in, xii. 2. 1.
- —— not from pains from defect of stimulus, xxxiii. 2. 3.
- —— of parts previously insensible, xii. 3. 7.
- —— often distant from its cause, xxiv. 2. 8.
- —— observes solar days, xxxii. 6.
- —— of the eye, xxxiii. 3. 1.
- —— of the bowels prevented by their continued action in sleep, xviii. 2.
- Inoculation with blood, xxxiii. 2. 10.
- Insane people, their great strength, xii. 2. 1.
- Insanity (see Madness) pleasurable one, xxxiv. 2. 6.
- Insects, their knowledge, xvi. 15. and 16.
- —— in the heads of calves, xxxix. 1.
- —— class of, xxxix. 4. 8.
- Instinctive actions defined, xvi. 1.
- Intestines, xxv. 3.
- Intoxication relieves pain, why, xxi. 3.
- —— from food after fatigue, xxi. 2.
- —— diseases from it, xxi. 10.
- —— See Drunkenness.
- Intuitive analogy, xvii. 3. 7.
- Invention, xv. 3. 3.
- Irritability increases during sleep, xviii. 15.
- Itching, xiv. 9.
- J.
- Jaundice from paralysis of the liver, xxx. 1. 2.
- —— cured by electricity, xxx. 1. 2.
- Jaw-locked, xxxiv. 1. 5.
- Judgment, xv. 3.
- K.
- Knowledge of various animals, xvi. 11.
- L.
- Lachrymal sack, xvi. 8. xxiv. 2. 2. and 7.
- Lacteals, paralysis of, xxviii.
- —— See Absorbents.
- Lady playing on the harpsichord, xvii. 2.
- —— distressed for her dying bird, xvii. 2. 10.
- Language, natural, its origin, xvi. 7. & 8.
- —— of various passions described, xvi. 8.
- —— artificial, of various animals, xvi. 9.
- —— theory of, xxxix. 8. 3.
- Lapping of puppies, xvi. 4.
- Laughter explained, xxxiv. 1. 4.
- —— from tickling, xvii. 3. 5. xxxiv. 1. 4.
- —— from frivolous ideas, xxxiv. 1. 4. xviii. 12.
- Life, long, art of producing, xxxvii.
- Light has no momentum, iii. 3. 1.
- Liquor amnii, xvi. 2. xxxviii. 2.
- —— is nutritious, xxxviii. 3.
- —— frozen, xxxviii. 3.
- Liver, paralysis of, xxx. 1. 4.
- —— large of geese, xxx. 1. 6.
- Love, sentimental, its origin, xvi. 6.
- —— animal, xiv. 8. xvi. 5.
- Lunar periods affect diseases, xxxii. 6.
- Lust, xiv. 8. xvi. 5.
- Lymphatics, paralysis of, xxviii.
- —— See Absorbents.
- M.
- Mad-dog, bite of, xxii. 3. 3.
- Madness, xxxiv. 2. 1. xii. 2. 1.
- Magnetism, xii. 1. 1.
- Magnifying objects, new way of, xl. 10. 5.
- Male animals have teats, xxxix. 4. 8.
- —— pigeons give milk, xxxix. 4. 8.
- Man distinguished from brutes, xi. 2. 3. xvi. 17.
- Material world, xiv. 1. xiv. 2. 5. xviii. 7.
- Matter, penetrability of, xiv. 2. 3.
- —— purulent, xxxiii. 2. 4.
- Measles, xxxiii. 2. 9.
- Membranes, xxvi. 2.
- Memory defined, ii. 2. 10. xv. 1. 7. xv. 3.
- Menstruation by lunar periods, xxxii. 6.
- Miscarriage from fear, xxxix. 6. 5.
- Mobility of fibres, xii. 1. 7.
- Momentum of the blood, xxxii. 5. 2.
- —— sometimes increased by venesection, xxxii. 5. 4.
- Monsters, xxxix. 4. 4. and 5. 2.
- —— without heads, xxxviii. 3.
- Moon and sun, their influence, xxxii. 6.
- Mortification, xxxiii. 3. 3.
- Motion is either cause or effect, i. xiv. 2. 2.
- —— primary and secondary, i.
- —— animal, i. iii. 1.
- —— propensity to, xxii. 1.
- —— animal, continue some time after their production, xvii. 1. 3.
- —— defined, a variation of figure, iii. 1. xiv. 2. 2. xxxix. 8.
- Mucus, experiments on, xxvi. 1.
- —— secretion of, xxvi. 2.
- Mules, xxxix. 4. 5. and 6. xxxix. 5. 2.
- Mule plants, xxxix. 2.
- Muscæ volitantes, xl. 2.
- Muscles constitute an organ of sense, xiv. 7. ii. 2. 4.
- —— stimulated by extension, xi. 1. xiv. 7.
- —— contract by spirit of animation, xii. 1. 1. and 3.
- Music, xvi. 10. xxii. 2.
- Musical time, why agreeable, xii. 3. 3.
- N.
- Nausea, xxv. 6.
- Nerves and brain, ii. 2. 3.
- —— extremities of form the whole system, xxxvii. 3.
- —— are not changed with age, xxxvii. 4.
- Nervous pains defined, xxxiv. 1. 1.
- Number defined, xiv. 2. 2.
- Nutriment for the embryon, xxxix. 5. 2.
- Nutrition owing to stimulus, xxxvii. 3.
- —— by animal selection, xxxvii. 3.
- —— when the fibres are elongated, xxxvii. 3.
- —— like inflammation, xxxvii. 3.
- O.
- Objects long viewed become faint, iii. 3. 2.
- Ocular spectra, xl.
- Oil externally in diabætes, xxix. 4.
- Old age from inirritability, xxxvii.
- Opium is stimulant, xxxii. 2. 2.
- —— promotes absorption after evacuation, xxxiii. 3. 1.
- —— in increasing doses, xii. 3. 1.
- Organs of sense, ii. 2. 5. and 6.
- Organs when destroyed cease to produce ideas, iii. 4. 4.
- Organic particles of Buffon, xxxvii. 3. xxxix. 3. 3.
- Organ-pipes, xx. 7.
- Oxygenation of the blood, xxxviii.
- P.
- Pain from excess and defect of motion, iv. 5. xii. 5. 3. xxxiv. 1. xxxv. 2. 1.
- —— not felt during exertion, xxxiv. 1. 2.
- —— from greater contraction of fibres, xii. 1. 6.
- —— from accumulation of sensorial power, xii. 5. 3.
- —— from light, pressure, heat, caustics, xiv. 9.
- —— in epilepsy, xxxv. 2. 1.
- —— distant from its cause, xxiv. 2. 8.
- —— from stone in the bladder, xxxv. 2. 1.
- —— of head and back from defect, xxxii. 3.
- —— from a gall-stone, xxxv. 2. 1. xxv. 17.
- —— of the stomach in gout, xxv. 17.
- —— of shoulder in hepatitis, xxxv. 2. 4.
- —— produces volition, iv. 6.
- Paleness in cold fit, xxxii. 3. 2.
- Palsies explained, xxxiv. 1. 7.
- Paralytic limbs stretch from irritation, vii. 1. 3.
- —— patients move their sound limb much, xii. 5. 1.
- Paralysis from great exertion, xii. 4. 6.
- —— from less exertion, xii. 5. 6.
- —— of the lacteals, xxviii.
- —— of the liver, xxx. 1. 4.
- —— of the right arm, why, xxxiv. 1. 7.
- —— of the veins, xxvii. 2.
- Particles of matter will not approach, xii. 1. 1.
- Passions, xi. 2. 2.
- —— connate, xvi. 1.
- Pecking of chickens, xvi. 4.
- Perception defined, ii. 2. 8. xv. 3. 1.
- Periods of agues, how formed, xxxii. 3. 4.
- —— of diseases, xxxvi.
- —— of natural actions and of diseased actions, xxxvi.
- Perspiration in fever-fits, xxxii. 9. See Sweat.
- Petechiæ, xxvii. 2.
- Pigeons secrete milk in their stomachs, xxxix. 4. 8.
- Piles, xxvii. 2.
- Placenta a pulmonary organ, xxxviii. 2.
- Pleasure of life, xxxiii. 1. xxxix. 5.
- —— from greater fibrous contractions, xii. 1. 6.
- —— what kind causes laughter, xxxiv. 1. 4.
- —— what kind causes sleep, xxxiv. 1. 4.
- Pleurisy, periods of, xxxvi. 3. 7.
- —— cause of, xxxv. 2. 3.
- Prometheus, story of, xxx. 3.
- Prostration of strength in fevers, xii. 4. 1.
- Pupils of the eyes large, xxxi. 1.
- Pulse quick in fevers with debility, xii. 1. 4. xii. 5. 4. xxxii. 2. 1.
- —— in fevers with strength, xxxii. 2.
- —— from defect of blood, xxxii. 2. 3. xii. 1. 4.
- —— weak from emetics, xxv. 17.
- Q.
- Quack advertisements injurious. Preface.
- Quadrupeds have no sanguiferous lochia, xxxviii. 2.
- —— have nothing similar to the yolk of egg, xxxix. 1.
- R.
- Rhaphania, periods of, xxxvi. 3. 9.
- Reason, ix. 1. 2. xv. 3.
- Reasoning, xv. 3.
- Recollection, ii. 2. 10. ix. 1. 2. xv. 2. 3.
- Relaxation and bracing, xxxii. 3. 2.
- Repetition, why agreeable, xii. 3. 3. xxii. 2.
- Respiration affected by attention, xxxvi. 2. 1.
- Restlessness in fevers, xxxiv. 1. 2.
- Retrograde motions, xii. 5. 5. xxv. 6. xxix. 11.
- —— of the stomach, xxv. 6.
- —— of the skin, xxv. 9.
- —— of fluids, how distinguished, xxix. 8.
- —— how caused, xxix. 11. 5.
- —— vegetable motions, xxix. 9.
- Retina is fibrous, iii. 2. xl. 1.
- —— is active in vision, iii. 3. xl. 1.
- —— excited into spasmodic motions, xl. 7.
- —— is sensible during sleep, xviii. 5. xix. 8.
- Reverie, xix. 1. xxxiv. 3.
- —— case of a sleep-walker, xix. 2.
- —— is an epileptic disease, xix. 9.
- Rhymes in poetry, why agreeable, xxii. 2.
- Rheumatism, three kinds of, xxvi. 3.
- Rocking young children, xxi. 3.
- Ruminating animals, xxv. 1.
- S.
- Saliva produced by mercury, xxiv. 1.
- —— by food, xxiv. 1. 1.
- —— by ideas, xxiv. 1. 2. and 5.
- —— by disordered volition, xxiv. 1. 7.
- Schirrous tumours revive, xii. 2. 2.
- Screaming in pain, xxxiv. 1. 3.
- Scrophula, its temperament, xxxi. 1.
- —— xxviii. 2. xxxix. 4. 5.
- Scurvy of the lungs, xxvii. 2.
- Sea-sickness, xx. 4.
- —— stopped by attention, xx. 5.
- Secretion, xxxiii. 1. xxxvii.
- —— increased during sleep, xviii. 16.
- Seeds require oxygenation, xxxviii. 2.
- Sensation defined, ii. 2. 9. v. 2. xxxix. 8. 4.
- —— diseases of, xxxiii.
- —— from fibrous contractions, iv. 5. xii. 1. 6.
- —— in an amputated limb, iii. 6. 3.
- —— affects the whole sensorium, xi. 2.
- —— produces volition, iv. 6.
- Sensibility increases during sleep, xviii. 15.
- Sensitive motions, viii. xxxiii. 2. xxxiv. 1.
- —— fevers of two kinds, xxxiii. 1. 2.
- —— ideas, xv. 2. 2.
- Sensorium defined, ii. 2. 1.
- Senses correct one another, xviii. 7.
- —— distinguished from appetites, xxxiv. 1. 1.
- Sensorial power. See Spirit of Animation.
- —— great expence of in the vital motions, xxxii. 3. 2.
- —— two kinds of excited in sensitive fevers, xxxiii. 1. 3.
- —— powers defined, v. 1.
- —— motions distinguished from fibrous motions, v. 3.
- —— not much, accumulated in sleep, xviii. 2.
- —— powers, accumulation of, xii. 5. 1.
- —— exhaustion of, xii. 4. 1.
- —— wasted below natural in hot fits, xxxii. 9. 3.
- —— less exertion of produces pain, xii. 5. 3.
- —— less quantity of it, xii. 5. 4.
- Sensual motions distinguished from muscular, ii. 2. 7.
- Sex owing to the imagination of the father, xxxix. 7. 6. xxxix. 6. 3. xxxix. 6. 7. xxxix. 5.
- Shingles from inflamed kidney, xxxv. 2. 2.
- Shoulders broad, xxxi. 1. xxxix. 7. 6.
- Shuddering from cold, xxxiv. 1. 1. and 2.
- Sight, its accuracy in men, xvi. 6.
- Skin, skurf on it, xxvi. 1.
- Sleep suspends volition, xviii. 1.
- —— defined, xviii. 21.
- —— remote causes, xviii. 20.
- —— sensation continues in it, xviii. 2.
- —— from food, xxi. 1.
- —— from rocking, uniform sounds, xxi. 1.
- —— from wine and opium, xxi. 3.
- —— why it invigorates, xii. 5. 1.
- —— pulse slower and fuller, xxxii. 2. 2.
- —— interrupted, xxvii. 2.
- —— from breathing less oxygene, xviii. 20.
- —— from being whirled on a millstone, xviii. 20.
- —— from application of cold, xviii. 20.
- —— induced by regular hours, xxxvi. 2. 2.
- Sleeping animals, xii. 2. 2.
- Sleep-walkers. See Reverie, xix. 1.
- Small-pox, xxxiii. 2. 6. xxxix. 6. 1.
- —— eruption first on the face, why, xxxv. 1. 1. xxxiii. 2. 10.
- —— the blood will not infect, xxxiii. 2. 10.
- —— obeys lunations, xxxvi. 4.
- Smell, xiv. 5. xvi. 5.
- Smiling, origin of, xvi. 8. 4.
- Solidity, xiv. 2. 1.
- Somnambulation. See Reverie, xix. 1.
- Space, xiv. 2. 2.
- Spasm, doctrine of, xxxii. 10.
- Spectra, ocular, xl.
- —— mistaken for spectres, xl. 2.
- —— vary from long inspection, iii. 3. 5.
- Spirit of animation. See Sensorial Power.
- —— of animation causes fibrous contraction, iv. 2. ii. 2. 1. xiv. 2. 4.
- —— possesses solidity, figure, and other properties of matter, xiv. 2. 4.
- Spirits and angels, xiv. 2. 4.
- Stammering explained, xvii. 1. 10. xvii. 2. 10.
- Stimulus defined, ii. 2. 13. iv. 4. xii. 2. 1.
- —— of various kinds, xi. 1.
- —— with lessened effect, xii. 3. 1.
- —— with greater effect, xii. 3. 3.
- —— ceases to produce sensation, xii. 3. 6.
- Stomach and intestines, xxv.
- —— inverted by great stimulus, xxv. 6.
- —— its actions decreased in vomiting, xxxv. 1. 3.
- —— a blow on it occasions death, xxv. 17.
- Stools black, xxvii. 2.
- Strangury, xxxv. 2. 1.
- Sucking before nativity, xvi. 4.
- Suckling children, sense of, xiv. 8.
- Suggestion defined, ii. 2. 10. xv. 2. 4.
- Sun and moon, their influence, xxxii. 6.
- Surprise, xvii. 3. 7. xviii. 17.
- Suspicion attends madness, xxxiv. 2. 4.
- Swallowing, act of, xxv. 1. xvi. 4.
- Sweat, cold, xxv. 9. xxix. 6.
- —— in hot fit of fever, xxxii. 9.
- —— in a morning, why, xviii. 15.
- Sweaty hands cured by lime, xxix. 4. 9.
- Swinging and rocking, why agreeable, xxi. 3.
- Sympathy, xxxv. 1.
- Syncope, xii. 7. 1. xxxiv. 1. 6.
- T.
- Tædium vitæ. See Ennui.
- Tape-worm, xxxix. 2. 3.
- Taste, sense of, xiv. 5.
- Tears, secretion of, xxiv.
- —— from grief, xvi. 8. 2.
- —— from tender pleasure, xvi. 8. 3.
- —— from stimulus of nasal duct, xvi. 8. xxiv. 2. 4.
- —— by volition, xxiv. 2. 6.
- Teeth decaying cause headachs, xxxv. 2. 1.
- Temperaments, xxxi.
- Theory of medicine, wanted. Preface.
- Thirst, sense of, xiv. 8.
- —— why in dropsies, xxix. 5.
- Tickle themselves, children cannot, xvii. 3. 5.
- Tickling, xiv. 9.
- Time, xiv. 2. 2. xviii. 12.
- —— lapse of, xv. 3. 6.
- —— poetic and musical, why agreeable, xxii. 2.
- —— dramatic, xviii. 12.
- Tooth-edge, xvi. 10. iii. 4. 3. xxii. 3. 3.
- Touch, sense of, xiv. 2. 1.
- —— liable to vertigo, xxi. 9.
- —— of various animals, xvi. 6.
- Trains of motions inverted, xii. 5. 5.
- Transfusion of blood in nervous fever, xxxii. 4.
- Translations of matter, xxix. 7.
- Typhus, best quantity of stimulus in, xii. 7. 8.
- —— periods of observe lunar days, xxxii. 6.
- U.
- Ulcers, art of healing, xxxiii. 3. 2.
- —— of the lungs, why difficult to heal, xxviii. 2.
- Uniformity in the fine arts, why agreeable, xxii. 2.
- Urine pale in intoxication, xxi. 6.
- —— paucity of in anasarca, why, xxix. 5.
- —— its passage from intestines to bladder, xxix. 3.
- —— copious during sleep, xviii. 15.
- V.
- Variation, perpetual, of irritability, xii. 2. 1.
- Vegetable buds are inferior animals, xiii. 1.
- —— exactly resemble their parents, xxxix.
- —— possess sensation and volition, xiii. 2.
- —— have associate and retrograde motions, xiii. 4. xxix. 9.
- —— their anthers and stigmas are alive, xiii. 5.
- —— have organs of sense and ideas, xiii. 5.
- —— contend for light and air, xxxix. 4. 8.
- —— duplicature of their flowers, xxxix. 4. 4.
- Veins are absorbents, xxvii. 1.
- —— paralysis of, xxvii. 1.
- Venereal orgasm of brutes, xxxii. 6.
- Venesection in nervous pains, xxxii. 5. 4.
- Verbs of three kinds, xv. 3. 4.
- Verses, their measure, xxii. 2.
- Vertigo, xx.
- —— defined, xx. 11.
- —— in looking from a tower, xx. 1.
- —— in a ship at sea, xx. 4.
- —— of all the senses, xxi. 9.
- —— by intoxication, xxxv. 1. 2.
- Vibratory motions perceived after sailing, xx. 5. xx. 10.
- Vinegar makes the lips pale, xxvii. 1.
- Vis medicatrix of nature, xxxix. 4. 7.
- Vision, sense of, xiv. 3.
- Volition defined, v. 2. xxxiv. 1.
- —— affects the whole sensorium, xi. 2.
- —— diseases of, xxxiv.
- Voluntarity, xi. 2. 4.
- Voluntary motions, ix. xxxiv. 1.
- Voluntary ideas, xv. 2. 3.
- —— criterion of, xi. 2. 3. xxxiv. 1.
- Vomiting from vertigo, xx. 8.
- —— from drunkenness, xx. 8. xxi. 6.
- —— by intervals, xxv. 8.
- —— by voluntary efforts, xxv. 6.
- —— of two kinds, xxxv. 1. 3.
- —— in cold fit of fever, xxxii. 9. 1.
- —— stopped by quicksilver, xxv. 16.
- —— weakens the pulse, xxv. 17.
- W.
- Waking, how, xviii. 14.
- Walking, how learnt, xvi. 3.
- Warmth in sleep, why, xviii. 15.
- Weakness defined, xii. 1. 3. xii. 2. 1. xxxii. 3. 2.
- —— cure of, xii. 7. 8.
- —— See Debility.
- Wit producing laughter, xxxiv. 1. 4.
- World generated, xxxix. 4. 8.
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