< Zoonomia


Abortion from fear, xxxix. 6. 5.
Absorbent vessels, xxiii. 3. xxix. 1.
—— regurgitate their fluids, xxix. 2.
—— their valves, xxix. 2.
—— communicate with vena portarum, xxvii. 2.
Absorption of solids, xxxiii. 3. 1. xxxvii.
—— of fluids in anasarca, xxxv. 1. 3.
Accumulation of sensorial power, iv. 2. xii. 5. 2.
Activity of system too great, cure of, xii. 6.
—— too small, cure of, xii. 7.
Age, old, xii. 3. 1. xxxvii. 4.
Ague-fit, xii. 7. 1. xxxii. 3. 4. xxxii. 9.
—— how cured by bark, xii. 3. 4.
—— periods, how occasioned, xii. 2. 3. xxxii. 3. 4.
Ague cakes, xxxii. 7. xxxii. 9.
Air, sense of fresh, xiv. 8.
—— injures ulcers, xxviii. 2.
—— injected into veins, xxxii. 5.
Alcohol deleterious, xxx. 3.
Alliterations, why agreeable, xxii. 2.
Aloes in lessened doses, xii. 3. 1.
American natives indolent, xxxi. 2.
—— narrow shouldered, xxxi. 1.
Analogy intuitive, xvii. 3. 7.
Animals less liable to madness, xxxiii. 1.
—— less liable to contagion, xxxiii. 1.
—— how to teach, xxii. 3. 2.
—— their similarity to each other, xxxix. 4. 8.
—— their changes after nativity, xxxix. 4. 8.
—— their changes before nativity, xxxix. 4. 8.
—— less liable to contagious diseases, why, xxxiii. 1. 5.
—— less liable to delirium and insanity, why, xxxiii. 1. 5.
—— easier to preserve than to reproduce, xxxvii.
—— food, distaste of, xxviii. 1.
—— appetency, xxxix. 4. 7.
Antipathy, x. 2. 2.
Aphthæ, xxviii.
Apoplexy, xxxiv. 1. 7.
—— not from deficient irritation, xxxii. 2. 1.
Appetites, xi. 2. 2. xiv. 8.
Architecture, xxii. 2. xvi. 10.
Arts, fine, xxii. 2.
Asparagus, its smell in urine, xxix.
Association defined, ii. 2. 11. iv. 7. v. 2.
—— associate motions, x.
—— stronger than irritative ones, xxiv. 2. 8.
—— formed before nativity, xi. 3.
—— with irritative ones, xxiv. 2. 8.
—— with retrograde ones, xxv. 7. xxv. 10. xxv. 15.
—— diseases from, xxxv.
Asthma, xviii. 15.
Attention, language of, xvi. 8. 6.
Atrophy, xxviii.
Aversion, origin of, xi. 2. 3.
Balance ourselves by vision, xx. 1.
Bandage increases absorption, xxxiii. 3. 2.
Barrenness, xxxvi. 2. 3.
Battement of sounds, xx. 7.
Bath, cold. See Cold Bath.
Beauty, sense of, xvi. 6. xxii. 2.
Bile-ducts, xxx.
—— stones, xxx. 1. 3.
—— regurgitates into the blood, xxiv. 2. 7.
—— vomiting of, xxx. 1. 3.
Birds of passage, xvi. 12.
—— nests of, xvi. 13.
—— colour of their eggs, xxxix. 5.
Biting in pain, xxxiv. 1. 3.
—— of mad animals, xxxiv. 1. 3.
Black spots on dice appear red, xl. 3.
Bladder, communication of with the intestines, xxix. 3.
—— of fish, xxiv. 1. 4.
Blood, transfusion of in nervous fevers, xxxii. 4.
—— deficiency of, xxxii. 2. and 4.
—— from the vena portarum into the intestines, xxvii. 2.
—— its momentum, xxxii. 5. 2.
—— momentum increased by venesection, xxxii. 5. 4.
—— drawn in nervous pains, xxxii. 5. 4.
—— its oxygenation, xxxviii.
Breasts of men, xiv. 8.
Breathing, how learnt, xvi. 4.
Brutes differ from men, xi. 2. 3. xvi. 17.
Brutes. See Animals.
Buxton bath, why it feels warm, xii. 2. 1. xxxii. 3. 3.
Capillary vessels are glands, xxvi. 1.
Catalepsy, xxxiv. 1. 5.
Catarrh from cold skin, xxxv. 1. 3. xxxv. 2. 3.
—— from thin caps in sleep, xviii. 15.
Catenation of motions defined, ii. 2. 11. iv. 7.
—— cause of them, xvii. 1. 3.
—— described, xvii.
—— continue some time after their production, xvii. 1. 3.
—— voluntary ones dissevered in sleep, xvii. 1. 12. xvii. 3. 7.
Cathartics, external, their operation, xxix. 7. 6.
Causation, animal, defined, ii. 2. 11. iv. 7.
Cause of causes, xxxix. 4. 8.
Causes inert and efficient, xxxix. 8. 2.
—— active and passive, xxxix. 8. 3.
—— proximate and remote, xxxix. 8. 4.
Chick in the egg, oxygenation of, xxxviii. 2.
Child riding on a stick, xxxiv. 2. 6.
Chilness after meals, xxi. 3. xxxv. 1. 1.
Cholera, case of, xxv. 13.
Circulation in the eye visible, xl. 10. 4.
Cold in the head, xii. 6. 5.
—— perceived by the teeth, xxxii. 3. 1. xiv. 6.
—— air, uses of in fevers, xxxii. 3. 3.
—— feet, produces coryza, xxxv. 2. 3. xxxv. 1. 3.
—— bath, why it strengthens, xxxii. 3. 2.
—— short and cold breathing in it, xxxii. 3. 2.
—— produces a fever-fit, xxxii. 3. 2.
—— fit of fever the consequence of hot fit, xxxii. 9. 3.
—— bathing in pulmonary hæmorrhage, xxvii. 1.
—— fits of fever, xxxii. 4. xxxii. 9. xvii. 3. 3.
Colours of animals, efficient cause of, xxxix. 5. 1.
—— of eggs from female imagination, xxxix. 5. 1.
—— of the choroid coat of the eye, xxxix. 5. 1.
—— of birds nests, xvi. 13.
Comparing ideas, xv. 3.
Consciousness, xv. 3. 4.
—— in dreams, xviii. 13.
Consent of parts. See Sympathy.
Consumption, its temperament, xxxi. 1. and 2.
—— of dark-eyed patients, xxvii. 2.
—— of light-eyed patients, xxviii. 2.
—— is contagious, xxxiii. 2. 7.
Contagion, xii. 3. 6. xix. 9. xxxiii. 2. 6. and 8. xxii. 3. 3.
—— does not enter the blood, xxxiii. 2. 10. xxii. 3. 3.
Contraction and attraction, iv. 1.
—— of fibres produces sensation, iv. 5. xii. 1. 6.
—— continues some time, xii. 1. 5.
—— alternates with relaxation, xii. 1. 3.
Convulsion, xvii. 1. 8. xxxiv. 1. 1. and 4. iii. 5. 8.
—— of particular muscles, xvii. 1. 8.
—— periods of, xxxvi. 3. 9.
Coryza. See Catarrh.
Cough, nervous, periods of, xxxvi. 3. 9.
Cramp, xviii. 15. xxxiv. 1. 7.
Critical days from lunations, xxxvi. 4.
Darkish room, why we see well in it, xii. 2. 1.
Debility sensorial and stimulatory, xii. 2. 1.
—— direct and indirect of Dr. Brown, xii. 2. 1. xxxii. 3. 2.
—— See Weakness.
—— from drinking spirits, cure of, xii. 7. 8.
—— in fevers, cure of, xii. 7. 8.
Deliberation, what, xxxiv. 1.
Delirium, two kinds of, xxxiii. 1. 4. xxxiv. 2. 2.
—— cases of, iii. 5. 8.
—— prevented by dreams, xviii. 2.
Desire, origin of, xi. 2. 3.
Diabetes explained, xxix. 4.
—— with bloody urine, xxvii. 2.
—— in the night, xviii. 15.
Diarrhœa, xxix. 4.
Digestion, xxxiii. 1. xxxvii.
—— strengthened by emetics, xxxv. 1. 3.
—— strengthened by regular hours, why, xxxvi. 2. 1.
Digitalis, use of in dropsy, xxix. 5. 2.
Distention acts as a stimulus, xxxii. 4.
—— See Extension.
Distinguishing, xv. 3.
Diurnal circle of actions, xxv. 4.
Doubting, xv. 3.
Dreams, viii. 1. 2. xiv. 2. 5.
—— their inconsistency, xviii. 17.
—— no surprise in them, xviii. 17.
—— much novelty of combination, xviii. 9.
Dropsies explained, xxix. 5. 1.
Dropsy cured by insanity, xxxiv. 2. 7.
—— cure of, xxix. 5. 2.
Drunkards weak till next day, xvii. 1. 7.
—— stammer, and stagger, and weep, xii. 4. 1. xxi. 4.
—— see objects double, why, xxi. 7.
—— become delirious, sleepy, stupid, xxi. 5.
Drunkenness. See Intoxication, xxi.
—— diminished by attention, xxi. 8.
Dyspnœa in cold bath, xxxii. 3. 2.
Ear, a good one, xvi. 10.
—— noise in, xx. 7.
Eggs of frogs, fish, fowl, xxxix. 2.
—— of birds, why spotted, xxxix. 5.
—— with double yolk, xxxix. 4. 4.
Electricity, xii. 1. xiv. 9.
—— jaundice cured by it, xxx. 1. 2.
Embryon produced by the male, xxxix. 2.
—— consists of a living fibre, xxxix. 4.
—— absorbs nutriment, receives oxygen, xxxix. 1.
—— its actions and sensations, xvi. 2.
Emetic. See Vomiting.
Emotions, xi. 2. 2.
Ennui, or tædium vitæ, xxxiv. 2. 3. xxxiii. 1. 1. xxxix. 6.
Epileptic fits explained, xxxiv. 1. 4. xxvii. 2.
—— in sleep, why, xviii. 14. & 15.
Equinoxial lunations, xxxii. 6.
Excitability perpetually varies, xii. 1. 7.
—— synonymous to quantity of sensorial power, xii. 1. 7.
Exercise, its use, xxxii. 5. 3.
Exertion of sensorial power defined, xii. 2. 1.
Existence in space, xiv. 2. 5.
Extension, sense of, xiv. 7.
Eyes become black in some epilepsies, xxvii. 2.
Face, flushing of after dinner, xxxv. 1. 1.
—— why first affected in small-pox, xxxv. 1. 1.
—— red from inflamed liver, xxxv. 2. 2.
Fainting fits, xii. 7. 1. xiv. 7.
Fear, language of, xvi. 8. 1.
—— a cause of fever, xxxii. 8.
—— cause of, xvii. 3. 7.
Fetus. See Embryon, xvi. 2. xxxix. 1.
Fevers, irritative, xxxii. 1.
—— intermittent, xxxii. 1. xxxii. 3.
—— sensitive, xxxiii. 1.
—— not an effort of nature for relief, xxxii. 10.
—— paroxysms of, xii. 7. 1. xii. 2. 3. xii. 3. 5.
—— why some intermit and not others, xxxvi. 1.
—— cold fits of, xxxii. 4. xxxii. 9. xvii. 3. 3.
—— periods of, xxxvi. 3.
—— have solar or lunar periods, xxxii. 6.
—— source of the symptoms of, xxxii. 1.
—— prostration of strength in, xii. 4. 1. xxxii. 3. 2.
—— cure of, xii. 6. 1.
—— how cured by the bark, xii. 3. 4.
—— cured by increased volition, xii. 2. 4. xxxiv. 2. 8.
—— best quantity of stimulus in, xii. 7. 8.
Fibres. See Muscles.
Fibres, their mobility, xii. 1. 7. xii. 1. 1.
—— contractions of, vi. xii. 1. 1.
—— four classes of their motions, vi.
—— their motions distinguished from sensorial ones, v. 3.
Figure, xiv. 2. 2. iii. 1.
Fish, their knowledge, xvi. 14.
Foxglove, its use in dropsies, xxix. 5. 2.
—— overdose of, xxv. 17.
Free-will, xv. 3. 7.
Gall-stone, xxv. 17.
—— See Bile-stones.
Generation, xxxiii. 1. xxxix.
Gills of fish, xxxviii. 2.
Glands, xxiii. 2.
—— conglobate glands, xxiii. 3.
—— have their peculiar stimulus, xi. 1.
—— their senses, xiv. 9. xxxix. 6.
—— invert their motions, xxv. 7.
—— increase their motions, xxv. 7.
Golden rule for exhibiting wine, xii. 7. 8.
—— for leaving off wine, xii. 7. 8.
Gout from inflamed liver, xxxv. 2. 2. xviii. 16. xxiv. 2. 8.
—— in the stomach, xxiv. 2. 8. xxv. 17.
—— why it returns after evacuations, xxxii. 4.
—— owing to vinous spirit only, xxi. 10.
—— periods of, xxxvi. 3. 6.
Grinning in pain, xxxiv. 1. 3.
Gyration on one foot, xx. 5. and 6.
Habit defined, ii. 2. 11. iv. 7.
Hæmorrhages, periods of, xxxvi. 3. 11.
—— from paralysis of veins, xxvii. 1. and 2.
Hair and nails, xxxix. 3. 2.
—— colour of, xxxix. 5. 1.
Harmony, xxii. 2.
Head-achs, xxxv. 2. 1.
Hearing, xiv. 4.
Heat, sense of, xiv. 6. xxxii. 3. 1.
—— produced by the glands, xxxii. 3.
—— external and internal, xxxii. 3. 1.
—— atmosphere of heat, xxxii. 3. 1.
—— increases during sleep, xviii. 15.
Hemicrania, xxxv. 2. 1.
—— from decaying teeth, xxxv. 2. 1.
Hepatitis, cause of, xxxv. 2. 3.
Hereditary diseases, xxxix. 7. 6.
Hermaphrodite insects, xxxix. 5.
Herpes, xxviii. 2.
—— from inflamed kidney, xxxv. 2. 2.
Hilarity from diurnal fever, xxxvi. 3. 1.
Hunger, sense of, xiv. 8.
Hydrophobia, xxii. 3. 3.
Hypochondriacism, xxxiii. 1. 1. xxxiv. 2. 3.
Ideas defined, ii. 2. 7.
—— are motions of the organs of sense, iii. 4. xviii. 5. xviii. 10. xviii. 6.
—— analogous to muscular motions, iii. 5.
—— continue some time, xx. 6.
—— new ones cannot be invented, iii. 6. 1.
—— abstracted ones, iii. 6. 4.
—— inconsistent trains of, xviii. 17.
—— perish with the organ of sense, iii. 4. 4.
—— painful from inflammation of the organ, iii. 5. 5.
—— irritative ones, vii. 1. 4. vii. 3. 2. xv. 2. xx. 7.
—— of resemblance, contiguity, causation, viii. 3. 2. x. 3. 3.
—— resemble the figure and other properties of bodies, xiv. 2. 2.
—— received in tribes, xv. 1.
—— of the same sense easier combined, xv. 1. 1.
—— of reflection, xv. 1. 6. ii. 2. 12.
Ideal presence, xv. 1. 7.
Identity, xv. 3. 5. xviii. 13.
Iliac passion, xxv. 15.
Imagination, viii. 1. 2. xv. 1. 7. xv. 2. 2.
—— of the male forms the sex, xxxix. 6.
Imitation, origin of, xii. 3. 3. xxxix. 5. xxii. 3. xvi. 7.
Immaterial beings, xiv. 1. xiv. 2. 4.
Impediment of speech, xvii. 1. 10. xvii. 2. 10.
Infection. See Contagion.
Inflammation, xii. 2. 3. xxxiii. 2. 2.
—— great vascular exertion in, xii. 2. 1.
—— not from pains from defect of stimulus, xxxiii. 2. 3.
—— of parts previously insensible, xii. 3. 7.
—— often distant from its cause, xxiv. 2. 8.
—— observes solar days, xxxii. 6.
—— of the eye, xxxiii. 3. 1.
—— of the bowels prevented by their continued action in sleep, xviii. 2.
Inoculation with blood, xxxiii. 2. 10.
Insane people, their great strength, xii. 2. 1.
Insanity (see Madness) pleasurable one, xxxiv. 2. 6.
Insects, their knowledge, xvi. 15. and 16.
—— in the heads of calves, xxxix. 1.
—— class of, xxxix. 4. 8.
Instinctive actions defined, xvi. 1.
Intestines, xxv. 3.
Intoxication relieves pain, why, xxi. 3.
—— from food after fatigue, xxi. 2.
—— diseases from it, xxi. 10.
—— See Drunkenness.
Intuitive analogy, xvii. 3. 7.
Invention, xv. 3. 3.
Irritability increases during sleep, xviii. 15.
Itching, xiv. 9.
Jaundice from paralysis of the liver, xxx. 1. 2.
—— cured by electricity, xxx. 1. 2.
Jaw-locked, xxxiv. 1. 5.
Judgment, xv. 3.
Knowledge of various animals, xvi. 11.
Lachrymal sack, xvi. 8. xxiv. 2. 2. and 7.
Lacteals, paralysis of, xxviii.
—— See Absorbents.
Lady playing on the harpsichord, xvii. 2.
—— distressed for her dying bird, xvii. 2. 10.
Language, natural, its origin, xvi. 7. & 8.
—— of various passions described, xvi. 8.
—— artificial, of various animals, xvi. 9.
—— theory of, xxxix. 8. 3.
Lapping of puppies, xvi. 4.
Laughter explained, xxxiv. 1. 4.
—— from tickling, xvii. 3. 5. xxxiv. 1. 4.
—— from frivolous ideas, xxxiv. 1. 4. xviii. 12.
Life, long, art of producing, xxxvii.
Light has no momentum, iii. 3. 1.
Liquor amnii, xvi. 2. xxxviii. 2.
—— is nutritious, xxxviii. 3.
—— frozen, xxxviii. 3.
Liver, paralysis of, xxx. 1. 4.
—— large of geese, xxx. 1. 6.
Love, sentimental, its origin, xvi. 6.
—— animal, xiv. 8. xvi. 5.
Lunar periods affect diseases, xxxii. 6.
Lust, xiv. 8. xvi. 5.
Lymphatics, paralysis of, xxviii.
—— See Absorbents.
Mad-dog, bite of, xxii. 3. 3.
Madness, xxxiv. 2. 1. xii. 2. 1.
Magnetism, xii. 1. 1.
Magnifying objects, new way of, xl. 10. 5.
Male animals have teats, xxxix. 4. 8.
—— pigeons give milk, xxxix. 4. 8.
Man distinguished from brutes, xi. 2. 3. xvi. 17.
Material world, xiv. 1. xiv. 2. 5. xviii. 7.
Matter, penetrability of, xiv. 2. 3.
—— purulent, xxxiii. 2. 4.
Measles, xxxiii. 2. 9.
Membranes, xxvi. 2.
Memory defined, ii. 2. 10. xv. 1. 7. xv. 3.
Menstruation by lunar periods, xxxii. 6.
Miscarriage from fear, xxxix. 6. 5.
Mobility of fibres, xii. 1. 7.
Momentum of the blood, xxxii. 5. 2.
—— sometimes increased by venesection, xxxii. 5. 4.
Monsters, xxxix. 4. 4. and 5. 2.
—— without heads, xxxviii. 3.
Moon and sun, their influence, xxxii. 6.
Mortification, xxxiii. 3. 3.
Motion is either cause or effect, i. xiv. 2. 2.
—— primary and secondary, i.
—— animal, i. iii. 1.
—— propensity to, xxii. 1.
—— animal, continue some time after their production, xvii. 1. 3.
—— defined, a variation of figure, iii. 1. xiv. 2. 2. xxxix. 8.
Mucus, experiments on, xxvi. 1.
—— secretion of, xxvi. 2.
Mules, xxxix. 4. 5. and 6. xxxix. 5. 2.
Mule plants, xxxix. 2.
Muscæ volitantes, xl. 2.
Muscles constitute an organ of sense, xiv. 7. ii. 2. 4.
—— stimulated by extension, xi. 1. xiv. 7.
—— contract by spirit of animation, xii. 1. 1. and 3.
Music, xvi. 10. xxii. 2.
Musical time, why agreeable, xii. 3. 3.
Nausea, xxv. 6.
Nerves and brain, ii. 2. 3.
—— extremities of form the whole system, xxxvii. 3.
—— are not changed with age, xxxvii. 4.
Nervous pains defined, xxxiv. 1. 1.
Number defined, xiv. 2. 2.
Nutriment for the embryon, xxxix. 5. 2.
Nutrition owing to stimulus, xxxvii. 3.
—— by animal selection, xxxvii. 3.
—— when the fibres are elongated, xxxvii. 3.
—— like inflammation, xxxvii. 3.
Objects long viewed become faint, iii. 3. 2.
Ocular spectra, xl.
Oil externally in diabætes, xxix. 4.
Old age from inirritability, xxxvii.
Opium is stimulant, xxxii. 2. 2.
—— promotes absorption after evacuation, xxxiii. 3. 1.
—— in increasing doses, xii. 3. 1.
Organs of sense, ii. 2. 5. and 6.
Organs when destroyed cease to produce ideas, iii. 4. 4.
Organic particles of Buffon, xxxvii. 3. xxxix. 3. 3.
Organ-pipes, xx. 7.
Oxygenation of the blood, xxxviii.
Pain from excess and defect of motion, iv. 5. xii. 5. 3. xxxiv. 1. xxxv. 2. 1.
—— not felt during exertion, xxxiv. 1. 2.
—— from greater contraction of fibres, xii. 1. 6.
—— from accumulation of sensorial power, xii. 5. 3.
—— from light, pressure, heat, caustics, xiv. 9.
—— in epilepsy, xxxv. 2. 1.
—— distant from its cause, xxiv. 2. 8.
—— from stone in the bladder, xxxv. 2. 1.
—— of head and back from defect, xxxii. 3.
—— from a gall-stone, xxxv. 2. 1. xxv. 17.
—— of the stomach in gout, xxv. 17.
—— of shoulder in hepatitis, xxxv. 2. 4.
—— produces volition, iv. 6.
Paleness in cold fit, xxxii. 3. 2.
Palsies explained, xxxiv. 1. 7.
Paralytic limbs stretch from irritation, vii. 1. 3.
—— patients move their sound limb much, xii. 5. 1.
Paralysis from great exertion, xii. 4. 6.
—— from less exertion, xii. 5. 6.
—— of the lacteals, xxviii.
—— of the liver, xxx. 1. 4.
—— of the right arm, why, xxxiv. 1. 7.
—— of the veins, xxvii. 2.
Particles of matter will not approach, xii. 1. 1.
Passions, xi. 2. 2.
—— connate, xvi. 1.
Pecking of chickens, xvi. 4.
Perception defined, ii. 2. 8. xv. 3. 1.
Periods of agues, how formed, xxxii. 3. 4.
—— of diseases, xxxvi.
—— of natural actions and of diseased actions, xxxvi.
Perspiration in fever-fits, xxxii. 9. See Sweat.
Petechiæ, xxvii. 2.
Pigeons secrete milk in their stomachs, xxxix. 4. 8.
Piles, xxvii. 2.
Placenta a pulmonary organ, xxxviii. 2.
Pleasure of life, xxxiii. 1. xxxix. 5.
—— from greater fibrous contractions, xii. 1. 6.
—— what kind causes laughter, xxxiv. 1. 4.
—— what kind causes sleep, xxxiv. 1. 4.
Pleurisy, periods of, xxxvi. 3. 7.
—— cause of, xxxv. 2. 3.
Prometheus, story of, xxx. 3.
Prostration of strength in fevers, xii. 4. 1.
Pupils of the eyes large, xxxi. 1.
Pulse quick in fevers with debility, xii. 1. 4. xii. 5. 4. xxxii. 2. 1.
—— in fevers with strength, xxxii. 2.
—— from defect of blood, xxxii. 2. 3. xii. 1. 4.
—— weak from emetics, xxv. 17.
Quack advertisements injurious. Preface.
Quadrupeds have no sanguiferous lochia, xxxviii. 2.
—— have nothing similar to the yolk of egg, xxxix. 1.
Rhaphania, periods of, xxxvi. 3. 9.
Reason, ix. 1. 2. xv. 3.
Reasoning, xv. 3.
Recollection, ii. 2. 10. ix. 1. 2. xv. 2. 3.
Relaxation and bracing, xxxii. 3. 2.
Repetition, why agreeable, xii. 3. 3. xxii. 2.
Respiration affected by attention, xxxvi. 2. 1.
Restlessness in fevers, xxxiv. 1. 2.
Retrograde motions, xii. 5. 5. xxv. 6. xxix. 11.
—— of the stomach, xxv. 6.
—— of the skin, xxv. 9.
—— of fluids, how distinguished, xxix. 8.
—— how caused, xxix. 11. 5.
—— vegetable motions, xxix. 9.
Retina is fibrous, iii. 2. xl. 1.
—— is active in vision, iii. 3. xl. 1.
—— excited into spasmodic motions, xl. 7.
—— is sensible during sleep, xviii. 5. xix. 8.
Reverie, xix. 1. xxxiv. 3.
—— case of a sleep-walker, xix. 2.
—— is an epileptic disease, xix. 9.
Rhymes in poetry, why agreeable, xxii. 2.
Rheumatism, three kinds of, xxvi. 3.
Rocking young children, xxi. 3.
Ruminating animals, xxv. 1.
Saliva produced by mercury, xxiv. 1.
—— by food, xxiv. 1. 1.
—— by ideas, xxiv. 1. 2. and 5.
—— by disordered volition, xxiv. 1. 7.
Schirrous tumours revive, xii. 2. 2.
Screaming in pain, xxxiv. 1. 3.
Scrophula, its temperament, xxxi. 1.
—— xxviii. 2. xxxix. 4. 5.
Scurvy of the lungs, xxvii. 2.
Sea-sickness, xx. 4.
—— stopped by attention, xx. 5.
Secretion, xxxiii. 1. xxxvii.
—— increased during sleep, xviii. 16.
Seeds require oxygenation, xxxviii. 2.
Sensation defined, ii. 2. 9. v. 2. xxxix. 8. 4.
—— diseases of, xxxiii.
—— from fibrous contractions, iv. 5. xii. 1. 6.
—— in an amputated limb, iii. 6. 3.
—— affects the whole sensorium, xi. 2.
—— produces volition, iv. 6.
Sensibility increases during sleep, xviii. 15.
Sensitive motions, viii. xxxiii. 2. xxxiv. 1.
—— fevers of two kinds, xxxiii. 1. 2.
—— ideas, xv. 2. 2.
Sensorium defined, ii. 2. 1.
Senses correct one another, xviii. 7.
—— distinguished from appetites, xxxiv. 1. 1.
Sensorial power. See Spirit of Animation.
—— great expence of in the vital motions, xxxii. 3. 2.
—— two kinds of excited in sensitive fevers, xxxiii. 1. 3.
—— powers defined, v. 1.
—— motions distinguished from fibrous motions, v. 3.
—— not much, accumulated in sleep, xviii. 2.
—— powers, accumulation of, xii. 5. 1.
—— exhaustion of, xii. 4. 1.
—— wasted below natural in hot fits, xxxii. 9. 3.
—— less exertion of produces pain, xii. 5. 3.
—— less quantity of it, xii. 5. 4.
Sensual motions distinguished from muscular, ii. 2. 7.
Sex owing to the imagination of the father, xxxix. 7. 6. xxxix. 6. 3. xxxix. 6. 7. xxxix. 5.
Shingles from inflamed kidney, xxxv. 2. 2.
Shoulders broad, xxxi. 1. xxxix. 7. 6.
Shuddering from cold, xxxiv. 1. 1. and 2.
Sight, its accuracy in men, xvi. 6.
Skin, skurf on it, xxvi. 1.
Sleep suspends volition, xviii. 1.
—— defined, xviii. 21.
—— remote causes, xviii. 20.
—— sensation continues in it, xviii. 2.
—— from food, xxi. 1.
—— from rocking, uniform sounds, xxi. 1.
—— from wine and opium, xxi. 3.
—— why it invigorates, xii. 5. 1.
—— pulse slower and fuller, xxxii. 2. 2.
—— interrupted, xxvii. 2.
—— from breathing less oxygene, xviii. 20.
—— from being whirled on a millstone, xviii. 20.
—— from application of cold, xviii. 20.
—— induced by regular hours, xxxvi. 2. 2.
Sleeping animals, xii. 2. 2.
Sleep-walkers. See Reverie, xix. 1.
Small-pox, xxxiii. 2. 6. xxxix. 6. 1.
—— eruption first on the face, why, xxxv. 1. 1. xxxiii. 2. 10.
—— the blood will not infect, xxxiii. 2. 10.
—— obeys lunations, xxxvi. 4.
Smell, xiv. 5. xvi. 5.
Smiling, origin of, xvi. 8. 4.
Solidity, xiv. 2. 1.
Somnambulation. See Reverie, xix. 1.
Space, xiv. 2. 2.
Spasm, doctrine of, xxxii. 10.
Spectra, ocular, xl.
—— mistaken for spectres, xl. 2.
—— vary from long inspection, iii. 3. 5.
Spirit of animation. See Sensorial Power.
—— of animation causes fibrous contraction, iv. 2. ii. 2. 1. xiv. 2. 4.
—— possesses solidity, figure, and other properties of matter, xiv. 2. 4.
Spirits and angels, xiv. 2. 4.
Stammering explained, xvii. 1. 10. xvii. 2. 10.
Stimulus defined, ii. 2. 13. iv. 4. xii. 2. 1.
—— of various kinds, xi. 1.
—— with lessened effect, xii. 3. 1.
—— with greater effect, xii. 3. 3.
—— ceases to produce sensation, xii. 3. 6.
Stomach and intestines, xxv.
—— inverted by great stimulus, xxv. 6.
—— its actions decreased in vomiting, xxxv. 1. 3.
—— a blow on it occasions death, xxv. 17.
Stools black, xxvii. 2.
Strangury, xxxv. 2. 1.
Sucking before nativity, xvi. 4.
Suckling children, sense of, xiv. 8.
Suggestion defined, ii. 2. 10. xv. 2. 4.
Sun and moon, their influence, xxxii. 6.
Surprise, xvii. 3. 7. xviii. 17.
Suspicion attends madness, xxxiv. 2. 4.
Swallowing, act of, xxv. 1. xvi. 4.
Sweat, cold, xxv. 9. xxix. 6.
—— in hot fit of fever, xxxii. 9.
—— in a morning, why, xviii. 15.
Sweaty hands cured by lime, xxix. 4. 9.
Swinging and rocking, why agreeable, xxi. 3.
Sympathy, xxxv. 1.
Syncope, xii. 7. 1. xxxiv. 1. 6.
Tædium vitæ. See Ennui.
Tape-worm, xxxix. 2. 3.
Taste, sense of, xiv. 5.
Tears, secretion of, xxiv.
—— from grief, xvi. 8. 2.
—— from tender pleasure, xvi. 8. 3.
—— from stimulus of nasal duct, xvi. 8. xxiv. 2. 4.
—— by volition, xxiv. 2. 6.
Teeth decaying cause headachs, xxxv. 2. 1.
Temperaments, xxxi.
Theory of medicine, wanted. Preface.
Thirst, sense of, xiv. 8.
—— why in dropsies, xxix. 5.
Tickle themselves, children cannot, xvii. 3. 5.
Tickling, xiv. 9.
Time, xiv. 2. 2. xviii. 12.
—— lapse of, xv. 3. 6.
—— poetic and musical, why agreeable, xxii. 2.
—— dramatic, xviii. 12.
Tooth-edge, xvi. 10. iii. 4. 3. xxii. 3. 3.
Touch, sense of, xiv. 2. 1.
—— liable to vertigo, xxi. 9.
—— of various animals, xvi. 6.
Trains of motions inverted, xii. 5. 5.
Transfusion of blood in nervous fever, xxxii. 4.
Translations of matter, xxix. 7.
Typhus, best quantity of stimulus in, xii. 7. 8.
—— periods of observe lunar days, xxxii. 6.
Ulcers, art of healing, xxxiii. 3. 2.
—— of the lungs, why difficult to heal, xxviii. 2.
Uniformity in the fine arts, why agreeable, xxii. 2.
Urine pale in intoxication, xxi. 6.
—— paucity of in anasarca, why, xxix. 5.
—— its passage from intestines to bladder, xxix. 3.
—— copious during sleep, xviii. 15.
Variation, perpetual, of irritability, xii. 2. 1.
Vegetable buds are inferior animals, xiii. 1.
—— exactly resemble their parents, xxxix.
—— possess sensation and volition, xiii. 2.
—— have associate and retrograde motions, xiii. 4. xxix. 9.
—— their anthers and stigmas are alive, xiii. 5.
—— have organs of sense and ideas, xiii. 5.
—— contend for light and air, xxxix. 4. 8.
—— duplicature of their flowers, xxxix. 4. 4.
Veins are absorbents, xxvii. 1.
—— paralysis of, xxvii. 1.
Venereal orgasm of brutes, xxxii. 6.
Venesection in nervous pains, xxxii. 5. 4.
Verbs of three kinds, xv. 3. 4.
Verses, their measure, xxii. 2.
Vertigo, xx.
—— defined, xx. 11.
—— in looking from a tower, xx. 1.
—— in a ship at sea, xx. 4.
—— of all the senses, xxi. 9.
—— by intoxication, xxxv. 1. 2.
Vibratory motions perceived after sailing, xx. 5. xx. 10.
Vinegar makes the lips pale, xxvii. 1.
Vis medicatrix of nature, xxxix. 4. 7.
Vision, sense of, xiv. 3.
Volition defined, v. 2. xxxiv. 1.
—— affects the whole sensorium, xi. 2.
—— diseases of, xxxiv.
Voluntarity, xi. 2. 4.
Voluntary motions, ix. xxxiv. 1.
Voluntary ideas, xv. 2. 3.
—— criterion of, xi. 2. 3. xxxiv. 1.
Vomiting from vertigo, xx. 8.
—— from drunkenness, xx. 8. xxi. 6.
—— by intervals, xxv. 8.
—— by voluntary efforts, xxv. 6.
—— of two kinds, xxxv. 1. 3.
—— in cold fit of fever, xxxii. 9. 1.
—— stopped by quicksilver, xxv. 16.
—— weakens the pulse, xxv. 17.
Waking, how, xviii. 14.
Walking, how learnt, xvi. 3.
Warmth in sleep, why, xviii. 15.
Weakness defined, xii. 1. 3. xii. 2. 1. xxxii. 3. 2.
—— cure of, xii. 7. 8.
—— See Debility.
Wit producing laughter, xxxiv. 1. 4.
World generated, xxxix. 4. 8.
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