< Zoological Illustrations Series II
Plate 5.
Plate 5.

MITRA melaniana.

Generic Character.—See Zool. Illustr. 1 Series, Pl. 23.

Specific Character.

Shell smooth, blackish brown, with very minute punctured transverse striæ; spire attenuated, longer than the aperture; pillar 4-plaited.

Mitra melaniana. Lam. Syst. 7. p. 314.

M. nigra? Chem. Conch. 10 Pl. 151. f. 1430, 1431.

M. carbonaria. Sw. in Bligh. Cat. App. p. 10.

We are acquainted with two shells, perfectly distinct as species, yet sufficiently alike to render Lamarck's description of his M. melaniana applicable to both. In this uncertainty, we at first intended to distinguish this by the name of carbonaria, and to consider the other as Lamarck's melaniana, but further consideration induces us to alter this arrangement; the second species we propose to illustrate in an early number. Our figure was taken from a full-sized specimen, received from Australia, and now in the Manchester Museum.

MITRA tessellata.

Shell ovate, smooth, with remote transverse punctured striæ; whitish, cancellated by transverse and longitudinal fulvous lines; inner lip brown at the base; outer lip smooth.

Mitra tessellata. Swains. in Brand's Journal, No. 33. p. 34. (Ap. 1824.)

We have already given a full account of this very rare shell; a repetition of which is rendered unnecessary by the publication of the figures. The specimen from which these were taken, was then in the possession of Mrs. Mawe, whose kindness and liberality, in forwarding our scientific pursuits, has been, for very many years, constant and invariable. We know not its country, nor have we ever seen a second example.

Mr. Grey has recently given an additional interest to this group, by publishing an account of the structure of the animal.

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