ANCILLARIA rubiginosa.
Generic Character.
Shell oblong, smooth, entirely polished: suture not channelled. Base of the pillar oblique, thickened, and striated. S.
Specific Character.
Shell imperforate, oblong, chestnut; spire elongated; body whorl above banded; base with two belts and a concave groove. Sw. in Phil. Mag. 62. p. 403.
A. rubiginosa. Sw. in Brand's Journ., No. 36, p. 283.
The Ancillariæ are marine shells, few in number, and peculiar to warm latitudes. They are naturally polished, and very much shaped, like the Olives; but the suture, which in those shells is marked by a deep grove, is in these covered by a thick enamel. The animal, we believe, remains unknown. In a monograph of this genus, published in the Journal above quoted, we described fourteen recent, and four fossil species, being all which, at that period, we had seen. Of these, the present is one of the largest, and certainly the most beautiful. Our figure was made from a matchless specimen, received by Mrs. Mawe from China, and now in the collection of Mr. Broderip.
We hear, with pleasure, that Mr. George Sowerby has selected this interesting group for an early illustration in his promised Species Conchyliorum. The professional opportunities which this zealous Conchologist enjoys will, no doubt, enable him to make considerable and valuable additions to this and every other department of his subject; and he has our cordial good wishes for success in this most laborious undertaking.