MITRA. Pl. 2.
1. strigata. 2. bicolor. 3. carinata.
MITRA strigata.
Specific Character.
Shell very smooth, chestnut with paler longitudinal stripes, which are white at their commencement; aperture white, shorter than the spire; pillar 4-plaited.
Mitra strigata. Sw. in Brand's Journ., No. 33, p. 37, Ap. 1824.
The Conchologist will find a full description of the three Mitras here figured in the Journal above mentioned. They are all of singular rarity, more particularly strigata and carinata, as of these we have never seen second specimens. M. strigata belongs to that group which contains M. melaniana, scutulata, &c. Its country is unknown.
MITRA bicolor.
Shell smooth, polished, fusiform, white, with a brown central band; upper part of the body whorl and spire with cancellated punctured striæ: base with simple striæ.
This pretty shell seldom exceeds three-quarters of an inch in length; our figure is consequently enlarged: the pillar has four plaits. This, in conjunction with M. casta, olivaria, dactylus (Lam.), and olivæformis (Sw.), constitute a particular group, allied to Conœhelix, having the plaits extending far beyond the aperture.
Inhabits the South Seas. In the Manchester Museum, and in our own.
MITRA carinata.
Shell slender, fusiform, brown; whorls with a single carinated ridge, and striated transversely near the suture; pillar 4-plaited.
The habit of this Mitra will place it with the fusiform species; from all of which, however, it differs in not having exterior plaits, nodules, or impressed sculpture. The aperture is smooth within, and white. We have only seen one specimen, received by Mrs. Mawe, from Sierra Leone, and this was covered with a brown epidermis.