EBURNA tessellata,
Tessellated Eburna.
Generic Character.—See Pl. 144.
Specific Character.
- E. testâ maculis fuscis seu purpureis tessellatis fasciatâ; suturâ vix canaliculatâ; anfractuum marginibus convexis.
- Shell with bands of tessellated brown or purple spots; suture slightly channelled; margin of the volutions convex.
- Buccinum Spiratum. var. Linn. Gmelin, 3487. Dill. 620. Brug. p. 262. 26. Turton, 4. p. 400. var. 2.
- Lister, 981. 41. (bad.) Seba, t. 73. f. 25. 26. Martini, 4. pl. 122. 1120. 1121.
- E. Arcolata, Lam. Syst. 7. p. 282. 4.
A shell hitherto placed as a variety of E. spirata, (Buccinum spiratum, Lin.) but from which I am disposed to consider it as specifically distinct. The channel or sulcation round the suture of each whorl is very slight, and the adjoining margin obtuse and convex; whereas in E. spirata the channel is broad and deep, having the margin sharply carinated: so far the essential characters of the two shells are at variance; but their difference in colour is so obvious that no one can mistake them.
The form of the umbilicus in this species appears to be constant: it is wide, deep, placed near to the upper angle of the aperture, and margined externally by a convex belt. With the exception of Seba's figures, (which, through the carelessness of the engraver, are reversed,) not a tolerable representation of this shell can be found; for those given by the authors above named, are almost too inaccurate for citation. It inhabits the Indian Ocean.