NATICA mustelina,
Belted Natica—upper figures.
Generic Character.—See Pl. 75.
Specific Character.
- N. testâ subglobosâ, mustelinâ concolore, obsoletè rugatâ, fasciâ levatâ basin cingente; spirâ depressâ, apice acuto; umbilico magno, aperto; columellæ basi gracili, levatâ.
- Shell sub-globose, uniform, fulvous-brown, obsoletely wrinkled, base with an elevated belt; spire depressed, the tip acute; umbilicus large, open; pillar termination slender, elevated, and central.
The elevated belt at the base affords an excellent distinction to this species. The specimen in my cabinet is the only one I have seen. Locality unknown.
NATICA sordida,
Brown Natica—middle figures.
- N. testâ subglobosâ, fuscâ, spirâ prominente; aperturâ intus fusco-purpureâ; umbilico parvo, labio interiore paululùm tecto; columellâ obsoletè terminante.
- Shell sub-globose, brown; spire prominent; aperture within purplish brown; umbilicus small, partially covered by the inner lip; pillar termination obsolete.
This Shell is both undescribed and apparently unfigured; the spire is more elevated than usual; the umbilicus small; and the termination of the pillar not seen: it is not uncommon, and is often much larger than here represented, but I am unacquainted with its locality. The little decision in the figures given by authors of these shells, renders it hazardous to quote them with certainty.
NATICA melastoma,
Black-mouthed Natica—lower figures.
- N. testâ depressâ, fuscâ; spirâ complanatâ minimâ; ore intus atro-purpureo; umbilico magno, clauso labio interiore rufo.
- Shell depressed, brown; spire flattened, very small; mouth within purplish black; umbilicus large, closed up by the inner lip, which is rufous.
In colour this bears a close resemblance to the last, but the shell is flattened beneath, and the spire very short and depressed; the umbilicus large, but, in general, quite closed up by the thickness of the pillar, united to the inner lip. In some specimens a narrow crescent-shaped groove is left on the outside margin. Its habitat is unknown.