STROMBUS mutabilis,
Little pink-mouthed Strombus.
Generic Character.—See Pl. 10.
Specific Character.
- S. anfractu basali nodoso; spirâ brevi tantum non lævi; lineâ sulcatâ suturæ parallelâ; labio exteriore supra gibbo, margine recto, interiore crasso, cum exteriore striato; aperturâ pallidè rubicundâ, basi truncatâ.
- Basal whirl nodulous; spire short, nearly smooth, with a sulcated line parallel with the suture; outer lip above gibbous, the margin straight; inner lip thick, both striated; aperture flesh colour; base truncated.
- Seba, tab. 61. fig. 26 & 27, 32 & 33, 54. tab. 62. fig. 42 & 43? Martini 3. tab. 77, 799. fig. 78, 807. Knorr. 2, 14. fig. 3. Rump. 37. W.
The specific distinction given by Linnæus to Strombus urceus is so loose, that his followers have referred all the small species of this genus to the numerous varieties he has quoted, though few will doubt that many permanent species have been thus overlooked; among these the one now characterized is an example, the most striking distinctions of which are in the spire being never plaited, and always much shorter than the mouth, which latter is either nearly white, or of a flesh colour; in its external colouring no two specimens will be found alike. It is not an uncommon shell from the East Indies, and seldom grows larger than the figure.
STROMBUS dilatatus,
Winged Strombus—middle figures.
S. testâ transversè striatâ; spirâ mediocri, plicis numerosis gracilibus; labio exteriore dilatato, rotundato, crassissimo, reflexo; interiore suprà crassescente, medio lævi; aperturâ striatâ.
Shell transversely striated; spire moderate, with slender numerous plaits; outer lip dilated, rounded, very thick, and reflected; inner lip thickened above, smooth in the middle; aperture striated.
An undescribed species, and of the greatest rarity, for I have never seen any other specimen, than one in my own cabinet, although perfect in form, it is obviously faded in colour; yet it is too remarkable to be mistaken for any other of this interesting family, which requires so much illustration.