Generic Character.
- Antennæ subfusiformes, sursum versus sensim crassescentes, apice unco brevissimo gracili incurvato abruptè terminato, in maribus sub-barbatæ, in fœminis simplices et graciliores. Palpi porrecti, crassi, articulo ultimo acuto. Alæ opacæ, integræ. Abdomen crassum, barbatum.
Typus Genericus Sphinx stellatarum. Linn.
- Antennæ subfusiform, gradually thickest towards the end, the tip abruptly terminating in a very short slender incurved hook; ciliated in the male, simple and more slender in the female. Palpi porrected, thick, the last joint pointed. Wings opaque, entire. Abdomen thick, bearded.
Generic Type Sphinx stellatarum. Linn.
Specific Character.
- M. alis suprà fuscis; anticis fasciis duabus obsoletis, puncto nigrante terminali, posticis in medio, tribus maculisque lateralibus abdominis aurantiacis.
- Wings brown; anterior with two darker obscure bands, and a terminal blackish dot; middle of the posterior wings, and three lateral spots on the body, orange.
This genus was instituted by Scopoli many years ago, and differs principally from Sesia by having opaque wings, and from Thyreus by the very great difference in the construction of their antennæ. Many exotic species are known, but only one is found in Europe (Sphinx stellatarum of Linn.), which likewise inhabits our own country, and to which this our insect is very nearly allied.
Though by no means uncommon in collections, I cannot find this species either figured or described, nor indeed am acquainted with its locality. The under figure is of the male; the upper of the female; which differs only in the wings being rather broader, and in having one segment in the body less than in the other sex.