< Yawcob Strauss and Other Poems
- Maybe dot you don'd rememper,
- Eighdeen — dwendy years ago,
- How I dold aboudt mine Yawcob —
- Dot young rashkell, don'd you know,
- Who got schicken-box und measles;
- Filled mine bipe mit Limburg scheeze;
- Cut mine cane up indo dhrum-schticks,
- Und blay all sooch dricks as dhese.
- Yell! dhose times dhey vas been ofer,
- Und dot son off mine, py shings!
- Now vas taller as hees fader,
- Und vas oup to all sooch dhings
- Like shimnastic dricks und pase-pall;
- Und der oder day he say
- Dot he boxes mit " adthledics,"
- Somevheres ofer on Back Bay.
- Times vas deeferent, now, I dold you,
- As vhen he vas been a lad;
- Dhen Katrine she make hees drowsers
- Vrom der oldt vones off hees dad;
- Dhey vas cut so full und baggy
- Dot id dook more as a fool
- To find oudt eef he vas going,
- Or vas coming home vrom school.
- Now, dhere vas no making ofer
- Off mine clothes to make a suit
- For dot poy — der times vas exchanged;
- "Der leg vas on der oder boot;"
- For vhen hees drowsers dhey gets dhin,
- Und sort off "schlazy" roundt der knee,
- Dot Mrs. Strauss she dake der sceessors
- Und she cuts dhem down for me.
- Shnst der oder day dot Yawcob
- Gife me von elecdric shock,
- Vhen he say he vants fife-hundord
- To invesht in railroadt schtock.
- Dhen I dell him id vas beddher
- Dot he leaf der schtocks alone,
- Or some feller dot vas schmardter
- Dake der meat imd leaf der bone.
- Und vhen I vas got oxcited,
- Und say he get "echwiped" und fooled,
- Dheri he say he haf a "pointer"
- Yrom soom friendts off Sage und Gould;
- Und dot he vas on " rock bottom;"
- Had der "inside track" on "Atch"
- Dot vas too mooch for hees fader,
- Und I coom oup to der scratch.
- Dhen in bolitics he dabbles,
- Und all qvesdions, great und schmall,
- Make no deeferent to dot Yawcob —
- For dot poy he knows id all.
- Und he say dot dhose oldt fogies
- Must be laid oup on der shelf,
- Und der governors und mayors
- Should pe young men — like himself.
- Yell! I vish I vas dransborted
- To dhose days off long ago,
- Vhen dot schafer beat der milk-ban
- Und schkydoodled droo der schnow.
- I could schtand der mumbs nnd measles,
- Und der ruckshuns in der house;
- Budt mine presendt dribulations
- Vas too mooch for Meester Strauss.
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