< Yawcob Strauss and Other Poems
- A Wandering tribe, called the Siouxs,
- Wear moccasins, having no shiouxs;
- They are made of buckskin,
- With the fleshy side in,
- Embroidered with beads of bright hyiouxs.
- When out on the war-path, the Siouxs
- March single file — never by tiouxs—
- And by "blazing" the trees
- Can return at their ease,
- And their way through the forests ne'er liouxs.
- All new-fashioned boats he eschiouxs,
- And uses the birch-bark caniouxs;
- These are handy and light,
- And, inverted at night,
- Give shelter from storms and from diouxs.
- The principal food of the Siouxs
- Is Indian maize, which they briouxs,
- And hominy make,
- Or mix in a cake,
- And eat it with pork, as they chiouxs.
- * * * * * * *
- Now, doesn't this spelling look cyiouxrious?
- 'Tis enough to make any one fyiouxrious!
- So a word to the wise!—
- Pray our language revise
- With orthography not so injiouxrious.
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