You vouldn't dink mine frau
If you shust look at her now,
Vhere der wrinkles on her prow
Long haf been,
Vas der fräulein blump und fair,
Mit der wafy flaxen hair,
Who did vonce mine heart enshnare—
Mine Katrine.
Der dime seems shord to me
Since ve game acrosd der sea,
To der gountry off der free
Ve'd neffer seen;
Bud ve hear der beople say
Dhere vas vork und blendy bay,
So I shtarted righdt avay
Mit Katrine.
Oh, der shoy dot filled mine house
Vhen dot goot oldt Toctor Krauss
Brought us "Leedle Yawcob Strauss,"
Shveet und clean;
Vhy, I don'd pelief mine eyes
Vhen I look, now, mit surbrise,
On dot feller, shust der size
Off Katrine!
Den "dot leedle babe off mine,"
He vas grown so tall und fine—
Shust so sdrait as any pine
You effer seen,
Und der beoples all agree
Sooch fine poys dhey neffer see.
(Dhey looks much more like ine
As Katrine.)
Veil, ve haf our criefs und shoys,
Und dhere's naught our lofe destroys,
Budt I miss dhose leedle poys
Dot used to been;
Und der tears vill somedime sdart,
Und I feels so sick at heart,
Vhen I dinks I soon must part
From Katrine.
Oldt Time vill soon pe here,
Mit his sickle und his shpear,
Und vill vhisper in mine ear
Mit sober mien:
"You must cooin along mit me,
For id vas der Lord's decree;
Und von day dhose poys you'll see
Und Katrine."