< Women of the West
- Abbott, Cora L. (Mrs. O. J.). 17
- Aber, Myrtle Davis (Mrs.), 17
- Adams, Annette Abbott (Mrs.), 17
- Adams, Bertha (Mrs.), 156
- Adams, Corinne Damen (Mrs. W. F.), 171
- Adams, Edward T. (Mrs.), 17
- Adams, Katharine Rogers (Miss), 17
- Adams, Sophia Holmes (Mrs. Francis), 131
- Adoree, Renee (Mrs. W. S. Gill), 18
- Ainey, Kate M. (Mrs.), 119
- Aldrich, Bertha L. (Miss), 18
- Alfonso, Marie (Mrs.), 187
- Allbright, Amy (Miss), 187
- Allen, Inez Knight (Mrs. R. E.), 171
- Allen, Mabelle McConnel (Mrs.), 119
- Allen, May Wallace (Mrs.), 187
- Ames, Lucile Perry (Miss), 156
- Anderson, Anne L. (Miss), 119
- Anderson, Florence Bennett (Mrs. Louis Francis), 187
- Anderson, J. T., (Mrs.), 18
- Anderson, L. O. (Mrs.), 187
- Anderson, Nettie Thatcher (Mrs.), 172
- Archer, Alva S. (Mrs.), 18
- Arditto, Nelly Payne (Mrs.), 18
- Argus, J. E. (Mrs.), 18
- Armsby, Leonora Wood (Mrs. G. N.), 18
- Arnold, Gertrude Thomas (Mrs. Edwin C.), 19
- Arnold, Margaret Adelaide (Mrs. C. C.), 19
- Arnstein, Alice Sussman (Mrs. W.), 19
- Arthur, Mabel J. (Mrs.), 119
- Atherton, Gertrude (Mrs.), 19
- Atkinson, Jessie E. (Mrs. F.), 187
- Atwater, Mary Babcock (Mrs.), 131
- Austin, Mary (Mrs.), 146
- Austin, Will Lee (Mrs.), 19
- Avery, Jennie M. (Miss), 146
- Axtell, Frances C. (Mrs.), 187
- Aydelott, Clio Lee (Mrs.), 19
- Babcock, Julia G. (Mrs.), 19
- Babcock, Maud May (Miss), 172
- Backus, Joyce (Miss), 19
- Bacon, Virginia Cleaver (Mrs.), 156
- Bagg, Helen (Miss), 20
- Bailey, Margery (Miss), 20
- Bailhache, Isophene Goodin (Mrs.), 20
- Balderston, Elizabeth (Miss), 20
- Ball, Gertrude (Mrs. L. B.), 20
- Ball, Ruth Norton (Miss), 20
- Ballagh, James Henry (Mrs.), 20
- Ballou, Bertha (Miss), 187
- Balmer, Louise Congdon (Mrs. Julius Pratt), 20
- Banks, Florence E. (Miss), 21
- Barker, Ruth Laughlin (Mrs.), 146
- Barnard, Floy Tolbert (Mrs.), 188
- Barndollar, Gladys H. (Mrs.), 21
- Barnes, Eleanor Margaret (Miss), 21
- Barnett, Alice (Mrs. G. R. Stevenson), 21
- Barnhart, Berta R. (Mrs.), 188
- Barnum, Flores H. (Mrs. J. Harold), 21
- Barrington, Minerva Jane (Miss), 188
- Barry, Annie Little (Mrs.), 21
- Bartlett, Alice M. (Mrs.), 21
- Bartlett, Lucy Seator (Mrs.), 22
- Bartlett, Nellie Cleveland (Mrs.), 172
- Barton, Florence Gibson (Mrs. H. M.), 22
- Barton, Lorna Durnford (Miss), 188
- Barton, Minnie M. (Mrs.), 22
- Baskin, Alice Haines (Mrs.), 22
- Batchelder, Alice Coleman (Mrs.), 22
- Batchelor, Bess Barton (Mrs.), 22
- Bates, Blanche (Mrs. G. Creel), 22
- Batten, Annie Mottram Craig (Mrs.), 22
- Batterson, Mary A. (Miss), 188
- Baum, Maud G. (Mrs. L. Frank), 23
- Beach, Cora M. (Mrs. Alfred Holmes), 213
- Beals, Othilia G. C. (Mrs. Walter B.). 188
- Bean, Margaret (Miss), 188
- Bear, Grace Thorpe (Mrs.), 146
- Beek, Alice D. Engley (Mrs.), 189
- Beeley, Glenn Johnson (Mrs.), 172
- Beless, Anna Margaret (Mrs.), 172
- Bell, Carrie (Mrs. William), 157
- Bell, Gertrude Sumption (Mrs.), 23
- Bell, Ruth Moench (Mrs.), 172
- Bellamy, Mary Godat (Mrs.), 213
- Bellows, Ida I. (Mrs. E. C), 23
- Bennitt, Katharine E. (Miss), 23
- Benson, Minnie C. (Miss), 5
- Bentley, Evalyn A. (Miss), 5
- Bentley, Frederick (Mrs.), 189
- Benton, Elisabeth Sara (Miss), 23
- Benton, Mary Lathrop (Dr.), 23
- Berkey, Katharine Standefer (Mrs. L. E.), 24.
- Bernard, Myrtle (Mrs.), 19
- Bertola, Mariana (Dr.), 24
- Beyler, Cecelia Mae (Miss), 157
- Bicknell, Alice Sanderson (Mrs.), 120
- Biermann, Daisy Kessler (Mrs.), 24
- Biethan, Susan H. (Mrs. D. H.), 120
- Bigelow, May Tower (Mrs.), 108
- Bissell, Edythe Mitchell (Mrs. J. H.), 24
- Black, Fannie Jean (Mrs. A. P.), 24
- Black, Helen Marie (Miss), 108
- Blake, Adas. (Miss), 24
- Blankenship, Georgiana M. (Mrs.), 189
- Blankenship, Mary Beatrice (Mrs.), 25
- Bliss, Gertrude Richards (Dr.), 25
- Bloom, Pauline Suing (Mrs.), 189
- Blumenschein, Mary Greene (Mrs.), 147
- Boden, Marie Alamo (Mrs,), 25
- Boehringer, C. Louise (Miss), 5
- Bolcom, Emily Fluellin (Mrs.), M.D., 120
- Bollinger, Helen Mar (Mrs.), 6
- Bond, Carrie Jacobs (Mrs.), 25
- Bondurant, Margaret (Mrs. R. E.), 157
- Bonfils, Winifred Black ("Annie Laurie") (Mrs.), 25
- Boren, Inez Mee (Mrs.), 25
- Bossnot, Harriet (Mrs. F. F.), 131
- Botke, Jessie Arms (Mrs.), 26
- Bowen, Nettie Stephenson (Mrs. David W.), 189
- Bowman, Ruth Scofield (Mrs.), 131
- Boyce, L. P. (Mrs.), 26
- Brackett, Mary Montgomery (Mrs.), 26
- Braddock, Katherine (Mrs. Frederick M.), 26
- Brady, Lee Crittenden (Mrs.), 120
- Bragdon, Sarah Coleman (Mrs. John Ransom), 26
- Braun, Hazel Boyer (Mrs. Maurice), 26
- Brawley, Gertrude F. (Mrs.), 189
- Brayton, Ada Margaret (Miss), 26
- Bream, Elizabeth R. (Miss), 27
- Breece, George Elmer (Mrs.), 147
- Breeden, Gertrude S. (Mrs. B. M.), 27
- Brenn, Laura M. (Miss), 120
- Bridgman, Olga (Miss), 27
- Briggs, Anna Beecroft (Mrs.), 27
- Brink, C. G. (Mrs.), 120
- Brison, J. Oliver (Mrs.), 27
- Bristol, Edith (Mrs.), 27
- Brodie, Imogen Harding (Mrs.), 157
- Brooks, Minnie S. (Mrs. Willis Moore), 27
- Brooks, Nona L. (Rev.) (Miss), 108
- Broughton, Esto (Miss), 28
- Brousseau, Kate (Miss), 28
- Brown, Adelaide (Miss), 28
- Brown, Annie Florence (Miss), 28
- Brown, Charlotte M. (Miss), 28
- Brown, Estelle Aubrey (Mrs.), 6
- Brown, Ivadell (Mrs. J. Edgar), 28
- Bruen, Emily M. (Mrs. Norman Jay), 189
- Bryan, Leta May (Mrs.), 29
- Bryant, Carrie Parsons (Mrs. Oliver C), 29
- Buchen, Clarene (Mrs. A. J.), 132
- Buchtel, Mary Stevenson (Miss), 29
- Buckingham, Elisabeth Lee (Miss), 29
- Bucknam, Ralph Waldo (Mrs.), 29
- Bullock, Georgia (Mrs.), 29
- Burcham, Emilie Henry (Mrs.), 190
- Burdette, Clara Bradley (Mrs. Robert J.), 29
- Burke, Euna Pearl (Mrs.), 157
- Burke, Lulu A. (Mrs.), 120
- Burr, Alice (Miss). 30
- Burr, Woodnut S. (Mrs.), 30
- Burton, Elizabeth Eaton (Mrs.), 30
- Bush, Nellie T. (Mrs.), 6
- Butin, Mary Ryerson (Mrs.), 30
- Butterfield, Grace Richardson (Mrs.), 30
- Butz, Laura Chenoweth (Mrs.), 120
- Cage, Crete (Mrs.), 30
- Caldwell, Gladys (Miss), 30
- Callan, Sadie M. (Mrs)., 31
- Callaway, Mary A. (M.D.), 120
- Calmerton, Gail Horton (Miss), 31
- Cameron, Bernice (Miss), 157
- Campbell, Lenore Sollender (Mrs.), 31
- Cannon, Annie Wells (Mrs. John Q.), 173
- Canter, Mary Jane (Mrs. F. R. Meyer), 31
- Capron, Mary Sanford (Mrs.), 132
- Carhart, Edith Beebe (Miss), 190
- Carlow, Eva Mains (Dr.), 157
- Carlson, Teckla M. (Mrs.), 190
- Carse, Lillian M. (Mrs.), 120
- Carter, Artie Mason (Mrs. J. J.), 31
- Carter, Flora Harden (Mrs. C. L.), 213
- Cartright, Beulah E. (Mrs. J. M.), 6
- Cary, Helen Ahrens (Mrs.), 157
- Castberg, Leila (Mrs.), 81
- Catland, Aurelia A. (Mrs. O. S.), 31
- Chadwick, Emma P. (Mrs. Stephen J.), 190
- Chaffee, Lorena Davison (Mrs.), 32
- Chamberlain, Bessie (Mrs.), 32
- Chamberlain, Grace H. (Miss), 157
- Champ, Frances Winton (Mrs. F. P.), 173
- Champlin, Evelyn Volmer (Mrs. H. R.), 32
- Chappelle. B. F. (Mrs.), 139
- Cherry, Louise Keller (Mrs. J.W.), 173
- Chipp, Nettie R. (Mrs.), 121
- Chism, Alice A. (Mrs.), 139
- Chiadek, Clara F. (Miss), 121
- Christofferson, Edna E. (Mrs.), 158
- Church, Louise A. H. (Mrs. E.), 190
- Clapp, Mary Brenhan (Mrs. Charles Horace), 132
- Clark, Adeline Beatrice (Miss), 32
- Clark, Artilissa Dor land (Mrs.), 32
- Clark, Ella E. (Mrs. O. P.), 32
- Clark, Euphenia (Mrs. W. E.), 139
- Clark, Vinnie B. (Miss), 32
- Clayburgh, Leo J. (Mrs.), 32
- Clayton, Vera McKenna (Mrs. D. B.), 82
- Clements, Edith S. (Mrs. Frederic E.), 33
- Clements, Zulu (Miss), 33
- Clinedinst, Lillie Barbour (Mrs. J. B.), 139
- Coats, Anna M. (Mrs. Franklin I.), 121
- Cochran, Ruth Skiff (Miss), 158
- Coffin, Bertha Lindley (Mrs.), 33
- Cohn, Felice (Miss), 140
- Coldiron, Emma (Mrs.), 190
- Collar, Floyd Judson (Mrs.), 33
- Collins, Marie Richey (Mrs.), 108
- Collison, Florence Parmalee (Mrs.), 33
- Colver, R. Belle (Miss), 190
- Colwell, Jane L. (Mrs.), 190
- Colwell, Marie L. (Mrs. J, O.), 33
- Coman, Mary M. (Mrs.), 34
- Conner, Claribel Sims (Mrs.), 190
- Cooke, Grace MacGowan (Mrs.), 34
- Coolidge, Mary Roberts (Mrs. Dane), 34
- Cooney, Fanny Cory (Mrs.), 132
- Cooper, Anne D. (Mrs.), 34
- Cornish, Nellie C. (Miss), 191
- Cory, KateT. (Miss), 6
- Cottle, Cassius C. (Mrs.), 34
- Coulter, Mary Anna Clara Geigus (Mrs. Chester Emory), 173
- Cowan, Ruth Marie (Miss), 34
- Crail, Charles S. (Mrs.), 34
- Crandall, Lula D. (Mrs.), 158
- Crawford, Inez Mabel (Miss), 35
- Crawford, Mary Sinclair (Miss), 35
- Cumberson, Katherine Davis (Mrs. C. E.), 85
- Cummins, Caroline Seely, 35
- Currier, Ruth R. (Mrs. Edward W.), 35
- Cushman, Clara R. (Mrs.), 85
- Cushman, Jeannette Allen (Mrs. H. W.), 35
- D'Albini, Marie Norris (Mrs.), 158
- Daley, Edith (Mrs.), 35
- Danford, Alma Jeannette (Mrs.), 36
- Daniels, Bebe (Miss), 36
- Darknell, Delia Prell (Mrs.), 191
- Davidson, Marie Hicks (Mrs.), 36
- Davidson, Winifred (Mrs.), 36
- Davis, Lurah C. (Mrs.), 36
- Davis, Mary Louise (Mrs. D. O.), 86
- Davis, Myrtle Ramey (Mrs.), 121
- De Cou, Elizabeth Fox (Mrs. E. E.), 158
- DeDodson, Rudecinda F. S. (Mrs.), 36
- DeHuff, Elizabeth Willis (Mrs. John David), 147
- Deitrick, Betty (Mrs.), 36
- Denny, Grace Goldena (Miss), 191
- DePorte, Rilla M. (Mrs.), 87
- Dern, Lottie Brown (Mrs. George H.), 174
- Deutsch, Naomi (Miss), 87
- Devol, Dora Scott (Mrs. C. A.), 37
- Dickerman, Allie (Mrs.), 6
- Dickinson, Bertha Lovewell (Mrs. George Lyman), 87
- Diefenbach, Nina F. (Mrs.), 87
- Dieman, Clara Leonard Sorensen (Mrs. Charles A.), 108
- Dillon, Fannie Charles (Miss), 87
- Doane, Ella M. (Mrs. John H.), 37
- Dockery, Eva Hunt (Mrs.), 121
- Dodge, Jessie (Mrs. Louis), 158
- Doll, Adelaide S. (Mrs.), 147
- Donohoe, Nellie Lawrence (Mrs.), 38
- Doran, Regge (Mrs.), 88
- Dorsey, Susan M. (Mrs.), 38
- Dowler, Josephine Marie (Miss), 38
- Downey, June E. (Miss), 214
- Downing, Bernice C. (Miss), 38
- Doyle, Jane V. (Miss), 158
- Dozier, Carrie Castle (Mrs.), 88
- Drake, Elizabeth B. (Miss), 191
- Drake, Emma F. Angell (M.D.), 121
- Drake, Jeannette M. (Miss), 38
- Dudley, Elaine Anderson (Mrs.), 39
- Dunbar, Ruth (Miss), 191
- Dunbar, Saidie Orr (Mrs.), 159
- Dunn, Mabel B. (Mrs.), 39
- Dunsmoor, Nannie C. (Mrs.) (Dr.), 39
- DuPuy, Pearlretta (Mrs. Robert G.), 39
- Dye, Eva Emery (Mrs.), 159
- Eager, Caroline B. (Mrs.), 39
- Ebbetts, Charlotte Penniman (Miss), 89
- Eckles, Isabel Lancaster (Miss), 147
- Eddy, Eva Sweany (Mrs. Wynn L,), 174
- Edson, Katherine Philips (Mrs. Charles Farwell), 89
- Edwards, Mary Jordan (Mrs.), 40
- Ehmann, Freda (Mrs.), 40
- Elder, Martha Marie (Mrs.), 6
- Ellen, Minetta S. (Mrs.), 40
- Elliott, Clarice McGlauflin (Mrs.), 191
- Elliott, Essie L. (Miss), 40
- Ellis, Isabel H. (Mrs. William H.), 40
- Ellis, Jennie A. Wilhite (Mrs. O. G.), 191
- Elmendorf, Mary J. (Mrs.), 192
- Emory, Sally S. (Mrs. A. T.). 40
- Engberg, Mary Davenport (Mme.). 192
- Engler, Elizabeth (Mrs. Louis), 40
- English, Mae A. (Mrs.), 40
- Erb, Bessie Fuhrer (Mrs. H.), 41
- Erb, Letitia H. (Mrs. Fred C), 121
- Estes, Bertie (Miss), 121
- Everett, Mary (Mrs. H. G.), 41
- Everett, Mary Nixon (Mrs. Torrey), 41
- Fabre-Rajotte, Florence (Mrs.), 41
- Fargo, Lucile F. (Miss), 192
- Faulconcr, Oda (Mrs.), 41
- Feighner, M. Winnifred (Miss), 132
- Ferguson, Ruby Page (Mrs. Anthony Euwer), 159
- Ferguson, Zula Inez (Miss), 41
- Fergusson, Erna (Miss), 147
- Ferrell, Luman (Mrs.), 41
- Ferriter, Mary C. (Mrs.), 42
- Fickett, Mary (Miss), 6
- Field, Wright (Mrs. A.J.), 192
- Finkeldey, Stella A. H. (Miss), 42
- Fischer, Alice R. (Mrs. Edgar), 192
- Fisk, Helen G. (Miss), 42
- Fithian, Cora B. (Mrs.), 42
- Flanigan, Minnie (Miss), 140
- Fleming, Esther (Miss), 192
- Fletcher, Inglis (Mrs. John G.), 42
- Fluss, Stella D. (Mrs. William S.), 42
- Flynn, Sopha Nelson (Mrs. M. H.), 108
- Folsom, Marian (Mrs.), 43
- Foltz, Clara Shortridge (Mrs.), 43
- Foote, Mary Hallock (Mrs. Arthur DeWint), 43
- Forbes, Harrye R. P. Smith (Mrs. Armitage S. C.), 43
- Forrest, Marion Munson (Mrs.), 43
- Fortune, Jennie (Miss), 147
- Foster, Orpha Woods (Mrs.), 43
- Frakes, Laura J, (Mrs. James Toman), 44
- Francis, Myrtle Shepherd (Mrs.), 44
- Frank, Nan B. (Mrs. Ludwig), 44
- Frankel, G. J. (Mrs.), 159
- Franzman, Mary C. (Mrs.), 140
- Fraser, Augusta Louise (Mrs. David A.), 44
- Fraser, Jessie A. (Miss), 121
- Frazer, Mabel (Miss), 174
- Frederickson, Jane (Mrs.), 44
- Freeman, Carrie E. (Mrs.), 122
- French, Permeal J. (Miss), 122
- Frenger, George W. (Mrs.), 148
- Froiseth, Jennie Anderson (Mrs.), 174
- Fuller, Alice Goetsch, 44
- Fulmer, Grace (Miss), 44
- Furman, Helena Pcdesta (Mrs.), 45
- Gagon, Margaret J. (Mrs. G. F.), 122
- Galbraith, Nettie May (Miss), 193
- Galloway, Blanche (Miss), 45
- Gamble, Helena M. (Mrs.), 45
- Garber, Elizabeth Abbott (Mrs. Henry E., Jr), 132
- Gardiner, Thora B. (Mrs. F. W.), 159
- Gardner, Edith Jordan (Mrs. N. L.), 45
- Gardner, Florence (Miss), 45
- Garner, Anna Boley (Mrs. Robert F.), 45
- Garst, Blanche Beasley (Mrs.), 193
- Gartin, Mary E. (Mrs.), 46
- Gates, Mabel Barnett (Mrs. E. C), 46
- Gates, Susa Young (Mrs.), 174
- Gaut, Helen Lukens (Mrs.), 46
- Gaw, Ethelean Tyson (Mrs. Allison), 46
- Gawler, Jean K. (Mrs. Joseph C), 193
- Gay, Dale Pickett (Mrs. Guy J.), 214
- Geiger, Laura M. (Mrs. W. F.), 193
- Gentsch, Augusta (Miss), 193
- George, Alice M. (Mrs.), 46
- Gerke, Florence Holmes (Mrs. Walter), 159
- Germo, Eleanor (Mrs.), 46
- Gerlinger, Irene Hazard (Mrs. George T,), 159
- Gervais, Mary (Mrs.), 46
- Gibson, Ruth Beatrice (Miss), 46
- Gilbert, Aletha (Mrs.), 47
- Gillespie, Edna Clauton (Miss), 122
- Gilliland, Mary Leota, 47
- Gilmore, Adelaide H. (Mrs.), 47
- Gilmore, Betty (Vera Aleece E.) (Mrs.), 47
- Gilmore, Elizabeth McCabe, 47
- Gilmore, Iris Pavey (Mrs.), 108
- Gilpin, Laura (Miss), 108
- Gilray, Dorothea, 47
- Gilstrap, Lillian M. (Mrs.), 47
- Goble, Fannie Smith (Mrs. G. H.), 193
- Goetz, Margaret (Miss), 47
- Goldsmith, Lillian Burkhart (Mrs. G.), 48
- Gomez, Suzanne C. (Mrs. F. A.), 48
- Goodhue, Nellie A. (Miss), 193
- Goodrich, Esther Rainbolt (Mrs. W. W.), 48
- Gordon, Marion (Mme.), 48
- Gordon, Vera (Mrs.), 48
- Gottstein, M. A. (Mrs.), 194
- Gould, Chloe Cooper (Mrs.), 48
- Gould, Norma (Miss), 48
- Grace, Nellie Roberts (Mrs.), 160
- Graham, Nellie Dean (Mrs.), 49
- Grant, Blanche C, 148
- Graveley, Lottie Johnston (Mrs.), 122
- Gray, Edna Ida (Mrs.), 160
- Gray, Mary N. (Mrs.), 49
- Green, Bertha (Miss), 49
- Green, Ruth W. (Mrs. J. B.), 49
- Green, Velma (Miss), 49
- Green, W. W. (Mrs.), 49
- Greenhalgh, Sabra R. (Mrs.), 49
- Greenwood, Annie Pike (Mrs.), 122
- Grenfell, Cecile Hayward (Mrs.), 122
- Grissom, Irene Welch (Mrs. C. M.), 122
- Grondal, Florence Armstrong (Mrs.), 194
- Groves, May Showier (Mrs.), 50
- Gue, Belle Willey (Mrs.), 50
- Guiler, Frances Merrill (Mrs. Henry A.), 50
- Gundrum, Elizabeth Adams (Mrs.), 50
- Gwynne, Bertha Lowry (Mrs.), 50
- Haas, Harriet A. (Mrs.), 50
- Hagan, Hugh L. (Mrs.), 50
- Haines, Helen E. (Miss), 50
- Haines, Mabel Rainsferd (Miss), 51
- Hair, Mozelle (Miss), 160
- Hall, Carrie E. (Mrs.), 51
- Hall, L. E. (Mrs.), 175
- Hall, Lela Bolin (Mrs. L. S.), 51
- Hall, Sharlot Mabridth (Miss), 7
- Hamilton, Ceil Doyle (Mrs.), 51
- Hammell, Sophy (Mrs.), 51
- Hargrave, Alice R. (Mrs.), 194
- Hargreaves, Edna M. (Mrs.), 194
- Hargreaves, Sheba (Mrs.), 160
- Harker, Catherine (Miss), 51
- Harper, Wilhelmina (Miss), 51
- Harper, Winifred (Mrs.), 160
- Harshbarger, Sallie Foster (Mrs.), 52
- Hart, Cornelia (Miss), 123
- Hartzell, Susie Prentice (Mrs.), 52
- Hathaway, Frances (Mrs.), 194
- Hathaway, Maggie Smith (Mrs.), 132
- Hausam, Winifred M. (Miss), 52
- Havard, Frances J. H. (Mrs.), 52
- Hawker, Alta L. (Mrs.), 148
- Hawthorne, Edna M. (Miss), 52
- Hayden, Dorothea Hoaglin (Mrs. N. M.), 52
- Hays, Bertha R. (Miss), 123
- Hazlett, Fanny G. (Mrs.), 140
- Heard, Male Bartlett (Mrs. Dwight B.), 7
- Heath, Lillian J. (Mrs.), 53
- Hebard, Grace Raymond (Dr.), 214
- Heine, Minnie B. (Mrs.), 160
- Heinline, Elizabeth (Mrs. Charles), 160
- Helmond, Maude H. (Mrs.), 53
- Herrick, Una B. (Mrs.), 132
- Herzinger, Flora Harnest (Mrs.), 53
- Heydenreich, Louise (Mrs. Paul C), 53
- Hicks, Leone Cass Baer (Mrs.), 160
- Higgins, Alma Margaret (Mrs.), 133
- Higgins, Grace (Mrs. O. C), 53
- Higginson, Ella (Mrs.), 194
- Hildreth, Ada Waite (Mrs. H. L.), 58
- Hill, Edith Knight (Mrs.), 161
- Hill, Evelyn Corthell (Mrs. John A.), 214
- Hills, Anna Althea (Miss), 53
- Hindmarsh, Hazel (Miss), 109
- Hinman, Florence Lamont (Mrs.), 109
- Hinton, Primrose Rupp (Mrs.), 194
- Hitchner, Lena S. (Mrs.), 123
- Hitt, Eleanor (Miss), 54
- Holden, Warren J. (Mrs,), 64
- Hole, Elizabeth De Ceu (Miss), 54
- Hoover, Jane Redfield (Mrs. E. M.), 123
- Hoover, Lou Henry (Mrs. Herbert C), 54
- Hoover, Mildred Brooke (Mrs.), 54
- Hopkins, Mabel McKinlay (Mrs.), 194
- Hopper, Angela O'Farrell (Mrs.), 123
- Home, Alice Merrill (Mrs.), 175
- Horton, Marion (Miss), 54
- Houghton, L'Louise L. (Mrs.), 54
- Howard, Minnie F. (Mrs.), 123
- Howard, Ruth Eleanor (Miss), 54
- Hoye, Ella M. (Mrs.), 55
- Hoyt, Carrie L. Knoles (Mrs.), 55
- Hudson, Grace Youmans (Mrs.), 55
- Hughes, Mary (Miss), 195
- Humbird, Dorothy Bean (Mrs.), 196
- Hummell, Mattie R. (Mrs.), 123
- Humphrey, Frank Ellis (Mrs.), 140
- Hunnewell, Alice O. (Mrs. W. B.), 55
- Huntington, Ruth M. (Miss), 55
- Hurn, Rebecca Jane (Hon.) (Miss), 195
- Hutchinson, Libbie A. (Mrs.), 55
- Hutchison, Jane Denio (Mrs.), 55
- Hyde, Jeannette A. (Mrs.), 175
- Hyslop, Grace M. (Mrs. J. W.), 175
- Ilsen, Susan E. (Mrs.), 56
- Inness, Mabel (Miss), 56
- Irish, Leiland Atherton (Mrs.), 56
- Irvin, Fanny M. (Miss), 123
- Irvin, Marie Isabella Dufiield (Miss), 124
- Irvine, Jessie Young (Mrs.), 195
- Ivy, Vernettie O. (Mrs. J. P.), 7
- Jack, Julia (Mrs. A. R.), 56
- Jackson, Catherine (Mrs. D. S. Wilkerson), 56
- Jacob, Maude Beeley (Mrs. E. A.), 175
- Jacobs, Alberta L. (Mrs. H. G.), 176
- Jacobs, Gussie (Mrs.), 140
- Jacobsen, Christine A. (Miss), 56
- Jacobus, Sarah M. (Miss), 56
- James, Juliet (Mrs.), 56
- James, W. D. (Mrs.), 56
- Jameson, Kate Wetzel (Mrs.), 161
- Jeancon, Kate L. Fick (Mrs.), 57
- Jensen, Elizabeth W. (Mrs.), 176
- Johansen, S0phia L. (Mrs.), 161
- Johns, Edna F. (Mrs.), 195
- Johns, Helen (Miss), 195
- Johnson, Amelia F. (Mrs.), 57
- Johnson, E. Joy (Mrs. L.), 214
- Johnson, Hope Pyburn (Mrs.), 57
- Johnson, Myrtle Elizabeth (Miss), 57
- Johnston, Edna H. (Mrs. G. S.), 57
- Jones, Martha Miles (Mrs.), 57
- Jones, Nellie Rose Newbury (Mrs. W. A.), 161
- Jones, Seymour (Mrs.), 161
- Jordan, Jessie Knight (Mrs.), 57
- Josendal, Bertha Imhof (Mrs. Oddmund), 214
- Kahn, Florence Prag, 58
- Kaufmann, Myrtle L. (Miss), 195
- Kellogg, Abigail Scofield (Mrs. E. L.), 58
- Kemp, Georgia Thatcher (Mrs. John W.), 58
- Kenfield, Coralie Noyes (Miss), 58
- Kennard, Marietta Conway (Mrs. Hunter), 196
- Kenney, Elizabeth L. (Miss), 58
- Kennon, Anne Byrd (Miss), 109
- Kent, Rachel Fitch (Mrs. C. H.), 140
- Kenyon, Harriet 0. (Miss), 58
- Kinney, Antoinette B. (Mrs. C. S.), 176
- Kinney, W. S. (Mrs.), 161
- Kitt, Edith O. (Mrs.), 7
- Klauber, Alice (Miss), 58
- Klein, Harriet Elizabeth (Miss), 196
- Klink, Jane Seymour (Miss), 58
- Kluegel, Anne Jennings (Mrs. Harry), 59
- Knell, Alice (Allie) L. Canfield (Mrs.), 176
- Knight, Helen M. (Mrs. Edward Dexter), 59
- Knight, Jennie Brimhall (Mrs. J. W.), 176
- Knight, Samuel (Mrs.), 59
- Knisely, Katherine Shepherd (Mrs. Philip Warren), 176
- Knox, Frances R. (Mrs.) 59
- Kramer, Peter J. (Mrs.), 59
- Laist, Rosalba Murphy (Mrs.), 133
- Lamb, Emily Oothout (Miss), 60
- Lamson, Armenouhie Tashjian (Mrs. Otis Floyd), 196
- Landes, Bertha Knight (Mrs.), 196
- Landis, Bertha Caroline (Mrs.), 60
- Lane, Lucia M. (Miss), 60
- Langstroth, Ann Reed (Mrs.), 60
- Larkey, Marie Aloysius (Mrs.), 60
- Larkin, Anna S. (Mrs. Ralph R.), 148
- Latham, Emily Dwight (Mrs.), 60
- Lathrop, Josephine Illington (Mrs. James McE.), 60
- Lathrop, Mary Florence (Miss), 109
- Laughlin, Helen M. (Mrs.), 60
- Laughlin, Julia (Mrs. A. E.), 124
- Laughlin, N. B. (Mrs.), 148
- Lawrence, Jeanette (Mrs. Richard K.), 61
- Leary, Eliza Ferry (Mrs.), 196
- Leatherwood, Nancy A. (Mrs. Elmer O.), 176
- Ledyard, Caroline S. (Mrs. E. M.), 177
- Lee, Alice (Miss), 61
- Lee, Lillyan S. (Mrs.), 124
- LeFevre, Owen Edgar (Mrs.), 109
- Leighton, Kathryn Woodman (Mrs.), 61
- LeMoyne, Jeannette Fox (Mrs.), 124
- Lentsch, Grace (Mrs. Leo), 124
- Lewis, Cora Deal (Mrs.), 61
- Lewis, Lena Morrow (Mrs.), 61
- Lill, Bessie M. (Mrs.), 62
- Lindley, G. R. (Mrs.), 161
- Lineman, Mab Copland, 62
- Loveridge, Emily Lemoine (Miss), 161
- Lowrey, Mary Louise (Mrs. Alan J ewett), 62
- Ludington, Flora Belle (Miss), 62
- Ludovici, Alice E. (Miss), 62
- Lum, Elizabeth M. (Miss), 62
- Lund, Marie V. (Mrs. Gunnar), 196
- Lund, Mattie R. (Miss), 62
- Lyman, Amy Brown (Mrs.), 177
- Lymbery, Elizabeth Wedgwood (Mrs.), 62
- Lynch, Alberta Gude (Mrs.), 62
- MacCracken, Edith Bolte (Mrs. Gordon), 161
- MacDonald, Laura Adrienne (Mrs. R. Q.), 63
- MacPherson, Amanda T. (Mrs.), 196
- Maddux, Edith Walker (Mrs. Parker S.), 63
- Madison, Elizabeth Syle (Mrs.), 63
- Maescher, Ada Bell (Mrs.), 63
- Main, Agnes T. (Mrs.), 63
- Maltby, Esther Stark (Mrs. H. E.), 196
- Manchester, Lucile (Mrs. O. B.), 63
- Manker, Adda Bradford (Mrs. F. H.), 63
- Maring, Francette Plummer (Mrs.), 197
- Maring, Helen Emma, 197
- Marks, Jane Brunson (Mrs. W. P.), 64
- Marriott, Georgina G. (Mrs.), 177
- Martin, Anne Henriette (Miss), 140
- Martin, Clara L. (Miss), 109
- Martin, Lillien Jane (Miss), 64
- Martin, Minnie J. (Mrs.), 214
- Martin, Retta F. (Miss), 124
- Martine, Angelina (Miss), 64
- Marvin, Cornelia (Miss), 162
- Mason, Elizabeth (Miss), 64
- Masters, Billie (Mrs. Mary E. Holdaway), 64
- Mathews, Serena F. (Mrs.), 197
- Mathieson, Johanna (Mrs. E. N. Woolf), 64
- Matson, Jessie (Miss), 197
- Mavity, Nancy Barr (Mrs. A. B.), 64
- Maw, Margaret P. (Mrs. C. E.), 177
- May, Beulah (Miss), 65
- Maycock, Rena B. (Mrs.), 177
- Mayer, Elisabeth (Mrs. Alfred), 197
- McCardle, Sarah (Miss), 65
- McClurg, Virginia Donaghe (Mrs.), 109
- McCollum, Effie E. (Mrs.), 124
- McComb, Jessie D. (Mrs.), 162
- McCoy, Bernice (Miss), 124
- McCracken, Isabel (Mary) (Miss) (Dr.), 65
- McCreight, Elizabeth Ivy (Mrs.), 7
- McCroskey, Rose M. (Mrs.), 197
- McFadden, Effie Belle (Miss), 65
- McFarland, Virgie (Mrs. G.), 197
- McGauley, Minna Hoppe (Mrs.), 65
- McGaw, Blanche Evelyn Baldwin (Mrs. John), 65
- McGettigan, Francisca Vallejo (Mrs.), 65
- McGinn, Elsa S. (Mrs. John L.), 66
- McHugh, Bernard (Mrs.), 125
- McKee, Ruth Karr (Mrs. James S.), 198
- McKittrick, Margaret (Miss), 148
- McLaughlin, Emma M. (Mrs. Alfred), 66
- McLaughlin, Mary C. (Mrs.), 125
- McLouth, Mildred E. (Mrs.), 198
- McMunn, Ella (Miss), 162
- McNeal, Blanche Young (Mrs.), 110
- McPherson, Aimee Semple (Mrs.), 66
- Mead, Ruth Bernice (Miss), 125
- Meens, Ona F. (Mrs.), 110
- Meikle, Theresa (Miss), 66
- Mellors, Rebecca B. (Miss), 162
- Melvin, Evelyn (Mrs.), 125
- Merickel, Edyth Phelps (Mrs.), 66
- Merrick, Stella J. (Mrs. F. E.), 162
- Meyberg, M. S. (Mrs.), 66
- Meyer, Estelle Reel (Mrs. Cort. F.), 198
- Millard, George M. (Mrs.), 66
- Miller, Blanche Funk (Mrs. M.), 198
- Miller, Eleanor (Miss), 66
- Miller, Elizabeth Cloud (Mrs. F. G.), 67
- Miller, Etta (Mrs.), 125
- Miller, Mary Carrington (Mrs. Albert L.), 67
- Miller, Mary Farrand Rogers (Mrs.), 67
- Miller, Mary Merrill (Mrs. George B.), 67
- Miller, Minnie W. (Mrs.), 177
- Miller, Nellie Burget (Mrs. L. A.), 110
- Miller, Nettie May (Mrs.), 67
- Mills, Ethelwyn (Miss), 67
- Mills, Mabel Louise (Miss), 68
- Minor, Wilma Frances (Miss), 68
- Mitchell, Adina (Mrs.), 68
- Monnette, Helen Kull (Mrs. Orra Eugene), 68
- Monroe, Anne Shannon (Miss), 162
- Montgomery, A. H. (Mrs.), 68
- Moody, Agnes Claypole (Mrs. Robert Orton), 68
- Moon, Grace (Mrs.), 68
- Mooney, Mary Frances (Miss), 69
- Moore, Anna Virginia Chatham (Mrs.), 141
- Moore, Lulu Mae (Miss), 69
- Moreland, Cassie C. (Dr.) (Miss), 69
- Morford, Elizabeth H. (Mrs. James H.), 69
- Morgan, Agnes Fay (Mrs.), 69
- Morgan, M. DeNeale (Miss), 69
- Morris, Margaret Messer (Mrs.), 69
- Morse, Rinda Shortridge (Mrs.), 69
- Morse, Sara E. (Mrs.), 133
- Morton, Katharine A. Ammon (Mrs.), 214
- Moser, Matilda (Miss), 125
- Mosher, Clelia Duel, 70
- Mosse, Elfie Asenath (Miss), 70
- Mott, Maude Robinson (Mrs. Ernest J .), 70
- Moulton, Percy Daniel (Mrs.), 70
- Muehleisen, Vesta C. (Mrs.), 70
- Mulheron, Anne M. (Miss), 162
- Mullen, Katharine Maria (Mrs.), 198
- Mullin, Mabel D. (Mrs. Horace H.), 71
- Mulliner, Estella Smith (Mrs. Joseph S.), 125
- Musser, Burton W. (Mrs.), 178
- Myers, Lois Parker (Mrs. Frank S.), 162
- Myers, Mary B. (Mrs. George T.), 198
- Nash, Albertine Richards (Mrs. Walter), 71
- Neill, Isabel (Mrs.), 198
- Nicholson, Grace (Miss), 71
- Noel, Jacqueline (Miss), 199
- Norman, Henderson Daingerfield (Mrs.), 199
- Norris, Kathleen (Mrs.), 71
- North, Grace May (Mrs. W. N. Monfort), 71
- Northcross, Eleanor Hammack (Mrs. Robert Caldwell), 71
- Noyes, Mary E. (Miss), 71
- Nunan, Eula Howard (Mrs.), 71
- Nye, Myra (Mrs. William P.), 71
- Obenchain, Marie (Miss), 72
- Ober, Caroline Haven (Miss), 199
- Odson, Lenna B. (Mrs. John), 199
- Ogden, Elsie Burr (Mrs.), 125
- Olmsted, Josie Adelaide (Mrs. Fred L.), 72
- Olsen, Elizabeth (Mrs.), 163
- Oren, Mae D. (Mrs. Clarence H.), 199
- Orr, Marion Campbell (Miss), 126
- Orton, Anna B. (Miss), 72
- Orton, Virginia Keating (Mrs. C. W.), 199
- Osburn, Luna C. (Mrs. Judson), 148
- Otero-Warren, Adelina (Mrs.), 148
- Outcalt, Adele Meyer (Mrs.), 72
- Owen, Elizabeth Kenyon (Mrs.), 72
- Panter, Frances (Mrs. Frank), 72
- Parker, Maud (Miss), 199
- Parkes, Eleanor B. (Mrs.), 72
- Parmenter, Christine Whiting (Mrs.), 110
- Parrish, Ella F. Knox (Mrs. W. W.), 126
- Parsons, Ethel Oakman (Mrs. Charles E.), 73
- Parsons, Katherine Barrette (Mrs.), 178
- Parsons, Mable Holmes (Mrs. Edwin Seely), 163
- Parsons, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. J. C. Hawver), 73
- Patrick, Fannie Brown (Mrs.), 141
- Paxman, Achsa E. (Mrs.), 178
- Payson, Mary Green (Mrs.), 73
- Pedersen, Beatrice A. (Mrs. N. A.), 178
- Peixotto, Jessica Blanche (Dr.), 73
- Penman, Satella Jacques (Mrs.), 73
- Penniman, Leonora Naylor (Mrs.), 73
- Penrose, Mary Shipman (Mrs. S. B. L.), 200
- Pepperdine, Lena R. (Mrs.), 73
- Perego, Grace Greenwood (Mrs.), 74
- Perham, Katharyn M. (Mrs.), 133
- Perkins, Ethelyn F. (Mrs.), 178
- Perozzi, Louise A. (Mrs. D.), 163
- Perry, Bertha Vaessen (Mrs.), 110
- Peters, Aimee Marguerite (Miss), 74
- Peters, Lulu Hunt (Mrs. L. H.), 74
- Peterson, Matilda (Miss), 178
- Peterson, Phebe Nebeker (Mrs.), 178
- Petrie, Minnie E. (Mrs. A. L.), 74
- Peycke, Frieda (Miss), 74
- Phelps, Edith Allen (Miss), 74
- Philbin, Mary (Miss), 74
- Phillips, Martha (Mrs.), 74
- Pickford, Mary (Mrs. Douglas Fairbanks), 75
- Pierce, Julietto (Miss), 75
- Pierce, Minerva (Mrs.), 75
- Place, Corene Bain (Mrs.), 75
- Plaister, Cornelia D. (Miss), 75
- Plassmann, Martha Edgerton (Mrs. Theodore), 133
- Plumb, Alma E. (Miss), 126
- Plumber, Edna Covert (Mrs.), 75
- Plummer, Eleanor Brennan (Mrs.), 133
- Ponsler, Muriel O. (Mrs. J. G.), 163
- Poppy, Dorthy Belle (Miss), 75
- Porter, Florence Collins (Mrs.), 76
- Post, Mary Elizabeth (Miss),7
- Postle, Katherine Joy (Miss), 126
- Potter, Elizabeth Gray (Mrs.), 76
- Potter, Mabel Gray (Mrs.), 76
- Potts, Will Lambert (Mrs.), 76
- Powell, May L. (Mrs. Thomas W.), 76
- Pratt, Emma Diehm (Mrs.), 141
- Pray, Ada Jordan (Mrs. L. W.), 76
- Preston, Adelaide B. (Miss), 200
- Prichard, Adelia (Miss), 163
- Prichard, Maude Hancock (Mrs. George W.), 149
- Priester, Alma Dorothy (Miss), 76
- Provines, Cornelia Douglas (Miss), 77
- Purpus, Ada E. (Mrs. R. W.), 77
- Putnam, Hazel D. (Mrs. Claude G.), 77
- Pyle, Mildred Chick (Mrs.), 77
- Ralston, Frances Marion (Miss), 77
- Randall, Josephine Dows (Miss), 77
- Randolph, Lois (Miss), 149
- Rankin, Jeannette, 134
- Raymond, Frances Efiinger (Mrs.), 77
- Raymond, Jean C. (Mrs.), 200
- Reagan, Ida M. (Miss), 78
- Redfield, Ethel Emily (Miss), 126
- Redington, Bernice Orpha (Miss), 200
- Reed, Emma L. (Mrs.), 126
- Reeves, Margaret (Miss), 149
- Reid, Clara Shepherd (Mrs.), 78
- Reinhardt, Aurelia Henry ( Mrs.), 78
- Renfrow, Adellah J. (Mrs.), 78
- Renfrow, L. Bernice (Mrs.), 78
- Reynolds, Alice Louise (Miss), 178
- Reynolds, Clara P. (Miss), 200
- Rhodes, Helen (Miss), 200
- Rich, Dorothy Agee (Mrs. Cyril A.), 126
- Rich, Gladys (Miss), 179
- Richards, Frances M. (Miss), 78
- Richards, Lela Horn (Mrs. C. E.), 179
- Richards, Lucy A. (Mrs.), 78
- Richardson, Eve (Miss), 163
- Riegelman, Mabel (Mrs. M. L. Samuels), 78
- Riley, Edith Dolan (Mrs.), 200
- Risher, Anna Priscilla (Miss), 78
- Ritchie, Bell T. (Miss), 79
- Ritchie, Lily Munsell (Mrs.), 179
- Ritter, Anne Gregory (Mrs.), 111
- Ritter, Margaret Tod (Miss), 111
- Robbins, Marcus W. (Mrs.), 79
- Roberson, Charlotte (Mrs.), 126
- Robertson, Annie S. E. (Mrs.), 163
- Robey, Roberta (Miss), 149
- Robinson, Lucy M. C. (Mrs.), 200
- Rochex, Ardee Parsons (Mrs. A. A.), 79
- Rockwell, Lallah Rookh (Mrs.), 126
- Rockwood, Edith Daggett (Mrs.), 7
- Rockwood, E. Ruth (Miss), 163
- Rodney, Mary McMillan (Mrs.), 201
- Roe, Vingie E. Lawton (Mrs.), 79
- Rogers, Frances Thye (Mrs. Reginald F.), 79
- Rogers, Henrietta Palmer (Mrs. Oscar C.), 79
- Rogers, Julia Ellen (Miss), 79
- Rogers, Margaret Esther (Miss), 80
- Roland, Ruth (Miss), 80
- Rose, Frances Eastman (Mrs.), 201
- Rose, Mary G. (Mrs. D. M.), 141
- Rosenberger, Florabel Patterson (Mrs. A.), 80
- Ross, Cora Eleanor (Mrs.), 80
- Ross, Margaret Wheeler (Mrs. H. D.), 7
- Ross, Nellie Tayloe (Mrs.), 214
- Rowan, Loleta L. (Mrs.), 80
- Runyon, Florence A. (Mrs. Charles E.), 163
- Ruoff, Margaret C. (Mrs. George D.), 149
- Ruse, Margaret (Miss), 149
- Rush, Olive (Miss), 149
- Russell, Frances Theresa (Mrs.), 80
- Russell, J. R. (Mrs.), 134
- Rutherford, Josephine K. Steake (Mrs.), 127
- Ryerson, Florence (Mrs. Colin Clements), 80
- Sales, Martha T. (Mrs.), 80
- Saltus, Marie (Mrs. Edgar), 81
- Salyer, Rose H. (Mrs.), 150
- Sanchez, Nellie Van de Grift (Mrs.), 81
- Sanford, Genevieve H. (Mrs.), 201
- Sargent, Elizabeth (Mrs. J. L.), 81
- Sartori, Margaret Rishel (Mrs.), 81
- Satchwell, Atlanta Parker (Mrs.), 164
- Savery, Halley (Mrs. William), 201
- Saylor, Anna L. (Mrs. Frank L.), 81
- Schlenzig, Maude E. (Miss), 111
- Schloss, Adella Tuttle (Mrs. Aaron), 81
- Schoneman, Florence Dodson (Mrs.), 81
- Schroff, Louise Barrows (Mrs.), 164
- Schultz, Cecilia AugSpurger (Mrs.), 201
- Schumann-Heink, Ernestine (Mme.), 82
- Schwartz, Katherine (Mrs. Earl), 82
- Scott, Jessie Thompson (Mrs.), 164
- Scripps, Ellen Browning (Miss), 82
- Seagrave, Mabel (Miss), 201
- Seibert, David Allen (Mrs.), 201
- Sellmer, Walter B. (Mrs.), 82
- Sessions, Kate 0. (Miss), 82
- Setters, Bess (Mrs.), 164
- Seward, Myrtle G. (Mrs.), 82
- Seymour, Elizabeth (Betty) (Mrs.), 82
- Shaffer, Geneve L. A. (Miss), 82
- Shanewise, Lenore (Miss), 83
- Shaw, Dorothy Scott (Mrs.), 111
- Shaw, Wanda Brown (Mrs. J. R.), 164
- Shea, Regina Campbell (Mrs.), 83
- Shellabarger, M. Elizabeth (Miss), 111
- Shephard, Esther (Mrs.), 202
- Shepherd, Elizabeth Lee (Mrs. R. D.), 83
- Shindler, Florence Elizabeth (Miss), 83
- Shinn, Milicent Washburn (Miss), 83
- Shontz, Orfa Jean (Miss), 83
- Shortle, Alice Mitchell (Mrs. A. G.), 150
- Simmons, Nondas B. (Mrs.), 164
- Simons, Edith Shaw (Mrs.), 83
- Simpson, Elizabeth (Miss), 84
- Simpson, Kate Funk (Mrs.), 202
- Singletary, Elizabeth Stevens (Mrs.), 84
- Skinner, Mary Dart (Mrs. M. E.), 84
- Skoe, Emilie M. (Mrs. Charles E.), 84
- Smertenko, Clara Millerd (Mrs.), 164
- Smick, Helen Godwin (Mrs. W. A.), 164
- Smith, Alice Maud (Miss), 202
- Smith, Anna B. (Mrs.), 215
- Smith, Caroline Estes (Mrs.), 84
- Smith, Doris (Mrs.), 164
- Smith, Faith Edith (Miss), 84
- Smith, Lucetta Amelia (Miss), 164
- Smith, Mary E. (Miss), 84
- Smith, Nellie von Gerichten (Mrs.), 8
- Smith, Rosalia Baker (Mrs.), 202
- Smith, Susan T. (Miss), 84
- Snedicor, Jane (Miss), 165
- Snow, Mary Ella Hand (Mrs.), 84
- Solomon, Rachel Applegate (Mrs-), 165
- Southward, Joan (Mrs.), 141
- Southwick, Grace Ruth (Miss), 85
- Spalding, Elizabeth (Miss), 111
- Spann, Harriet Gaddis (Mrs. S. T.), 141
- Sparkes, Grace M. (Miss), 8
- Spaulding, Nettie M. (Mrs. W. L.), 165
- Spencer, Lilian White (Mrs.), 111
- Spongberg, Lillian (Miss), 127
- Spring, Agnes Wright (Mrs. Archer T.), 112
- Spurlin, Mary Jane (Miss), 165
- Squier, Emma Lindsay (Mrs.), 85
- Standrod, D. W. (Mrs.), 127
- Stanton, Edith N. (Miss), 85
- Stark, Mary Fleischhauer (Mrs.), 134
- Starkey, May Chapman (Mrs. John B.), 85
- Starr, G. M. (Mrs.), 85
- Stearns, Dora A. (Mrs.), 85
- Stebbins, Lucy H. (Mrs. Herbert Cobb), 112
- Stebbins, Lucy Ward (Miss), 85
- Steinmetz, Nell S. (Mrs.), 85
- Sternfels, Ida Estelle (Miss), 134
- Sterrett, Edna (Mrs. Roger), 86
- Steunenberg, Nina E. (Mrs.), 127
- Stevens, Helen Norton (Mrs.), 202
- Stevenson, F. Josephine (Miss), 86
- Stewart, A. B. (Mrs.), 202
- Stewart, Jean Brodie (Mrs.), 202
- Stilson, Mary E. (Mrs. W. W.), 86
- Stoermer, Grace S. (Miss), 86
- Stokes, Emma S. W. (Mrs. A. W.), 86
- Stone, Elizabeth Arnold (Mrs. Chas.), 215
- Stoner, Ethel (Mrs. John H.), 215
- Storm, Alfrida A. (Miss), 202
- Stovel, Isabel Seal (Mrs. H. R.), 86
- Strack, Lilian Holmes (Mrs.), 86
- Strahan, Kay Cleaver (Mrs.), 165
- Stratte, Mary Scarp (Mrs.), 127
- Stratton, Alice Elenore (Mrs.), 87
- Straup, Della L. (Mrs. D. N.), 179
- Strong, Anna Louise (Miss), 203
- Strong, Clara F. (Mrs. E. J .), 150
- Stryker, Bertha Moser (Mrs. H. M.), 203
- Stuart, Bertha (Miss), 165
- Sumbardo, Martha K. (Mrs.), 203
- Summers, Nora Early (Mrs.), 150
- Sweet, Blanche (Mrs. Marshall Neilan), 87
- Symmes, Eleanor Ann (Miss), 87
- Talmadge, Norma (Mrs. J. M. Schenck), 87
- Taylor, Anna Leila (Miss), 87
- Taylor, Catherine F. (Mrs.), 87
- Terrell, Henrietta R. F. (Mrs. Harry Clay), 87
- Tessmann, Jennie Lasby (Mrs.), 87
- Test, Marguerite Lawrence (Mrs.), 88
- Thacher, Jane (Mrs.), 165
- Thatcher, George W. (Mrs.), 179
- Thatcher, Leora (Miss), 179
- Thayer, Maynard Force (Mrs.), 88
- Thelen, Fanny J. Bayrhoffer (Mrs. E.), 88
- Thomas, Edwin S. (Mrs.), 134
- Thomas, Ellen Hebden (Miss), 180
- Thomas, Vera Blanche (Mrs.), 8
- Thompson, Monica B. (Mrs.), 203
- Thompson, O. Scott (Mrs.), 88
- Thorgasurn, Eileen Bride (Mrs. Charles Reid),
- Thorpe, Rose Hartwick (Mrs.), 88
- Thurston, Amy E. (Mrs. Robert Fiske), 88
- Thurston, Marie Harding (Mrsr. Joseph S.), 89
- Thygeson, Marie C. (Miss), 203
- Tingle, Lillian Ella (Miss), 165
- Tingley, Katherine (Mme.), 89
- Todd, Jennie G. (Mrs.), 89
- Todt, Margaret (Mrs.), 89
- Tomlinson, Anna Louise (Miss), 89
- Tomlinson, Nancy Ellicott (Miss), 127 ²*Tompkins, Nancy Baker (Mrs.), 89
- Treen, Jessie F. (Mrs.), 90
- Triplett, Erna Pallat (Mrs. R. J.), 112
- True, Clara Davis (Miss), 150
- True, Helen Ella (Miss), 90
- Trumper, May (Miss), 134
- Tucker, Jane (Mrs. Elmer H.), 90
- Turner, Ethel Louise (Mrs. Charles Flavel), 90
- Turner, Margaret Scott (Mrs. L. M.), 90
- Unruh, Ada Wallace (Mrs.), 165
- Urquhart, Augusta W. (Mrs. John C), 90
- Vandegrift, Anna (Mrs. D. M.), 127
- Vanderburgh, Florence Herrick (Mrs. C. M.), 90
- Van de Water, Edith Weir (Mrs. Charles F.), 90
- Van Etten, Clara Elizabeth (Mrs.), 203
- Van Valkenburg, Catherine E. (Mrs. A. C), 127
- Van Wagenen, Emma S. (Mrs.), 91
- Van Waters, Miriam (Dr.), 91
- Varker, Dotha S. (Miss), 204
- Vaughn, Kate Brew, (Mrs.), 91
- Velhagen, Millicent H. (Mrs.), 112
- Vernon, Weston (Mrs.), 180
- Virden, Eleanor Morgan (Mrs.), 91
- Vogel, Frances (Miss), 91
- Vogleson, Helen E. (Miss), 91
- Vorbeck, Marguerite Parsons (Mrs. H. W.), 112
- Voss, Evangeline Ling (Mrs.), 91
- Vought, Stella Raymond (Mme.), 91
- Wachtel, Marion Kavanagh (Mrs.), 92
- Waffle, Clara Wilhelmina (Mrs.), 166
- Walk, May R. (Mrs.), 204
- Walsh, Marie Pernau (Mrs.), 92
- Walton, Louise Monroe (Mrs. N. E.), 204
- Wankowski, Maud R. (Mrs.), 92
- Ward, Margaret (Mrs.), 127
- Ward, Violet Richardson (Mrs.), 92
- Waring, Ann Katherine (Mrs.), 134
- Warren, Althea (Miss), 92
- Watson, Grace F. (Mrs. Herman), 204
- Watson, Jean (Miss), 92
- Watts, Kathryn E. (Mrs.), 92
- Watts, Minerva Lesoine, 92
- Way, Isabel Steward (Mrs.), 92
- Weamer, Agnes (Mrs.), 93
- Weber, Lois (Mrs. H. Gantz), 93
- Weed, Mabel (Miss), 93
- Weldon, Frances H. (Mrs.), 93
- Wells, Helen M. (Miss), 93
- Wells, Ida V. (Miss), 93
- Wells, Lucy D. (Mrs.), 204
- Wendemuth, Lillian M. (Miss), 93
- Wenk, Sarah Elizabeth (Miss), 93
- Wessel, Louis (Mrs.), 134
- West, Edith Brake (Mrs. George F.), 94
- West, Leoti L. (Miss), 204
- West, Ruth (Miss), 204
- Westerhouse, Grace Hoskins (Mrs.), 94
- Westmore, Nina May (Mrs. Bert Frederic), 204
- Westover, J. H. (Mrs.), 8
- Weyerhaeuser, Anna Mary (Mrs. J. P.), 205
- Whitaker, Alma (Mrs. Jerome Reynolds), 94
- Whitbeck, Alice Grover (Mrs.), 94
- White, Nellie A. (Mrs.), 94
- White, Nona L. (Miss), 94
- Whitehead, Reah (Miss), 205
- Whiting, Lucy Jackson (Mrs.), 95
- Whiting, Marian Tracie, (Dr.) (Mrs.), 95
- Whiting, Mary R. (Mrs. Randolph W.), 95
- Whitman, Frances Melvin (Mrs. Julian C), 95
- Whitney, Charlotte Anita (Miss), 95
- Whitney, Ruth Cooper (Mrs.), 166
- Wicart, Norma Lawson (Mrs.), 8
- Wice, Josephine Clancy (Mrs.), 95
- Wiebers, Millicent H. (Mrs.), 95
- Wier, Jeanne Elizabeth (Dr.) (Miss), 141
- Wiggins, Myra Albert (Mrs.), 205
- Wilbur, Ellen Gardner (Mrs. J. B.), 95
- Wilbur, Marguerite Blake (Mrs. Ray Lyman), 96
- Wilcox, Elsie K. (Mrs. F. B.), 96
- Wild, May Lester (Mrs. A. G.), 96
- Wilde, Maud (Dr.), 96
- Wilder, Gertrude B. (Mrs. H. J.), 96
- Wiley, Lizabeth (Miss), 215
- Wilkie, Emily D. (Mrs.), 96
- Willats, Marietta Bosworth (Mrs.), 96
- Willebrandt, Mabel Walker (Mrs.), 96
- Williams, Clarissa S. (Mrs.), 180
- Williams, Cora Lenore (Miss), 97
- Williams, Mattie L. (Mrs.), 8
- Wilsey, Motris Weston (Mrs.), 97
- Wilson, Bird M. (Miss), 97
- Wilson, Charlotte Lansing (Mrs.), 150
- Wilson, Edith Christensen (Mrs.), 97
- Wilson, Flora New-Harrod (Mrs.), 97
- Wilson, Josephine Young (Mrs. W. H.), 97
- Wilson, Lillian Frances (Mrs.), 128
- Wilson, Mabel Zoe (Miss), 205
- Wilson, Mary E. (Miss), 97
- Wilson-Olive, Edna Josephine (Mrs.), 98
- Winlow, Clara V. (Mrs.), 98
- Winn, G. Edward (Mrs.), 98
- Winter, Ella (Mrs. Lincoln Steffens), 98
- Winter, Una R. (Mrs.), 98
- Wolf, Emma (Miss), 98
- Wolff, Maude (Miss), 99
- Wolverton, Sarah Foss (Miss). 99
- Wong, Anna May (Miss), 99
- Wood, Bessie (Mrs. A. E. Gustason), 99
- Wood, Clara M. (Miss), 166
- Woodbridge, Cora M. (Mrs.), 99
- Wood-Comstock, Belle (Mrs.), 99
- Woodward, Agnes (Miss), 100
- Woodward, Mary Alethea (Miss), 166
- Workman, Frances Widney (Mrs. Boyle), 100
- Worth, Amy (Mrs. Harry), 205
- Wright, Dora (Miss), 180
- Wright, Janetta Bray (Mrs. H. T.), 100
- Wright, Rose Abel (Mrs.), 205
- Yaw, Ellen Beach (Mrs. Franklin Cannon), 100
- Yearian, Emma Russell (Mrs.), 128
- Yoakum, Wilhelmine Wissman (Mrs. F. E.), 100
- Young, Valeria Brinton (Mrs. L. E.), 180
- Zaruba, Emma Loeffler de (Mme.), 100
- Zumwalt, Julia Kinsey (Mrs. Don J.), 166
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