< Woman of the Century

Zadel Barnes Gustafson.jpgZADEL BARNES GISTAFSON. GUSTAFSON, Mrs. Zadel Barnes, author and poet, born in Middletown, Conn., 9th March, 1841. Her maiden name was Zadel Barnes. She wrote a good deal in her youth, but not till 1871 did she win general notice through "The Voice of Christmas Past," a tribute to Dickens, published in "Harper's Magazine." In 1873, "Where is the Child ?" published in the same magazine, increased her reputation. She has contributed much to "Harper's Magazine," the Springfield " Republican," the "Home Journal" and the "Independent," She has also been a contributor to The Magazine of Poetry." In 1878 she published a volume of verse, entitled " Meg. a Pastoral." which drew the attention of Whittier, Whipple and Longfellow. Besides her exquisite poems, Mrs. Gustafson has written many snort stories of high merit. Among theseare " Kann," "Laquelle" and others. In 1880 Mr. and Mrs. Gustafson went to London, England, where they remained until 1889. There she formed many literary acquaintances and saw much of life. They saw in London sights that stirred in their hearts the impulse to a crusade against drink. The result was "The Foundation of Death, a Study of the Drink Question." written jointly, and pronounced by thinkers in all countries to be one of the most effective and the best considered work ever published on the subject. Its sales in England and South Africa, India, the far East and Australia have been very large. Her home in the United States is in New York City, but she spends much time in London, England.

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