JENKINS, Mrs. Therese A., woman suffragist, born in Fayette, Lafayette county, Wis., in 1853. She is a daughter of the late Peter Parkinson, one of the pioneers of Wisconsin, who fought in the Black Hawk War and won military honors. Miss Parkinson became the wife of James F. Jenkins, a wealthy merchant of Cheyenne, Wy., in which city they reside. She is a thoroughly educated woman, and her writings are clear and forcible. Since 1887 she has labored to secure equal rights and justice for all citizens. She was one of the orators of the day when Wyoming's admission to statehood was celebrated, and her address on that occasion was powerful and brilliant. She has done much journalistic work. In April, 1889, she contributed to the "Popular Science Monthly" a striking paper entitled, "The Mental Force of Woman," in reply to Professor Cope's article on "The Relation of the Sexes to the Government," in a preceding number of that journal. She has contributed a number of graceful poems to the Denver "Times" and other journals. She is now the regular Wyoming correspondent of the Omaha "Central West," "Woman's Tribune" and the " Union Signal." She is active in church work and is a member of the Woman's Relief Corps and of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, in both of which she is earnestly interested. She was sent as an alternate to the Republican national convention in Minneapolis, Minn., in 1892. Her family consists of three children. Her life is a busy one, and she is a recognized power in Wyoming among those who are interested in purifying and elevating society, and in bringing about the absolute recognition of the equality of the sexes before the law.