< Woman of the Century

SUSAN STUART FRACKLETON.jpgSUSAN STUART FRACKLETON. FRACKLETON, Mrs. Susan Stuart, artist and inventor, born in Milwaukee, Wis., in 1851. Her father's name was Goodrich, Her mother's maiden name was Mary Robinson, of Penn Yan, N.Y. Before her marriage to Richard G. Frackleton, this gifted young woman was a fellow-student with Carl Marr in the studio of Henry Vianden. in Milwaukee. Later she studied in New York City under the Harts, Mrs. Beers and Greatorex. She commenced china-painting in 1874, and in that field she has achieved great distinction in America and Europe. Mrs. Frackleton was the only woman in the country who exhibited in Philadelphia among the men, and her medals are numerous. She received the diploma awarded by the United States Potters' Association in 1889. Seeing the need of a portable gas-kiln for tiring her artistic work, she invented and patented one. For her technical book. personal artistic work, colors and invention she has been honored by a Special letter from the Queen in Italy. She has also been most flatteringly recognized and honored by the Academy of San Carlos, in the Mexican Republic. As an artist her admirable work h.is had court presentation in Rome at the request of the Queen. Mrs. Frackleton has written a very successful book on china painting. It is entitled "Tried by Fire" (New York, 1886). It has been accepted as a text-book in the library of the South Kensington Art Museum, and the thanks of the Lords of the Committee of Council on Education were tendered to the author. The volume and its results won the author four international medals. Over five-hundred women in America have been made self-supporting by means of Mrs. Frackleton's skill in all that pertains to the ceramic art. She stands at the bead of one of the most eminently successful china color and decorating works in the United States. In April. 1892, site w as elected president of the National League of Mineral Painters. Her success in life she owes entirely to her own temperament and the full use of all the opportunities for developing her own genius.

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