PORTER, Miss Rose, religious novelist, was born in New York, N. Y. Her father, David Collins Porter, was a wealthy New Yorker. He died in 1845, while Rose was an infant. Her mother was a cultured woman, the daughter of an English army officer. Miss Porter's early years were spent in New York and in their summer home in Catskill-on-the-Hudson. She was educated in New York, with the exception of a year abroad. After completing her education, she and her mother made their home in New Haven, Conn. The mother died several years ago, and Miss Porter has kept her home in New Haven, where, with her servants, she lives in English style. Her books have a large sale. Her first success was "Summer Drift-Wood for the Winter Fire." Notwithstanding the fact that she has been an invalid for years, her pen has been busy and prolific, and illness has not been sufficient to break her courageous spirit or to check the operations of her bright, active, well-stored mind. Her work is all of the moral order, but she is by no means a sickly sentimentalist. Her books are healthful in tone. As a writer of quiet religious romance she stands in the first rank. Fastidious critics in both secular and religions papers commend her work for its evident and successful mission to the world, graceful style and pure English. She has published thirty-three or more volumes.