SEGUR, Mrs Rosa L., woman suffragist, born in Hessa. near Cassel, 30th January, 1833, upon the estate of Pfife. of which her parents, Edward and Jeaneatta Klinge, were proprietors. They, like their ancestors of many generations, belonged to the upper middle classes of Germany and France. Mrs. Segur's maternal grandmother was descended from the Maniers ana Lombards, of Huguenot historic fame, while her people on the paternal side were sturdy followers of Dr. Luther, dwelling not far from his birthplace and early home. When Rosa was five years old, her parents made the journey to America, settling first in Detroit. Mich., but finally, in 1840, selecting Toledo, Ohio, for a permanent home. From her earliest childhood she was exceedingly fond of study, and in spite of the small opportunities of that time she succeeded in gaining a fair education, while she read everything to which she could obtain access, whether history, romance, poetry or biography. That she did in spite of the warnings of the elderly women of the day, with whom a literary woman was at a discount, and who prophesied that she would never be married unless she gave more time to house-wifely cares and less to poring over books. Before she had completed her sixteenth year, she was installed as teacher in the same school where she had begun student work In 1851 she became the wife of Daniel Segur, whose encouragement of her literary efforts was constant. Three years before marriage she had begun to write short stories and sketches for the Toledo "Blade," which won public favor. That work has since been continued, except when interrupted by the cares of her family and by the long illness of her husband, which ended fatally. She was left with a son and a daughter. The work that has given Mrs. Segur the greatest prominence is in connection with public reforms, in which she has always taken the deepest interest. She has been from the first a stanch supporter of movements in favor of woman suffrage. With tongue and pen she has advocated the cause, finding time in the midst of the most absorbing family cares to do such efficient work that her name has become a synonym of energy in purpose and action among the leaders in the effort to secure political equality with men for her sex. To her belongs much of the credit for obtaining the repeal of obnoxious laws in regard to the status of women in the State of Ohio, and the securing of those by which their condition is materially bettered. She has an almost unlimited capacity for labor.