DAVIS, Mrs. Rebecca Harding, author, born in Washington, Pa., 24th June, 1831. She was reared and educated in Wheeling, W. Va., where, in 1862, she became the wife of L. Clark Davis, at that time editorially connected with the Philadelphia " Inquirer," and a contributor to the prominent periodicals of the country. Mrs. Davis wrote from childhood, but her first successful bid for public notice was in 1861. when her "Life in the Iron Mills" was published in the "Atlantic Monthly." That story was afterwards printed in book form and found a large sale. Her next work, "A Story of To- Day." appeared in the "Atlantic Monthly" and was republished as a book, under the title "Margaret Howth" (New York, 1861). After her marriage she went to Philadelphia, where she lived until 1869, when Mr. Davis became a member of the editorial staff of the New York "Tribune," and they took up their residence in that city. Mrs. Davis also contributed to the "Tribune." She was constantly writing, and short stories, sketches, essays and editorials without number flowed from her pen. Her other books are, " Waiting for the Verdict" (New York, 1867), "Dallas Galbraith" (Philadelphia, 1868), "The Captain's Story," "John Andross" (New York, 1874) "The Faded Leaf of History," and a number of novels, all of singular merit and attractiveness. Several years ago Mrs. Davis returned to Philadelphia, where her home now is. Her latest works include "Kitty's Chord" (Philadelphia, 1876), and "A Law Unto Herself" (Philadelphia, 1878), "Natasqua" (New York, 1886). Her son, Richard Harding Davis, one of the editors of "Harper's Weekly," has inherited her story-telling talent.