SAVAGE, Mrs. Minnie Stebblns, known also under her pen-name, "Marion Lisle," writer of poetry and prose, born in the town of Porter, Wis., 25th March, 1850. Her father was Harrison Stebbins, a well-to-do farmer and an influential man in Rock county, a man of integrity and solid worth. Her mother's maiden name was Mary Bassett. She was a woman of much mental strength and nobility of character. Both had a taste for literature. Both were of New England stock. The childhood and early womanhood of Minnie Stebbins were passed in a pleasant country homestead, full of light and life. Imperfect health and consequent leisure, good books and pictures, a piano and standard periodicals may be counted among the influences that helped to mold her. She has written both poetry and prose, more of the former than the latter, for the "Woman's Journal," the
"Woman's Tribune," the "Christian Register," "Unity," the Chicago "Inter-Ocean." the "Weekly Wisconsin" and other journals. She became the wife of Edwin Parker Savage in 1876, and since that time has lived in Cooksville, Wis. She has been long identified with the temperance work of the State. Both in emanations from her pen and
in practical personal efforts she has manifested her belief in a widening future for women. She is also active in Unitarian Church work. It is as a poet she deserves special mention.