BUTTERFIELD, Miss Mellona Moulton, china-painter, born in Racine, Wis., 15th May, 1853. She was educated in St. Louis, Mo., and Omaha, Neb., and is a graduate of Brownell Hall in Omaha. She was for twelve years engaged in teaching, which vocation she followed with success in Plattsmouth, Grand Island and Hastings 1 ities of Nebraska. During those years she followed, as devotedly as circumstances would allow, the one art toward which her talents and inclinations tended. At last she gave up other work and applied herself exclusively to ceramic painting, establishing a studio in Omaha. She is one of the first artists in that line in the State. She received the first honorable mention for china-painting in the woman's department of the New Orleans World's Fair, and in 1889 the first gold medal for china-painting given by the Western Art Association in Omaha. She has received many favorable notices from art critics and the press.