TERHUNE, Mrs. Mary Virginia, author, widely known by her pen-name, "Marion Harland," born in Amelia county, Va., 21st December, 1831. Her father was Samuel P. Hawes, a native of Massachusetts, who went to Virginia to engage in business. She received a good education, and in childhood displayed her literary powers in many ways. When she was fourteen years old, she began to contribute to a weekly paper in Richmond. In her sixteenth year she published in a magazine an essay entitled "Marrying Through Prudential Motives," which was widely read. It was quoted throughout the United States, republished in nearly every journal in England, translated into French and published widely in France, and finally re-translated into English for a London magazine. It at last appeared in the United States in its altered form In 1856 she became the wife of Rev. Edward Payson Terhune, D. D., now pastor of the Puritan Congregational Church in Brooklyn, N. Y., where they have lived since 1884. Their family consists of one son and two daughters. Besides her church and charitable work, Mrs. Terhune has done a surprisingly large amount of literary work. She has contributed many tales, sketches and essays to magazines. She was for two years editor of the monthly "Babyhood," and conducted departments in "Wide Awake" and "St Nicholas. In 1888 she established a magazine, "The Home-Maker," which she successfully edited. Her published books are: "Alone, a Tale of Southern Life and Manners" (18541; "The Hidden Path" (1856); "Moss Side" (1858); "Nemesis" 118601; "At Last" (1863); "Helen Gardner" (1864); "True As Steel" (1865); "Sunny Bank" (1867); "Husbands and Homes " (1868); "Phemie's Temptation" (1868); "The Empty Heart" (1869); "Ruby's Husband" (1870); "Jessamine" (1871); "Common Sense in the Household" (1872); "From My Youth Up" (1874); "Breakfast, Luncheon and Tea" (1874); "My Little Love" (1876); "The Dinner Year-Book" (1877); "Eve's Daughters, or Common Sense for Maid, Wife and Mother" (1880); "Loiterings in Pleasant Paths" (1880); "Handicapped " (1882); "Judith" (1883); "A Gallant Fight" (1886), and "His Great Self (1892). Besides these volumes, she has published countless essays on topics connected with home management. To thousands of women throughout the civilized world she is known through her cook- books and other household productions, and everywhere she is known to readers as one of the most polished and successful novelists of the century. She is a member of Sorosis and of several other literary and philanthropic organizations in New York City She has done most of her book work on orders, and so many applications are made that she can accept only a small part of them. During the past few years she has been prominent in the Woman's Councils held under the auspices of a Western Chautauquan Association. She has refused to go regularly into council work, as it would keep her too much away from home. She has lectured before the councils on "The Kitchen as a Moral Agency." "Ourselves and Our Daughters," "Living by the Day," and "How to Grow Old Gracefully." She was the first woman to call attention to the ruinous condition of the unfinished monument over Mary Washington's grave, and the movement to complete that monument was started by her. In behalf of the movement she wrote "The Story of Mary Washington" (1892). She was selected to write "The Story of Virginia" in the series of stories of States recently brought out in Boston, Mass. Her children have inherited her literary talents. Her oldest daughter, Mrs. Christine Terhune Herrick. has published several books on home topics and contributed to various periodicals. The second daughter has earned reputation as a poet and story-writer under the pen-name "Virginia Franklyn." The son is a well-known contributor of verses to magazines and periodicals. Mrs. Terhune has lieen a contributor to " Lippincott's Magazine," "Arena," "North American Review," "Harper's Bazar" and "Harper's Weekly," "Once a Week," "Youth's Companion" and other publications without number. Recently she has served editorially on the "Housekeeper's Weekly," of Philadelphia, Pa. She works actively in church and Sunday-school. There are no idle moments in her life. She systematizes her work and is never hurried. The family home is in Brooklyn, and they have a summer home, "Sunny* bank." in the New Jersey hills near Pompton. She is a thoroughly practical woman.