LANGE, Mrs. Mary T., journalist, born in Boston. Mass., 25th September, 1848. Her maiden name was Nash. She is of French-Irish descent on the maternal side and Puritan on the paternal. She lost her mother at the age of fourteen and two years later her father was Killed in the battle of Winchester, in Virginia. Her early education was obtained in the public schools, but, later, she attended the school of Dr. Arnold, in Boston, and it was through that distinguished French scholar that she was induced to make her first venture in literature. Her first publication was a short story, entitled "Uncle Ben's Courtship." which appeared in the Boston "Wide World," in 1865. A year later, in company with her brother and sister, she sailed for Europe. for the purpose of studying the languages and music, remaining three years in Italy for the latter purpose. After five years' study and travel from France to Egypt, she found herself in Ems, the famous watering-place, when war was declared with France. She immediately proceeded to Paris, to join her brother who was attending school in that city, and remained with him through that memorable siege, witnessing all the horrors of the Commune. During that time, she was not idle, but, acted as correspondent for the New York "Herald," and her letters attracted wide-spread attention The siege lasted five mouths and during that time Miss Nash and her young brother suffered many privations. While the Palace of the Tuilleries was burning, she secured many private, imperial documents, being allowed to pass the Commune Guards, by reason of a red cloak which she constantly wore during the Commune and which they would salute, saying: "Passez Citoyenne!" At that time she contracted a romantic and unhappy marriage, but was free in less than a year. She returned, in 1877, to America, where she became the wife, in 1878, of H. Julius Lange the son of the distinguished lawyer, Ludwig Lange, of Hanover, Germany. Four children were born of this union, two of whom are living. That marriage was a happy one and the great gnef of Mrs. Lange's life was the death of her husband, which occurred recently after a long period of suffering. Mrs. Lange is now engaged in writing her reminiscences of the siege of Pans. She made the acquaintance of many distinguished people during her long stay abroad, among whom were the Countess Rapp, Countess Ratazzi, Gambetta, Victor Hugo, Verdinois, the poet-journalist, and Alexander Dumas, who dedicated to her a special autograph-poem.