EAGLE. Mrs. Mary Kavanaugh, church worker and social leader, born in Madison county, Ky., 4th February, 1854 She is the daughter of William K. Oldham and J Kate Brown. Her father is the son of Kie Oldham and Polly Kavanaugh and a native and resident of Madison county. He is of English descent on his paternal and Irish on his maternal side. Both his father's and mother's families were early settlers of central Kentucky and were among the most successful farmers and stock-dealers in that section. That vocation he also followed with marked success for many years. Her mother, who died nth July, 1880. was the daughter of Ira Brown and Frances Mullens, of Albemarle county, Ya., and of Scotch-English extraction. Mrs. Eagle's early education was conducted mainly at home, under the watchful care of her mother, who selected the best of tutors and governesses for her three daughters. She was graduated in June, 1872, from Mrs Julia A. Tevis's famous school, Science Hill. Shelbyville, Ky She united with the Viny Fork Missionary Baptist Church of Madison county. Ky., in August. 1874, and has been a zealous church worker ever since. She became the wife of Governor Eagle 3rd January, 1882, and moved to his large cotton plantation in Ronoke county, Ark., where he was engaged in farming Governor Eagle being a devoted church man and a member of the same denomination, they soon united their efforts in upbuilding the interests of their church for home and foreign missions and for Christian and charitable work of various kinds, contributing liberally of their ample means to support those objects Governor Eagle has stood at the head of his church work for many years, and Mrs. Fagle has been the leader of the woman's work of her denomination in her State for more than eight years. She has been president of the Woman's Central Committee on Missions since its organization in November, 1882, and is president of the Woman's Mission Union of Arkansas. Mrs. Eagle is her husband's most congenial companion and valued counselor, whether he is employing his time as a farmer, a churchman or a statesman. Their interests have ever been identical. In his political aspirations she has rendered him great assistance She accompanied him in his canvass for the nomination for the office of governor in 1888. She accompanied him in his canvass with the representative of the Republican Union Labor Party, which immediately followed, and also in his canvasss for re-election in 1890. Governor Eagle has entered upon his second term as governor, and since his inauguration the mansion has been famous for true southern hospitality. Governor Eagle has for many years been president of the Baptist State Convention and was speaker of the House of Representatives in 1885. This caused Mrs. Eagle to take an interest in parliamentary practice and to take up that study. She is now one of the best parliamentarians in the State and takes great interest in the proceedings of all deliberative bodies. As a member of the Board of Lady Managers of the Columbian Exposition she was appointed a member of many important committees.