BUCK, Mrs. Mary K., author, born in Ondreor, Bohemia, 1st April, 1849. Her parents came to America, when she was live years old. and for several years lived in New York City, where she went to school and acquired her know ledge of the English language. From New York they removed to Traverse City, Mich., which has since been her home. From a child she was fond of books, reading eagerly whatever came to hand. English books were rare in her Bohemian home, but the little town library, of which she was an unfailing patron, was well stocked with some of the best. Early in life she developed a talent for composition, especially of an imaginative kind, which was encouraged by her teachers and friends. She is happily married, and has three children. Always interested in the advancement of women, she has in her own career demonstrated the fact that a woman can at once be a good mother, an excellent housekeeper and a successful business woman. In an exceptionally busy life she has found time to write much for publication. During the summer of 1891 she published, together with Mrs. M. E. C. Bates, a book of short sketches entitled "Along Traverse Shores." She has contributed to the "Congregationalist," the "Advance." the Chicago "Inter-Ocean." the Portland "Transcript." "Good Housekeeping" "St. Nicholas " and many other periodicals.