ROGERS, Mrs. Mary Fletcher, author, was born in Louisville, Ky. She is a member of the well-known Fletcher family of New England. Her ancestor, Robert Fletcher, emigrated from England and settled in Massachusetts in 1630. The family has given to the world such women as Grace Webster, Hannah Emerson, Valinda Young, Elizabeth Trumbull, Julia Fletcher, known as "George Fleming," and others distinguished in the varied walks of literary, religious or scientific life. Mrs. Rogers is a versatile and graceful writer, though she has never aimed at book-making. Of late years her time has been largely given to benevolent work She is an official member of the American Humane Association and a director in the Association for the Advancement of Women. She holds various offices in the smaller organizations in her city. She is recognized as a woman of strong character, impressing those with whom she comes in contact that the latent forces of her nature, if called into controversial effort, are capable of strong and untiring resistance. Ever ready to oppose wrong, the suffering and needy find in her a champion and a friend. Taking active interest in all the reforms that are for the elevation of mankind everywhere, she is in every sense a representative woman of the day.